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With Friends Like Israel...

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Nothing going on here.
Nothing going on here.
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I'm reading about how Israeli Security and IDF are teaching our police brutal methods and practices during the ongoing 'Police Exchange Programs'.

Please, our police departments are very well versed in brutal tactics and practices. I was in law enforcement for many years, starting in 1962 in Missouri (Pre Miranda). I learned (and practiced) things that make me blush to think about today, and I wasn't one of the worst offenders. To think that the Israelis could teach our cops more than they already know about illegal, improper and brutal procedures is to be naive to the extreme. I'm not saying every cop uses these tactics. I am saying that they are already known to our police and still practiced today by all too many. In addition to well-established methods, our veterans of Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere are joining police departments upon discharge from active duty and bringing with them new and exotic methods used by our forces overseas.

My point? The forgoing is not the cause for alarm for our country. What is going on is the quiet and subtle infiltration of Israeli influence at every command level of our nation's police forces, from chiefs down to patrolman.

The 'School of the Americas' was established by our military at Fort Benning, Georgia. It's stated mission was to export professional military policies and procedures to armed forces in Central and South America, but few people know the long-term mission of that program. Let me explain: upon arrival at their quarters at Fort Benning, officers from the various countries were assigned a 'Buddy'. This American intelligence operative was fluent in the language of the student officer and well schooled on his country of origin. The Buddy was assigned as a roommate, as a rule, and would take the student under his wing and show him 'the ropes' around the school campus, the post and the surrounding town attractions.

This Buddy would work to establish a close personal relationship with the student over the days and weeks of classes and training. He would hopefully gain his friendship, his trust and his confidence. He would learn of the student's likes, dislikes, family, home life, hobbies, weaknesses, strengths and spiritual beliefs, if any. Everything would be recorded in a file and kept by Army Intelligence. The insidious part of this practice is that this 'Buddy' would stay in touch with the student long after his completion of the school. Regular contact would be maintained to such an extent that the student could be groomed for service to our government while serving in his own government's military. Many military coup leaders around the globe were/are graduates of our School of the Americas. This is a simple verifiable fact.

Am I saying that Israel is grooming our civil police for the possible overthrow of our government? No, I'm saying that Israel is infiltrating our police forces in furtherance of their own national interests. I'm saying this program is a long-standing one. I'm saying it is ongoing today, and I'm saying this is the real danger of this program. Police officers of every rank take an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. There is no room there for foreign entanglements. Israel has been infiltrating and influencing our political, military and commercial interests for decades. The program i'm discussing here is just one more aspect of their continued intrusion into our affairs.

Our officers return from these programs in Israel with their egos plumped, having been flattered, pampered and rewarded in many ways, both official and unofficial. Don't expect them to feel that they've been used by a foreign power. They return flush with a mountain of pleasant memories and exotic experiences. They are the last persons to suspect they were being used badly. Their 'Buddies' are their friends, and you will be a 'conspiracy theorist' and that will be the end of the discussion. I'm only taking the time to write this so that someone, somewhere knows what's going on and why.

Postscript: The FBI has had the exact same program in place for years with their "National Academy; at their primary training facility, Quantico, Virginia. Again, the primary goal is to gain intelligence about various local police officers and their agencies, and additionally, to insure that there is a point of contact in every U. S. jurisdiction where the feds can expect to find a friendly voice that will take their call, if needed.

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Retired Law Enf. Former Marine, Army Ranger, Recondo. Lots of stitches, some excitement. BA, (Soc) William Jewell College, Liberty, Missouri. Run one-man Express (Motorcycle) Courier Service in Atlanta since 1983. Getting close to 70, thinking (more...)

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