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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 6/18/13

The Stunning Illogic of The Times: Spy on Us All so We Won't Lose Our Freedom

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Message Dave Lindorff
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By Dave Lindorff

Two key NSA apologists, the Times' Keller and Friedman (
Two key NSA apologists, the Times' Keller and Friedman (
(Image by ThisCantBeHappening!))
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So New York Times columnist Tom Friedman and former Times executive editor Bill Keller are both saying that the massive NSA spying program on all Americans' communications is a needed thing because if they don't do it, then maybe there could be another major terrorist strike on the US, and democracy would be erased in the US.

What's wrong with this argument?

What's wrong is that it is news organizations like the New York Times that make that kind of twisted calculus work.

When 9-11 happened, the New York Times was an enthusiastic cheerleader for the ensuing undermining of civil liberties, was an integral part of the conspiracy to convince Americans that there was a grave threat to the US posed by Al Qaeda, that Saddam Hussein was linked to Al Qaeda and that he was developing nuclear, chemical and germ weapons that could be targeted against the US, and that we needed the Constitution-gutting PATRIOT Act, as well as invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq, to protect us from this supposedly existential threat.

It could well be correct that if there were another major mass-casualty terrorist attack, even a fraction of the size of the one on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, on some iconic target in the US, democracy would go down the tubes here, but the reason that could happen is because news organizations like the Times,  judging by past history, would be braying for it to happen...

For the rest of this article by DAVE LINDORFF in ThisCantBeHappening!, the new independent three-time Project Censored Award-winning online alternative newspaper, please go to:  www.thiscantbehappening.net/node/1812

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Dave Lindorff, winner of a 2019 "Izzy" Award for Outstanding Independent Journalism from the Park Center for Independent Media in Ithaca, is a founding member of the collectively-owned, journalist-run online newspaper (more...)

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