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Father's Day:You are an inspiration in my life

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Father's Day:You are an inspiration in my life
Kamala Sarup

Dear Father,  The world where we have to live is full of scarcity. But what is true is that sorrow and joy are momentary things in this world.

You keep the second position in my heart and mind, the first being God.  You are true to me and undivided like ideas. As we can not be confident for the present, likewise we can not accept the future blindly. What will be the end of our relationship? Will we be able to bear that or not ? If there grows unbearable pain, say how to beg the heart to accept that.  I can't offer you more than my love, that's why I provide you the second position in my heart after God. You are not lesser than God to me my father.

You can't be happy forever. Father ! It is true , no one shares our loneliness and hardships. Perhaps you will accept this assumption. How far you fly from hardship, that much you suffer from sorrow. 

'We must make able ourselves to survive.' You repeat the statement in every meeting which makes me to think the real definition of life. Whatever it may be, I have learnt a lot about life, struggle, peace and companionship due to your company. I got chance to think about life. I must thank you for this. Yes, father ! one should firmly determine about one's life. Unless we are independent, we can't accept the life in meaningful way.

The definition of truth and ours is same and I am in struggle to make the relation more sensitive and delicate, it is certain . Struggle brings both positive and negative results. 

In fact, life does mean a difficult journey. Sometimes, you used to tell me story of the journey of your life. It was that you would long to fly in the sky in childhood. You had wished to be a prestigious and successful person.  Therefore, you left Nepal village, especially, my grand mother had wept a lot at it for many days, she begged for her son's return though you were a wise and honest. To choose one from two things – life and marriage, you have chosen life and escaped from home twelve years age carrying a dream to become a great person. You remembered your mother a lot there and the newly married wife. Though remembering brothers and sisters, you escaped from home. Life means to struggle and you did such a struggle where you never could remain unhappy.

Father, you spent many years in success and transitional state. You were a kind-hearted person and could become prestigious too. You had dreamt about many things in life,  a small beautiful home, great lifestyle, struggling life, and a peaceful family. However, you could make complete your completed journey that you started. You had been broken hearted at your brother's death, had felt lonely at sister's death and your mother also left you now.

Nowadays, you weighs yourself many times on an unending struggle. My mother told me 'you look up in the sky from the top of the house. You keep watching at the shining moon.

Your mother died, a sad death. Death defeated her. She went never to return.A dreadful night! Dogs were barking and in the emptiness within of some noises of people your mother had left you. The burden of looking after other's lives fell on your soldier; you became dumb founded and kept weeping looking at the mother. Perhaps you were horrified to spend the rest of life in the absence of mother. 

Since I have been knowing you, you are a serious and a honest father. You try your best to lead life towards reality.  I think our relationship is not a trial and error. Let's forward to establish a history of our relationship. It not for us, it might be the pillar for coming generation.  I am always ready to fight the battle of justice, peace and harmony. Such confidence is already developed insight me.   These are my clarification which I dare to put forward . I am fighting for that truth . 

The another name of life is struggle .  Father, life stands for sorrow and happiness. Father, you are the light of my life. Without you, the life is dark .  So, I dare to walk in the dark. 

My love of my father for humanity, justice and companionship.


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Journalist, poet and editor Kamala Sarup works at the Cape Collection. Kamala specializes in reporting news and writing stories covering journalism, Peace, Public health, Democracy, Women/Children, development, justice and economic development. (more...)

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