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DNC: "They won't steal votes again."

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   3 comments

The DNC is finally addressing the Republican Party engaging in vote fraud to steal elections.  The following statements were part of a Democratic fund raising E-mail that appeared on my inbox:


Last year, we put DNC staff on the ground all across the country…  Our organizers are still on the ground in all 50 states, preparing for 2008 in every way possible. And starting this month, they are kicking off an unprecedented voter protection effort, of a scale never attempted by any organization.

While Democrats protect everyone's right to vote, Karl Rove and the Republican Party have a long history of threatening this right, working to make it harder for Americans to vote. We're going to stop them.

Unfortunately, nearly forty-two years after the signing of the voting rights act, millions of American's are treated like criminals just for trying to vote.

Under the Bush Administration's politicized Justice Department we have seen an outright attack on voting rights. In their latest scheme, the Republican Administration has manipulated the mission of the Department of Justice, firing U.S. Attorneys who were unwilling to pursue phony "voter fraud" cases, and politicized the Civil Rights Division.

Over the past several years the GOP has tried everything from phone jamming schemes to vote purging to voter intimidation tactics to try and suppress the vote.

We all know what happened in Florida in 2000. We all know what happened in Ohio in 2004.

So we're going to meet with every election official in the country, visit every polling place, and make sure that every American will have their vote counted-and we will do it now, instead of waiting to hear about big problems on the news on Election Day 2008.


Gov. Howard Dean, M.D.     

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Dan Merica is a political cartoonist and opinion writer battling the right wing scourge now devastating our country. His work is posted on his website, www.cartoons-political.com.
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