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Calling all New York City Residents: April 3 Hearing Cancelled, Rescheduled (Tentatively) for April 28th

By Teresa Hommel, Task Force on Election Integrity  Posted by Joan Brunwasser (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   No comments
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The Governmental Operations Committee of the NY City Council
will NOT hold a hearing on HAVA Compliance on April 3.

Our hearing on HAVA Compliance and new voting technology
is now TENTATIVELY scheduled for Friday April 28

Please make phone calls today to support Resolution 131
for paper ballots/optical scanners and against electronic voting in NYC

1. Current Sponsors of Resolution 131 -- Thank these sponsors!
Arroyo, Maria Del Carmen
Baez, Maria
Barron, Charles (Lead Sponsor)
Clarke, Yvette D.
Foster, Helen D.
Gonzalez, Sara M.
Jackson, Robert
Martinez, Miguel
Palma, Annabel
Sanders, Jr., James
Stewart, Kendall

2. Please call your own city council member
a. who is your council member?
b. Message: Please sponsor Resolution 131 or tell me why you are hesitating!
(Please send an email with their objections to admin@wheresthepaper.org)

3. Council Leadership
Message: Please sponsor Resolution 131 or tell me why you are hesitating!
(Please send an email with their objections to admin@wheresthepaper.org)
Speaker Christine Quinn, 212-788-7210
Majority Leader Joel Rivera, 212-788-6966
Deputy Majority Leader Bill deBlasio, 212-788-6969
Deputy Majority Leader Lewis Fidler, 212-788-7286
Majority Whip Leroy Comrie, 212-788-7084

4. Governmental Operations Committee
Message: Please sponsor Resolution 131, and vote it out of committee so the entire council can consider it.
Simcha Felder (Chairman), 718-853-2704
Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr., 212-788-7069
Inez E. Dickens, 212-788-7397
Erik Martin Dilan, 212-788-7284
Domenic M. Recchia, Jr., 212-788-7045
Larry B. Seabrook, 212-788-6873
Peter F. Vallone, Jr., 212-788-6963

5. Phone calls are needed!!!
Letters are also helpful --
would you like us to send letters for you?
Please send your name, address, and phone to
admin@wheresthepaper.org (cut-and-paste the email address, it works!)

Resolution 131


Teresa Hommel
Chair, Task Force on Election Integrity,
Community Church of New York
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Joan Brunwasser is a co-founder of Citizens for Election Reform (CER) which since 2005 existed for the sole purpose of raising the public awareness of the critical need for election reform. Our goal: to restore fair, accurate, transparent, secure elections where votes are cast in private and counted in public. Because the problems with electronic (computerized) voting systems include a lack of (more...)

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