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General News    H3'ed 10/5/10

Voting News: India to get paper trail? DC Internet Voting Pwned - update. NY voter feedback poll

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Message Joyce McCloy
D.C.'s internet "Voting System Pwned by Michigan Wolverines" in public test. Great. What would experts find if allowed to "test" W.VA.'s military/internet voting system, or other states' email balloting?..The NY State Board of Elections is conducting a voter feedback poll. So is the New York Daily news..Trial against Shelby Co TN Elections Commission starts Wednesday..Voting by mail? Check the postage!...Will The World's Largest Democracy beat the U.S. to full VVPR?...

All this and more in today's voting news below...

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AZ: Voter registration goes too far for some
Bils pointed out that Arizona law requires name, address, birth date, a "yes" answer to citizenship, and the number a driver license or state ID, or last four digits of the Social Security number.

"They should put it someplace telling you what items are mandatory and what items are really optional which is the majority of the document," Bils said.

http://electionlawblog.org/archives/017242.html LA City Councilman Richard Alarcon has been indicted on charges that he didn't really live in the home that allowed him to represent his district According to this report, the evidence against him includes utility bills showing that the home was only using 8.2 gallons of water

CA: Some Vote-by-Mail Ballots Delayed, More Pricey
http://www.capradio.org/articles/2010/10/04/some-vote-by-mail-ballots-delayed,-more-pricey Some voters in the Sacramento region may have to wait an extra week to receive their vote-by-mail ballots. And some will have to put extra postage on their ballots to make sure they're delivered when they send them back.

CA: County Cuts Dozens of Polling Location Sites

IN: Election offices unaware of mobile registration site (for mobile phone)

KS: Clerical error leads to voter registration mixup between Barton, Douglas counties
Woman had been listed in wrong county for 2 years

NC: Key election dates ahead
Wynn's replacement will be selected by means of an "instant runoff," which lets voters rank their preferred candidates in three columns -- first, second, third.

NY: Board of Elections conducts voter-feedback poll to learn about 'complications'
The city Board of Elections thinks it did a great job running last month's problem-scarred primary election - so it's paying for a poll to prove it. (NY Daily News has poll up too)

NY: Why Some Polling Places Were Tardy on Primary Day

NY: Late poll openings, paper jams mar New York City primary
http://www.deseretnews.com/article/700070966/Late-poll-openings-paper-jams-mar-New-York-City-primary.html About 6 percent of New York City's polling sites did not open on time for last month's primary election and thousands of poll workers had not been trained to operate new voting machines that debuted that day, the city's Board of Elections acknowledged Monday

TN: Trial Against Elections Commission Starts Wednesday (video also available)
Had intended to start Monday, but both sides fought over information not being released http://www.wreg.com/news/wreg-court-election-democrat-challenges,0,7924646.story Attorneys for the Shelby County Elections Commission and Democratic candidates and others have fought hard since August 5th. This day wasn't going to be any different. "I would suggest they still dn't know who voted and how many people voted," thundered attorney Gerard Stranch...


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Editor of the Voting News. The Voting News is a free national newsletter about election integrity issues, voting machines, election fraud, voter access and legislation in United States and international news.

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