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Strike Updates for America: Reality Check

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Historically there has never been a nationwide shut down in the US due to a massive strike.

However, the history of Europe tells a different story. European countries have proven to be easier to shut down because they are the geographical size of one of our states, some European countries are smaller than the state of Texas. Realizing this back in July '08 we began a campaign to shut down American satellite countries which benefit the 'Empire' by allowing their countries to be looted and plundered of any natural resources as well as the national wealth via IMF loans.

This strategy has begun to pay off with general strikes in Thailand, S. Africa, Greece, Italy, France and Iraq this year.

Now back to the US. Unable to shut 'em down nationally we naturally looked at past general strikes for inspiration and direction- the one glaring thing standing out about all US general strikes in the past, whether it was the San Francisco general strike or the Seattle general strike, etc was that they were only able to shut down one city, which was always started with one industry. The labor strike would then be supported by other unions and other industries and eventually supported by the whole city.

Hum, we could do that. AND if we planned it just right we could create a domino effect across the country that could eventually shut down the whole USA.

If you are interested there are very simple steps to take....(Published here http://www.votestrike.org/page4.php )

The founding fathers, Ghandi, etc left us a blueprint, and every movement that has followed this blueprint has succeeded, not in a day, not even in a year, but these movements all eventually succeeded. Those who did not follow this blueprint failed. We have emailed and published steps one and two of the blueprint which is located here:


Step 3 requires us to form local chapters. I'll start the first in Riverside, CA and report my progress. I ask you to start them where you live. This requires you to go to:


Fill out a profile with at least your zip code if you wish to participate and do what is necessary to help this movement go forward.

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Whether you call it the world financial structure, the U.S. culture of waste, or the ability of the common man to make a decent living, the system is broken. It's time for the common man to go on strike. Join or support the March on Washingon (more...)
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