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To Feminists for Life: Let speakers fund their own trips

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Message Mary MacElveen
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Did you ever receive an email asking for donations?  I am most certain that you have.  Well, I did receive one such email yesterday that left me saying, “You have got to be kidding?!”

As I opened up my email box, I read an email coming from Feminists For Life, where they state in it that donations will go to, “Helping us send our speakers to campus for lectures and FFL Pregnancy Resource Forums’ is a powerful way to contribute to the work of Feminists for Life and support pro-woman, pro-life campus leaders—and we could really use your help right now.” In this dire economy, they are kidding, right?  Note to Feminists for Life and their speakers, fund your own trip.


There are many infants and children who through no fault of their own are truly in need of donations as this economy falters.  Exactly where is their plea to help these children?


I am sure that in this technological era, they can reach out their supporters telling them to log onto their site to hear these speakers.  Since being sworn into office, President Barack Obama uses the Internet to communicate with we the people and people only have to log onto the White House web site to hear him.


Other companies such as GoToMeeting.com have sprung up to cut down on traveling and the costs that go with it.  They do so in order to connect with prospective clients as well as business partners and the tool they use is the Internet.  It also cuts down on oil consumption where one does not have to use any mode of transportation in order to connect.

Which brings me to this part, they further go onto say in their email, “If you have 25,000-75,000 frequent flyer miles or 13,000-100,000 AMTRAK® guest rewards miles to donate for events this spring, please e-mail us at coordinator@xxx” If you want their email address, all you have to do is to log onto their web site.

Instead of sending speakers to a myriad of conferences, send your hard-earned dollars to numerous children’s agencies whose budgets have been drastically cut because of this economic downturn.  They can really use your help.


Case in point is an email from a correspondent where she wrote, “I turn 62 at the end of the month.  I work in youth services and I work/worked with a social worker and mental health counselor.  We provided FREE services to people who could not afford it.” Her job as a social worker is in Nassau County, New York.  Many families are beyond the breaking point and are in dire need of mental health workers such as my friend.  Included in these families are the most innocent amongst us, namely our children.


As an aside, but highly relevant and critical is this part she emailed me, “I was advised yesterday that I would be losing my job of fifteen years at the end of April, which will make me part of a statistic.” I would rather have private funds going to this woman and the agency she works for which directly helps our children instead of donations to help fund speakers as they travel from one conference to another.


End note to those at Feminists for Life, yeah I get it, you do not like abortion. While sympathetic to your cause, my main focus and ours as a country must be the children who are already here living, breathing and are in need of private donations to help them thrive. 


As much as I hate this procedure, I do not have the right to tell any woman what to do with her body.  That is truly being pro-woman.  Now go hit up those who were recently kicked out of power namely those attached to the former Bush administration.  I am sure they have an extra million or so to donate to your cause.  I am sure that former President George W. Bush would donate any money made from his first speaking engagement in Canada next month. Wasn't his motto leave no child behind? But yet he did.


Author’s email address is, xmjmac@optonline.net

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I am a writer who currently writes pieces for my own blog http://www.mary-macelveen.blogspot.com I have been published by Buzzflash.com, TheLiberalPatriot.org and MikeHersh.com. I was a guest on the Jay Diamond Radio Show on WRKO in Boston and have (more...)
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