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Thank you, John Orman, for saying NO to WW III

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Message carol wolman, MD
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Party head calls for Sen. Lieberman to resign over Iran

This news item, reported in a local Connecticut paper, gladdens my heart. John Orman helped Joe Lieberman keep his Senate seat, after he lost the primary last year, by forming a new political party to support him. But John Orman now has called on Lieberman to resign, because of the senator's public advocacy for attacking Iran.

Orman, a political science professor, understands the danger of escalation into full-scale nuclear war, and is doing his utmost to display his deep, deep concern. We should all be doing this.

The most direct way is to work on impeaching Cheney, who is the leader of the hawks pushing to nuke Iran. HR 333 calls for impeaching Cheney on these grounds, and on the basis of his lying us into Iraq.

Call your Congressperson, and ask him/her to cosponsor HR 333. Toll-free number: 800-862-5530. or 202-224-3121.

With the outcry so far, the supposed date for attacking Iran has been pushed back 6 months, to next January. But the danger is far from over. The hawks are relentless and must be stopped. Join John Orman in saying NO to WW III. Join the push to impeach Cheney now.

truncated news article follows.

In the name of the Prince of Peace,

Carol Wolman



WASHINGTON — Connecticut for Lieberman Party Chairman John Orman called Tuesday for Sen. Joe Lieberman to resign, saying his advocacy of a military strike against Iran could explode into a global conflict.

"He has crossed the line," said Orman, a professor of politics at Fairfield University. "His unilateral warmongering could lead to a new World War III."

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Carol S. Wolman, MD is a psychiatrist in Northern California. A lifelong peace activist, she is helping to distribute a Peace Plan for the Holy Land- email her for a copy. She also a film producer with Paradise Cove Productions, currently (more...)

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