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Life Arts    H4'ed 7/18/13

Telling Our Stories: The Creative Work of Patricia Morrison

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Patricia Morrison
Patricia Morrison
(Image by Patricia Morrison)
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Patricia Morrison by Patricia Morrison

Our lives are filled with stories in multiple dimensions. With each of us, we can recount our personal story. "I was born in Beckley, West Virginia on June 17, 1954 to Mary Ann and Burl Benson Hall Sr. My family moved to Baltimore Maryland when I was 2 and grew up on the outskirts of Baltimore." I could then go through and recount the conditioning I went through by my schooling, my parents, the effects of traumatic events (e.g., my father's death), visions of a Goddess at the age of 5 etc."

These are aspects of my personal story that define somewhat who I think I am. Then there are the stories that Mother Culture teaches us through parents, peers, institutions such as education, religion, employment and in written text. These cultural stories influence our personal stories and have a major impact on how our stories play out and who we think we are. Thus we are indoctrinated into the culture of consumerism (produce -' consume -' discard) while also being taught a cultural story of our development as western civilization. Our teachers have taught us well regarding how we came to colonize and civilize the Natural World and the more ancient (backwards) ways of tribal cultures. Our ways were not to be questioned. Even today, when I question rationalism I am met with anger. Rationalism for many is NOT to be questioned. (Thus the touted "scientific method" belies itself!) Yet, what if it's central to our polluted, warring world? What if it leads us along the yellow-brick (monetary) road right into Hell-on-Earth?

Our cultural identity is entrenched, even in the face of our scientific evidence--the Guru of the Western World--which has systemically shown how reductionism and rationalism is not the primary way that Nature operates. Indeed, many have shown that more ancient cultures were more in line with modern findings of physics than what the modern Europeans ever have been. For that, I must admit I admire science for science is behaving in the way that I have been taught it should, i.e, to question its self, if necessary. And, it has! Through physics to biology to evolutionary theory, the reductionistic, mechanistic science of people such as Descarte and Newton has been turned on its ear.

One of the primary quirks in physics, for example, was that a photon would appear as a wave when not being observed by a scientist and a particle when being observed. Thus this screen upon which the reader is reading is a wave which then becomes a screen upon being observed? How else could it get through those tiny little holes to each side of the reader's nose? See, this gets to be a great deal of fun. The wave contains all kinds of information that interacts with whatever is observing. If you're tripping on acid or high on pot, you'll get a different perception of this article than if you just woke up and your kids are tugging on your skirt wanting breakfast. In similar fashion, an animal that can see infrared will see what is being observed through those lenses while our eyes only see in the spectrum inherent in the human perceptual process, which is further conditioned by our state of mind and physical being.

Thus, the notion that there is an "objective" (read objectified) world out there with a detached and objective scientist is false. The scientist always sees through his or her eyes, which are a function not only in terms of what waves he is able to perceive in vision, touch and hearing; but, how his mind is conditioned to look at the world.

Nonetheless, Mother Culture goes right on rationalizing and teaching us to worship the outworn "scientific" view that supports a technology and sociology that are destroying humankind. Does this mean we can't look at the world through the eyes of an Eagle? I wouldn't negate that potential. As the Christian Meister Eckhart once said, "All creatures are within me." Thus, he saw like an Eagle in soaring above his conditioned, rational mind!

The question thus becomes what are the stories we tell ourselves and how do they impact us? What new stories could we "mother" to "father" or "inseminate" the birth of a new world? Using these terms, I'm linking the notion of male and female to cosmic process, which is hardly ever done in our alienated and fragmented culture. Yet, the fact remains, the Sun sails around the galaxy in the embryonic embrace of Mother Space while his rays enter the Earth to inseminate the seeds lying within.

Nuit (Space) Birthing and Swallowing Ra (Sun) by Crystalinks


Thus, Genesis 1:27 says God created Adamah in Her/His image, "male and female created (S)He them!"

And, psychologists say we are an alienated lot! Why? We are reflections of a cosmic dance!

Could it be that we can begin to tell ourselves a different story? Patricia Morrison--folk singer, song writer, advocate of stories, and mentor to creative spirits--seems to think so! As Ra lies in the Womb of Nuit, the story lies within us waiting to be born. His rays shall shine upon the face of this Earth and new life will flower from the depths. Thus, through her mothering, Patricia is fathering a new world, a world of love, peace and empowerment. She thus embodies the image of Nuit birthing Ra, or, one could say, through her (just as through Mary), the Word is indeed made flesh!

Thus the world is the word with a consonant added ("l"). I would further state that the word is more verb than noun....process more so than product. It lives, loves, creates, dies, and is reborn. Unless one knows the verb, one continues to think of the universe, God, etc as a thing rather than the Way, as in Lao Tzu's sense of the Tao. Many say Christ is the Way, but tend to see this as subscribing to a belief system. This is not the Way, the Way is simply the Way and not just the subscription to a belief. Believe or disbelieve, decide to follow or not follow, you will still follow the Way.

Or as Ende knew in his classic tale of the Never Ending Story, the reader reading the story is the story being read. Thus, we are the Word, the primordial vibrations emanating from the Center of the universe, which is non-local, meaning everywhere and nowhere simultaneously, meaning that the Center is within you and me wherever we are. The wave and the particle are One, forever interpreting the incredible story "I Am!"

Patricia helps us find our center where the Word arises. Her work entails helping " brilliant, but unknown and underpaid creatives who are overwhelmed and who have piles of unfinished projects to reclaim their creativity and refuel their lives. After working with me, my clients gain focus, energy, and confidence to turn their projects from dream to done so they can generously share their gifts with the world and reap personal rewards (like money, fans, and recognition) along the way."

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Burl Hall is a retired counselor who is living in a Senior Citizen Housing apartment. Burl has one book to his credit, titled "Sophia's Web: A Passionate Call to Heal our Wounded Nature." For more information, search the book on Amazon. (more...)
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