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No More Deaths Please

By Muhammad Khurshid  Posted by Muhammad Khurshid (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   1 comment
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The Lal Masjid operation has ended with the death of alleged terrorists, but made the life of hundreds of people miserable as from now onward they have to live with pain. So far several bodies of underaged children were shifted to Bajaur Agency, where they were buried amid tears. One thing has beome clear that religious leaders of Pakistan have been playing very ugly role at the moment. They have been unnecessarily spoiling the minds of innocent tribesmen. They were being asked to fight against United States.

The religious leaders have been telling the people to oppose development and progress in the world. It is regrettable to note majority of the religious leaders have been enjoying the support of Musharraf government and even the United States. Most of the people view that rulers want conflicts in the world to continue as this is the only mean of keeping themselves in power. Just look if terrorism is eliminated from world then what will be the future of the rulers.

But now I think the rulers cannot prolong the war on terrorism as the people realised that they (rulers) have been playing with their sentiments. Pakistan President Musharraf has addressed the nation. He uttered some words. He said President General Pervez Musharraf vowed that no other madrassah or mosque in Pakistan will be allowed to take the law into their own hands as Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa did.

“We will not let any mosque and madrassa follow Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa,” Gen Musharraf said in a televised address. “I am an ardent supporter of madrassas but these kinds of madrassas will not be allowed to function in the country.” He vowed that militancy, extremism and terrorism in the country would be crushed. “We have yet to achieve our goals to get rid of these menaces,” he warned.

He expressed grief over the killings during the operation against “militants and extremists” in Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa, but said the government was forced to take them head on.

“We have succeeded in this operation but this is not a time to rejoice…those who had been killed were our own people…but they had detracted from the right path…the operation had become inevitable for Pakistan,” the president said. He blamed Lal Masjid deputy chief cleric Abdul Rashid Ghazi, who was killed in the operation, for the failure of last-ditch talks to reach a peaceful solution, saying his demands were unacceptable. “Ghazi wanted a safe passage for himself and he also wanted amnesty for all his comrades and a safe passage for the foreigners hiding there,” the president said.

He explained the efforts the government had made over the last six months to resolve the issue peacefully, but regretted that the militants and extremists were not ready to contain their activities. “They had challenged the writ of the government and the most unfortunate event was the kidnapping of seven Chinese,” he said. Nothing was more shameful for Pakistan than insecurity for citizens from China, a country which had always stood by Pakistan in difficult times, he added.

The president praised PML President Chaudhry Shujaat, other ministers and ulema of the Wafaqul Madaris for their efforts to resolve the issue through negotiation. He also lauded the commandos, police and rangers who took part in the operation. He said the government had tried its best to ensure there were as few casualties as possible in the operation. He said 2,000 students had left Jamia Hafsa before July 3, while another 1,300 left after. “We could have launched this operation much earlier but we wanted that maximum women and children leave this place,” the president said.

Gen Musharraf said the extremists of Lal Masjid had tarnished the image of Islam. “They were training the children for terrorism and extremism. The women were carrying batons and the men were armed with weapons. Is this what Islam teaches us?” He said the militants had links with people in NWFP and FATA. “We are supporting the NWFP government with full back-up support of the army to fight militancy and terrorism.”

He urged moderates to support the government in changing the hearts and minds of those who had chosen militancy and extremism. He said ulema and the Wafaqul Madaris should help bring all madrassas into the mainstream. “Remove the sentiments of hatred and extremism from the hearts and minds of the students and guide them to shun militancy and terrorism,” the president said.

According to the people of tribal areas, there is no need of Madrassahs. A ban should be imposed in giving admission to the tribal youth in the Madrassahs situated in Pakistan. A the Lal Masjid operation proved that the students in Madrassah are being given militancy training. I think this is duty of President Bush at assess the situation.

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Muhammad Khurshid, a resident of Bajaur District, tribal areas situated on Pak-Afghan border is journalist by profession. He contributes articles and news stories to various online and print newspapers. His subject matter is terrorism. He is (more...)

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