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SugarCityCane a City on the Ocean Growing Ethanol

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Message Dominic Jermano
What are we doing? We are wasting billions of dollars on a war we started, saying we are building Democracy when we are finding out why Saddam was the way he was. We know Iraq has a lot of Oil, but in reality it is not. It is a resource that is always in decline, because nobody is making oil and putting it back into the earth.

My realization is that the earth is a big bowl. No matter where you stick the straw in; to suck out the oil, that oil is constantly going toward empty. duh....that's why I have to keep filling up the tank Uncle Jed? Well Jethro that's right. And pretty soon that big tank in the ground is gonna be GONE!

Whatever ever ever ever disaster happens first; be it the end of oil resources, or we bake to death from global warming, they are both disasters waiting to happen, as we choke to death on bad air blaming lung cancer on smoking cigarettes.

We are fighting and dying for something that is going to be gone anyway! So what's the point? Oh I can hear our good President now...we will not run from terrorists! We will get the job done!

Well I can appreciate that kind of idea, but just how about telling me can you think that your way is better than mine? I mean all those guns, and planes, and bombs, and killings, and time just keeps on a rolling with the same darn thing day in and day out. You know I learned from my daddy that there is more than one way to skin a cat. You can beat the cat to make him do what you want, or you can love that little fellow and teach him how to do it in the kitty box.

Now think of this..Instead of spending billions on tanks and fighting this crazy war, while people over the world are calling us occupiers, and your poll numbers are reaching the grasping for straws limit, why not use our head on this project I have in mind.

It is the first in world history. This alone should be an inspiring American achievement, and it could happen on the Bush Watch. Just think of that...things could change overnight, George your approval rating would climb, soldiers would be coming home, and people would be sending you roses in the mail. Now how about that? Even Karl Rove would like it.

The idea is to build a city on the Ocean. If they want War lets give them a War. We don't need Oil. What they want are our inventions, our technology, our good ideas that lift society from its cave days.
But if they don't give us a fair price for the Oil, we don't need it. Henry Ford was right Ethanol is the fuel of the future, and we need it to control Oil prices. The way I see it, Oil is dying out, while ethanol is always living and creating more.

Now get my point here. All those third world countries want our money, especially our Ben Franklins, in order to buy our stuff, our ideas. But they have the oil. We know they want too much money for it, and all of a sudden those foreign people are getting so darn rich it is making other people jealous and blaming us; now we need security and guns and darn there he is again our war buddy sneaking in the back door.

But if we had our own resources that never deplete, in fact it keeps getting larger all the time, what good is the oil anymore? Indeed the price of oil goes down because the demand is not there. This makes those third world countries oil worthless, and if they want our technology ideas they have to sell us a bunch of the stuff cheap; so they can buy a car or a T.V. to watch.

Now my idea uses sugarcane. Why? because you plant it once every 8 years, without replanting. It saves alot of labor. You harvest it, and let it grow again.
My idea is people would work in aircondition rooms planting the sugarcane in the hydroponic tubes to be later loaded on the aqua-rafts, to be shipped to the equator. No more sweating in the fields, no more cheap labor and hurting the good people of the earth.

When we build our new City on the Ocean named SugarCityCane it will be the first city ever built on the ocean. What a grand achievement by us Americans. A first in World Geography, a first in taming the wild reaches of the ocean. And where is the city on the ocean. It is dead on the Equator. Why the equator? Because the equator is very hot and grows sugarcane real fast. Plus another nice advantage it is safer to live there than in the United States. The equator never gets hurricanes, typhoons, or big storms that wreck American property from here to kingdom come. How is that for a winner.The way I see it, it would be cheaper in the long run to grow it on the ocean, than in the midwest. Boy oh Boy.....God must be talking to me now! We fret about not being able to pump the ethanol in piplines, well heck we pump the sugarjuice instead to the many refineries where trucks would load up for local filling stations. No worry about water getting in the ethanol now!

To think a Mega Project bigger than when we fought out of the great depression in the 1930's. Think of the job creation.! Companies forming to build the cities floating base, the materials used to ward off salt erosion. Think of all the Aqua-rafts that have to be built the size of an acre or larger, that will grow the sugarcane from hydroponics. Think of the companies that will support the hydroponic operations, that create the tubing containers to support the sugarcane, and the solution that is made to give the plants its nutrition. Think of the bagrasse use, in making paper, or charcoal. Think of the solar energy companies that would create the energy needed of our great city on the ocean! The windmills, and the idea of a modular ocean tide wave generator to create electricity!

Think of the tugboats that will be needed to tug the aqua-trains around toward harvest to the automatic cutting docks, and then back to the growing ocean area. Think of the possible pipeline that could be installed to pump the billions of gallons of sugarcane juice to the mainland, for fermentation. Or an onsite fermentation floating barge that would do the processing right there.

There would be thousands of acres being grown, and the ocean would be the conveyor belt for its production. I can see people coming to work at SugarcityCane for 6 month stays at a time, with rotations back to the mainland. People could come to visit and stay at the hotel. It would have its own store, and laundry, and other good things we enjoy on the mainland.

The point is, the idea we don't have enough landspace to meet our energy needs in ethanol production has suddenly gone to bed; with this idea.

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American against War and Violence. Writer, English Teacher, Inventor, Creator of the First Manmade Floating Farm On The Ocean.... My companies name is ACET: Algae Charcoal Ethanol Technicorp. We grow Algae for Oil.
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