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Whither Obama?

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Message carol wolman, MD
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As a Green candidate for Congress, I have been very skeptical of all Democrats, including Barack Obama.  Since his election, I've watched him closely, as we all have, to see who he is and where he wants to lead us.  I see a mixed picture, a man with good intentions who is still placating AIPAC, the war lobby and the oil lobby, with his continuation of the "war on terror".
He presents himself as a man who wants peace and prosperity for all of us.   He presents himself as the president of the people, battling the Washington insiders.  Yesterday he warned the lobbyists and the special interests they represent that he is prepared to fight them, in order to preserve the parts of his budget that benefit the poor and middle class.  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29443138/ 
He set this theme early, on his second day in office, when he told his assembled staff and cabinet that they are public servants, and are there to serve the people, not themselves, their wealthy friends, or their corporate clients.  The liberal arm of the Democratic party- Moveon, Truemajority, etc,- are busily sending out emails urging the people to support the people's president, Barack Obama.  And it's true, he has a tough job, pushing all the hogs away from the trough where they gorged themselves under Bush. 
On the other hand, he has angered progressives by escalating in Afghanistan and aiming to keep 50,000 troops in Iraq.  He is arguing in court that torture should remain unpunished, along with illegal eavesdropping by phone companies and other violations of the Constitution.   He has not pursuing accountability for war criminals or looters of the economy.  In key areas, he remains hostage to AIPAC, the war lobby, and the bankers.  For a thorough critique of Obama's policies, see http://www.obama-watch.us/ 
According to Peter Phillips http://www.dissidentvoice.org/2009/02/obama-administration-continues-us-military-global-dominance/, "The Barack Obama administration is continuing the neo-conservative agenda of US military domination of the world — albeit with perhaps a kinder-gentler face...a unilateral military dominance policy, expanding military budget, and wars of occupation and aggression will likely continue unabated.".."....the Obama administration is unlikely to change the defense spending policies of the previous US administrations without significant disruptive pressure from anti-war activists and global empire resisters."
Obama's rhetorical goals are laudable.  He wants to abolish nuclear weapons, or at least diminish the stocks and the threat.  He wants to talk to Muslims, Iranians, and any other potential enemies.  He is working to control climate change and green the American economy.  Above all, he is open to suggestions.
But he will not be able to balance the budget, redirect the economy with a green sustainable energy policy, reduce the Pentagon budget, work toward abolition of nuclear weapons- he will not be able to do any of these things without PEACE.  As long as the US economy is based on profit for war profiteers, we will continue our headlong flight toward ecological and economic disaster, despite Obama's best efforts.  Rhetoric and good intentions are not enough.
The key to peace is peace in the Holy Land.  When Jews and Palestinians find a peaceful settlement, AIPAC and the war lobby will be undercut, and the corporations which are now destroying the planet will turn to healthier pursuits. 
By himself, Obama cannot make peace in the Holy Land happen, any more than previous US presidents could.  It's called the Holy Land for a good reason; all three Abrahamic religions look to it as the place where the holy events of history took place, and believers in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all regard it as sacred.  Since religious passions run high, the conflict seems irresolvable.
By God's grace there is a just solution, a Peace Plan, to be found in the Holy Scriptures, which all three religions regard as the Word of God.  With the authority of God behind it, believers will embrace the Peace Plan. 
Jesus gives the key in John 4, when He acknowledges that the Samaritans (ancestors of the Palestinians) are descended from Jacob, and therefore are among the Israelite tribes who are entitled to a portion of the Holy Land.  The boundaries are laid out in the Torah and prophets. The Qur'an also upholds the principles of the Peace Plan.  Since all three sets of scriptures agree, believers who accept scripture as the Word of God must find the Peace Plan acceptable.
This is now being circulated and gaining a warm audience among Christian theologians and pastors.  It will come to Obama's attention at the right time, and will give him the authority needed to negotiate peace in the Holy Land.  With the Peace Plan in hand, he will be able to achieve the goals he articulates so well.  Without it, he will continue to be held hostage to AIPAC, and the war lobby.
To see the Peace Plan, email me at cwolman@mcn.org.  If you can help distribute it, please let me know.
In the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman
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Carol S. Wolman, MD is a psychiatrist in Northern California. A lifelong peace activist, she is helping to distribute a Peace Plan for the Holy Land- email her for a copy. She also a film producer with Paradise Cove Productions, currently (more...)

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