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UPDATE - WITH WAFFLES AND RADIO: Surge Protection For Our Men And Women In Uniform

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Arianna Huffington often says in speeches that one of the great things about blogging is you can keep hammering a point home day after day when, for example, writing a newspaper column is much more about a different subject every week.

Last week, we posted on the imminent escalation of the war in Iraq. Additional details have emerged over the weekend, so we are posting a brief update.


This is Rovian strategy at its best. We want to help bring peace to Iraq by bringing jobs to the Iraqi people.

Pure crap.

First of all, this is what we were supposed to have been doing for the last three years. But we haven't.

Second, don't forget that the approved ONE year war budget (Iraq and Afghanistan) is $70 billion dollars already and they have requested an additional $100 billion. So out of the $170 billion, if a jobs and civil works program was so important, there's already plenty of money.

What they're doing is tying something that makes sense with something that doesn't. And forcing the Democrats to address them as a combined unit.


Obviously, there are Democrats who already have publicly said "we need more troops." There are independent Senators who have a second agenda which is forcing them to say that they support more troops, and war with Iran.

And now we have the starting of the waffles.

Democrats are "strongly arguing" against the surge. They "won't give a blank check." Actually, the word they are searching for is "no."


We're doing a blog talk show tonite and you can listen on the Internet. Tonight at 9:00 p.m. est, stop by Seeing the Forest or go directly to BlogTalkRadio. We will be the featured guests on The Alan Levy Show. BlogTalkRadio is a great new concept that allows bloggers to speak with and discuss topics they post on.

You can call in and tell us what you think - we'd love to hear from you.
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Dave has more than 20 years of technology industry experience. His earlier career included technical positions, including video game design at Atari and Imagic. He was a pioneer in design and development of productivity and educational (more...)

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