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Local Pressure Builds On Superdelegates

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Message David Sirota
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Please check out this local TV story that led the news last night here in Colorado - a local news story that is likely coming to your state as the Democratic National Convention approaches:


What we have on our hands is a potential back room effort to use undemocratic "superdelegates" to anoint a Democratic presidential nominee - with many superdelegates potentially using their power in defiance of how their states and communities voted.

As a good example of what I'm talking about, consider what's going on here in Colorado. On February 5th, voters overwhelmingly voted for Barack Obama in the caucuses. However, as Channel 2 News reports in the story attached at bottom, Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) has already endorsed Hillary Clinton and is refusing to say whether she will cast her superdelegate convention vote with Colorado voters, or for Hillary Clinton. DeGette refused to comment for Channel 2's story.

The question is whether politicians and party officials with superdelegate votes will be loyal to a fellow politician or loyal to small-d democracy. The history of the superdelegates, which I trace in my upcoming book The Uprising, is one that designed the superdelegates to thwart democracy. In order to stop that this year, I have previously written that we need to start pressuring superdelegates to do what the Maine Democratic Party chairman did: pledge their superdelegate vote to whomever their voters support in primaries and caucuses.

This story about superdelegates led the Channel 2 news tonight. I was interviewed echoing what I have written before: namely, that the only way for "superdelegates" to really respect democracy is for them to follow the lead of the Maine Democratic Party chairman and simply vote the way their states' voters voted. You can bet this kind of story will be reported throughout the country - with the same kinds of issues popping up lots of places.

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