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911 Truth Gets Media Boost

Message David Watts
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Breaking News!! (The news follows the introduction)

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Time is short. The next 9/11 (American Hiroshima? -- read about it!) is on its way. George Bush, the next 9/11 will make the first 9/11 "pale by comparison" (11-11/07 & 2-13/08) and "wreak havoc through death." (08-03/07) Hint: Just like the first 9/11, the next 9/11 WILL NOT be carried out by al Qaeda. It will again come from the "inside."
The Japanese Parliament is debating the Truth about 9/11. They are having 9/11 truth conventions all around the world. Jesse Ventura just came out and said the three building collapses on 9/11 were controlled demolitions.
Ask yourself and have other people ask themselves:
1) Why would so many highly respected people, including so many highly respected people from around the globe, spend so much time trying to get out what they believe is the truth about 9/11 if there wasn’t a damn good reason to believe the Official Story is a lie?

2) Why does the main stream media in the United States virtually ignore all of the evidence and other incriminating information that many other countries around the world recognize?

3) Why do so many obvious, and what should be easily answered questions, go un-addressed?

4) Who is it that has restricted many of our constitutional rights and liberties, al Qaeda or our own government?

5) We are being told we need to have our constitutional rights restricted and taken away in order to protect us; yet they could not protect us on 9/11 in spite of the fact they had a multitude of warnings including from within our own intelligence agencies and other governments; including Britain, France, Italy, Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Russia. Some of the warnings were “dire” and some were specific about the possibility of terrorists using hijacked airplanes as weapons. There was also the now famous presidential daily briefing given to George Bush titled “Bin Ladin Determined To Strike Within the United States.” Even given so many warnings (including warnings of using hijacked airplanes as weapons), George Bush claimed when he ‘saw’ the first airplane hit the Tower he thought it was a terrible “accident;” it didn’t even occur to him that it might be a terrorist attack. So the question people should be asking themselves: Is protecting us the real reason they want to spy on U.S. citizens?

6) If there are so many people who have so many doubts, and if our government (shadow, secret, or otherwise) has nothing to hide, why not have an honest and independent investigation to put all of the doubts to rest?
Good Fast Introduction to the Facts regarding 9/11:
9/11: How many virtual proofs does it take to turn on the 9/11 light bulb in people’s minds? A keep it simple approach.:

The breaking news:
"The Shell Game" author HITS CORPORATE MEDIA (ABC Affiliate) Gets a DOSE OF 9/11 TRUTH !!!
I have NEVER seen anyone putting forth 9/11 truth on corporate media get the kind of hearing Alten got this week!! See the video NOW, before they take it down: http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/media?id=6059274
In the above interview Alten urges Philadelphia ABC viewers to research 9/11, read David Ray Griffin's books, watch "Reflecting Pool," visit 911Truth.org, read Ruppert's Crossing the Rubicon, etc. etc. as he expounds many of the hard 9/11 questions and facts we have fought for years to get onto corporate media!!
ALSO, Alten makes a $5,000 guarantee to his publisher that 9/11 Truth groups will come through!
Also, Alten is having his publicist send out a series of Press Releases to 5,000 media outlets, as a donation to 911 Truth efforts (see a proposed Press Release I drafted, below. Suggestions/comments welcome).
Steve Alten, author of "The Shell Game" has guaranteed to his publisher that the 9/11 truth movement's push during the "Week of Truth Buy-In," will yield at least 10,000 sales or he will fund the $5,000 necessary to keep the book on front and center spaces in bookstores nationwide during April (out of his own pocket). He's also invested another $900 in an ad for "Radio and TV Magazine" read by most media, to coincide with the "buy in week of truth."

Alten's efforts are meant to, not replace, but add fuel to the 9/11 truth movement's "Week of Truth" efforts!

Again, Alten plans to have his publicist send out several major Press Releases on the 9/11 truth movement to precede and during the "Week of Truth" efforts. A press release idea I had is below.
Hoping to talk to you all on the (30 minute) conference call this Monday, April 7, 10 pm eastern/7 west coast.
DIAL IN NUMBER FOR THIS MONDAY, April 7 conference call is: 1-605-475-6300


Monday, April 07, 2008

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10:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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“Who Will Be the Woodward and Burnstein of the Burning 9/11 Questions?”

According to, 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerry confidant, and Air America radio host, Richard Greene . . . Senator & 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerry will soon push for an open ended 9/11 Investigation that will stay open permanently as new facts emerge. The needs for this are legion, one example:

Engineer Society Accused of Cover-Ups – March, 2008

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The professional organization for engineers who build the nation's roads, dams and bridges has been accused by fellow engineers of covering up catastrophic design flaws while investigating national disasters . . . In the World Trade Center case, critics contend the engineering society wrongly concluded skyscrapers cannot withstand getting hit by airplanes . . . the report said, skyscrapers are not typically designed to withstand airplane impacts . . . Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl, a structural engineer and forensics expert, contends his computer simulations disprove the society's findings that skyscrapers could not be designed to withstand the impact of a jetliner . . . Astaneh-Asl, who received money from the National Science Foundation to investigate the collapse, insisted most New York skyscrapers built with traditional designs would survive such an impact and prevent the kind of fires that brought down the twin towers.

He also questioned the makeup of the society's investigation team. On the team were the wife of the trade center's structural engineer and a representative of the buildings' original design team.

"I call this moral corruption," said Astaneh-Asl, who is on the faculty at the University of California, Berkeley.

This is but one example of worldwide suspicion of the 9/11 investigation and official story. In the past two months the former Italian President, and the man who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio (false flag attacks in Europe), Francesco Cossiga, questioned the official story of 9/11 in Italy’s largest newspaper, Corriere della Sera; as did Japanese Senator, Yukihisa Fujita on National Japanese television in front of Japan’s Prime Minister; and a conference organized by a European Minister of Parliament held at the European Parliament, which aired a new documentary Zero, on the 9/11 questions. In the past, the at the time UK Minister of the Environment, Michael Meacher, challenged the official 9/11 story while in the Blair Government. As did former German Defense Minister & former head of German Secret Service, Andreas von Bulow, and the list goes on.

As Americans become aware of these burning 9/11 questions, and the need for a new 9/11 investigation, as evidenced by country Icon, Willie Nelson’s, recent 9/11 questioning on national television’s Democracy Now, . . . how long can US media ignore these burning questions, without losing all credibility?

The research on 9/11, which calls the official 9/11 explanations into question, and raise distressing important questions, has been presented by several prominent, highly accomplished engineering/architecture, physics, military and government experts from a wide range of political perspectives. The issues of the truth around 9/11 are a non-partison, non-ideological issue, as evidenced by the fact that most of the below authorities on 9/11 questions, are/were registered Republicans, and one being a legendary Republican figure, Paul Craig Roberts, known as The Father of Reaganomics.

David Ray Griffin (Author of: 9/11 Contradictions, Debunking 9/11 Debunking, etc.)

Richard Gage (Founder, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth)

Professor Steven Jones (Founder, Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice)

Colonel Robert Bowman (Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Patriots Question 9/11, Retired United States Air Force Colonel)

Paul Craig Roberts (Father of Reaganomics, past editor at The Wall Street Journal, and columnist for The National Review)

We also encourage you to view the many comments regarding 9/11, at:

Also, the new documentary “Loose Change – Final Cut” can be viewed for free online in its entirety. Earlier version of this documentary have been viewed on national television in several countries outside the US, and there is a deafening lack of comment on it in American media.
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