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Women in Law Professional and Middle Township Judge

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Message Kamala Sarup
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According to US Bar association's report published recently, "The first woman appointed to the federal bench nearly 140 years later. Today, about one-third of active judges are women who serve as U.S. Court of Appeals judges, U.S. District Court judges, U.S. Magistrate judges and U.S. Bankruptcy Court judges", the report said.

US national women's law center also said, "The increased presence of women on the bench improves the quality of justice so women judges can bring an understanding of the impact of the law on the lives of women and girls to the bench," with which I agree.

Thus, I found, Cape May Middle Township Municipal Court Judge Dorthy Incarvito Garrabrant is working very hard making people including women in NJ, aware about the law and order with fair trial and right decisions to enact laws and the role she is playing included the underlying problems and issues. I think it represents a vision of strength for our community when we have a judge like Dorthy Garrabrant.

I learned a lot from our Judge Dorothy Garrabrant about the importance of driving carefully. How important it is for any person not to break the law. Yes, we need to maintain the rule and make sure not to break it in any way. Courts are also a part of our life and the role good judges play is very fundamental because the Judges and lawyer's decisions is very important. Respecting our Justice system should be the priority for dealing with our immediate issues.

Yes, law and order that helps to establish peace freedom and strength in the surrounding we live in is the first thing that comes in my mind when I hear about our US judiciary system. Therefore, making decision within this system separating the right and wrong is a very tough choice that needs a lot of courage to address and apply.

But sadly, a number of countries haven't taken any active steps to increase the number of women lawyers and judges in the district or federal courts system for the recognition of the right of women to participate in their nation's court system. We need more women as law professionals to promote education, training and community action programs, in particular for young women for their safe future.

In the past decade, however, women as a law professional worked hard to enact laws for the society and the role they played included the underlying problems and issues. It can be easily seen as compatible dealing for national security, which is an important factor for economic growth, and to foster a culture of equal community that upholds justice and tolerance.

We need to help defuse crimes through promoting the targeted population through good governance programs, encouraging protection of the rights of minority groups. So only good judges like Dorthy Garrabrant will be able to support effectively. As women victims need support programs to develop their self-esteem.

We all have a responsibility to help reduce human suffering and build capacity so that communities will be less vulnerable to future domestic crimes if we establish strong women in judicial system. Women in law professional are on a secure sense of one's own value as a human being. To see women in judicial system means a symbol of women's empowerment and a true freedom.

Thank you Judge Dorothy Garrabrant for making me a responsible driver who will follow the traffic laws more carefully from now onwards. I also would like to thanks to our former Municipal Court Judge Fredric L. Bor and our prosecutor too. I believe, respecting our Justice system and women in law professional are on a secure sense of one's own value as a human being and a symbol of a true freedom.

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Journalist, poet and editor Kamala Sarup works at the Cape Collection. Kamala specializes in reporting news and writing stories covering journalism, Peace, Public health, Democracy, Women/Children, development, justice and economic development. (more...)

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