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The State of the Disunion of the Un-united States of America

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Message Anthony Wade
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January 28, 2010

I keep hearing from republicans I know that Obama doesn't stand a chance in 2012. I hear them dreaming out loud about how bad Obama has looked and how they are going to take back control soon. Keep dreaming.

And I am not suggesting that Barack Obama has done a good job. He has not. He in fact, has done an abysmal job for those who elected him. Of course that is largely because of unrealistic expectations. Pseudo-progressives believed he would really bring change. They so desperately wanted to believe it because of the nightmare of the Bush years. Now don't get me wrong, Obama was still the lesser of two evils over McCain and the empty skirt. But until we truly grasp that the cancer eating this country away is the failed two-party system itself, we will continue to watch the two sides of the same coin pretending that they care about us when all they really care about is the status quo.

In light of the recent Supreme Court decision allowing a further slide into fascism, I just do not see the value in over-analyzing the State of the Union, or the pathetic response from the new kid on the GOP block; Virginia Governor Bob McConnell. You see folks there are micro issues, which the parties may truly disagree about and macro issues which they will never do anything about. There are also pseudo-issues they both pretend to care about but ultimately they wield them only to divide the electorate. That's the game people. One side yells at the other and the other yells back. They offer up to you the reason why everything is wrong in your life and this country the other side. They are strictly in the business of polarizing you against your neighbor. They want us arguing over scraps while they continue to consolidate their power and wealth. We are on the Hindenburg and they have us fighting over the window seat.

It is even deeper than that because the media has abdicated their responsibility as well. Outside of the Internet (and don't think for a second that is not why both sides want to control and regulate the web) you no longer can find real reporting. There is certainly little that is investigated. There is instead nothing but regurgitation. Each side develops their set of talking points on a specific issue. They are distributed to their media minions who then flood the new cable network of faux news shows. Not with the truth mind you but with those pre-set talking points; the spin. The true damage Fox News has done to our culture and society is that it has successfully murdered the truth. The truth used to be black or white but now it has been blurred into shades of grey. For instance, it is a FACT that Saddam Hussein did not have anything to do with al Qaeda and 911. There is no dispute about this fact. It has always been well known. Hussein was actually despised by bin Laden for running a secular Islamic country. But if you ask the majority of people who rely on Fox News and World Net Daily they will still say that they were connected. And there is no arguing with them. It's like looking at the sky and saying it is blue only to have your friend say, no it is not, it is purple. Their perception of the truth overrides the actual truth. What they want to be the truth, supplants the actual truth. And for the record, it goes the other way too. The fact is that both sides play the same game and wield the same weapons against us.

So where does this leave us at this point in history? At our state of the disunion. We can start by realizing that neither party truly cares about the daily lives we live. The state of our union is weak at best, and probably more like non-existent. We are not united at all. We are divided by design. A design we continue to play into. Last night Bob McConnell said "We want results not rhetoric. We want cooperation; not partisanship." C'mon, is he joking? This coming from the party that behaved in the most partisan way possible for seven years? The party that refuses to cooperate with anything the President tries to do? From a guy whose entire speech last night was nothing but right-wing talking points and rhetoric? This is why Obama-maniacs need not worry yet about 2012. The GOP is still devoid of any new ideas. All we heard last night was what we have heard for decades. I want you to seriously imagine Bush Jr. or Sr., or Reagan saying these quotes from last night's response speech by McConnell:

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Anthony Wade, a contributing writer to opednews.com, is dedicated to educating the populace to the lies and abuses of the government. He is a 53-year-old independent writer from New York with political commentary articles seen on multiple (more...)

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