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Bush Bureaucrats, Bungle Big Bonus Internet Leads: French Blow Away Bushites!

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Bush Bureaucrats, Bungle Big Bonus Internet Leads: French Blow Away Bushites! Clinton's astonishing opening of the Internet market by forcing the Big Boppers to lease line space jump-started the tech Boom of the 1990's. Bushite typical Conservative business bungling IN ATTEMPTS TO GET MORE MONEY FOR campaigns, by forcing Americans to give the Robber Baron telecoms monopolies backfired and may lead to depression fall 2007-Spring 2008! Beat Up By The Wall Street Journal France Strikes Back Using a Successfull Clinton Technique! 2001, France! FRENCH INTERNET, SLOW, WEAK, and rare, near last place in electronically rich nations. Switch to 2007; France whipped past the USA so quickly that the usual USA "Free-Market BS is haunting them out of the Global technology game. When the market is limited and dominated by a few giants progress dies and service is poor and expensive, not so in France, Japan, Germany and other Euro-nations. America is no longer even in the top ten. Why? Politics and favored companies the by words of sagging national morality. The morality of which I speak has nothing to do with the Dunder-headed sexual blindness of dried up prudish, anal-retentive "Christian" inability to comprehend either Shakespeare or the bible and certainly not the "will of God." No, instead it is related to the dictionary definitions of Conservative and Liberal. If you missed them or do not possess a REAL dictionary hurry to your local library of University and find one. In 2001, France had one of the weakest broadband Internet access in markets technology rich nations, with less than a quarter of the penetration of the America. No longer, its advances catalyzed by their government's vigor and their Liberality and not allowing a few giants to dominate the market-giants which goal is to freeze out competition thus killing the life's blood of growth, these giants are favored for one reason, their potential to contribute to Conservative Candidates. Forever, Conservatism has wreaked havoc on research, development and prescient progress. Conservatism is and always has been the best philosophy for graveyards, morgues and mausoleums-things dead and dying. According to the tech research company Analysys, fifty-two percent (52%) of broadband connections in France today use Voice-Over-Internet Protocol, or VoIP, phone service-by far the highest level on the planet. perhaps in the world. In Germany and Britain, less than six-percent (6%) of broadband connections contain VoIP. Moreover, France has leaped forward into Internet TV, serving ten times the number of IPTV Users as Great Britain Analysys quotes 2,600,000 homes in France now get IPTV- NetTV with Internet protocol making France the leader in Euro IPTV technology penetration. Why, How, did France the butt of Conservative jokes race past America? Simple, conservatives can only find ways to close markets to competition because they out bribe Liberals and block markets to ensure their own success at the expense of the rest of the world. France, as a Liberal nation favors vast competition to bring down prices and which forces invention and innovation. Conservatism constrains progress; innovation and invention, for fear of losing what Conservatives hold so dearly, avarice! The startup telecom Iliad, which offers broadband services under the name Free, launched its DSL service in October, 2002, but already has 2,500,000 subscribers all using VoIP including 90 channels of IPTV with Freebox service. The monthly price, ‚¬29.99 and it hasn't changed in five years and more than that Free has constantly added more services. Iliad revenues last year were $1.3 billion, up 31%, with profits of $170.7 million, up 80%. Iliad Chief Financial Officer Olivier Rosenfeld, says of his company's setting of the standard which even France Telecom, had difficulty meeting, says, "We didn't have a legacy business, so were free to make bold choices and create a new paradigm." Right now in Paris one can choose from an array of companies including Livebox, Freebox, Neufbox, and Dartybox-and get more than subscribers in the USA get for about one-third the cost. Forty-one dollars ($41.00/ ‚¬30) American will get you, in Paris speeds up to 28 MGB megabits per second, plus voice calls, TV, and Wi-Fi. You get free what here you would pay about $150.00+ per month and then some, usually come for free with a monthly broadband subscription. Lester Thurow's 1992 book, "Head to Head: The Coming Economic Battle Among Japan, Europe and America," predicted that Europe would win the Internet battle-he was so far right, but he was not in the beginning. Along came free marketer Clinton and loosed America's tech revolution, which startled the World. The Clinton Tech-boom easily out raced Europe's slow growth and Japan's ten-year slump. Above all, however, our new confidence reflected the rise of the Internet. Europe. With the exception of Scandinavia, was dragging behind America in online services and innovation, then along came the Bushites, stiflers of innovation, growers of Greedy solid contributors to his campaigns-can't do innovative research and development if all your money is going to prop-up dead and dying conservatism and advertising. However, since the dawn of the Bushites, America has slumped in all areas of creativity and innovation. The United States that has far, fallen behind. France, Japan and Europe at large. In 2001, the percentage of the population with high-speed access in Japan and Germany about half that of the United States, but in France it was even lower less than 25%. Less than five years later, by mid-2006, however, Japan, Germany and France more broadband subscribers per 100 people than America. Moreover, USA High-Speed Internet connections are less than 33% slower than that of France and one-twelfth slower that the Japanese connections, in addition to their access being far cheaper. Now, thanks to the Bushites and their suppressionist business bigotry, allowing the tail to truly wag the dog, France leads the world in subscribers to Internet TV and the United States is not even among the top ten (top 10). What happened to America's Internet lead? Conservatism, suppression of competition, favoritism of those who are like-minded instead of those who have brain cells and creativity working. The typical Conservative arrogance that begat Robber Barons whenever the depression bringers get into office. They always, without variation do the same things-their cowardice and envy demands of those which they give money suppression of competition, so anal-retentive and inadequate are they, that they fear even competition from the smallest corporations. Size is their Biggest Bugaboo, in all arenas! The Internet flourished in the dial-up era because federal regulators forced local phone companies to be common carriers, which allowed competing service providers to use their lines. Al Gore and Reed Hundt, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, attempted to ensure that open competition would continue. That was not to last, because the telecommunications behemoths torpedoed their plans, and The Wall Street Journal editorialized ridicule as an art form comparing the Clinton administrations efforts them as reminding them of French bureaucrats. At the time, I ridiculed the WSJ as having now cursed themselves and boosted the French. I predicted that God would smite them for their short-sidedness The French bureaucrats so roundly ridiculed by the WSJ now do cable, Internet, VoIP, healthcare and women's lingerie much better than the Bushite, Americans, do. Bush, as if to prove me correct, appointed Michael Powell to the top post at the F.C.C., and that gave the Big-Net Boob's carte' Blanche' to charge the hell out of the public, squeeze-out the competition and do to American Internet users/citizens what most American males would like to do to Angelina Jolie and Rosario Dawson. Now thanks to the myopic Bushites, there is little to no competition. Your choices are either local cable, telephone of satellite services or their prices are fixed to cause pocket-book pain and anger. The cost is high and the service usually sucks with the hubris of those who give no choices. While the French were able to Unbundled rapidly and with great success, American companies failed miserably because major firms like SBC fought tooth and nail to narrow the market competition "Unbundling" for True Competition. They persuaded sates to allow high lease prices to competitors, which forced put companies such as Northpoint Communications and Rhythms NetConnections On the other hand, just before 2001, French national telecom regulators forced previous state-owned monopoly France Telecom to allow others to use its network. This move for the benefit of consumers and innovation, allowed foreign and domestic companies, including Deutsche Telekom Italia and Telecom, to lease access from France Telecom's system at reasonable prices. This mandate forced France Telecom to work at improving its own prices and services, and hastened its launch as the first major telecom company in Europe to offer residential VoIP service in mid-2004. Clinton's bright FCC chairman Reed Hundt says that when he began to implement local loop unbundling after the 1996 Telecommunications Act, A Wall Street Journal editorial called him a "French bureaucrat." "It's the worst thing they think anyone can be called," Hundt said laughing. "But the French must have assumed it was a compliment because they looked at what we were doing and copied it." Strong Competition Leads to Innovation Now, five years later, losing ground fast to the French, other Euros and Japan, the FCC switched strategies, to of facilities-based competition, but the French, stayed with unbundling. Who's laughing now? The result of the French nurturing of competition seeing the citizens in a more catholic point of view, as the heart of their nation rather than sheep to be shorn, as the Bushites see Americans, the irony is that France's DSL rivals are now so profitable that that they can start weaning themselves off of France Telecom's network and building their own Telecom network which is also healthier for the nation, for competition and for defense. Iliad, announced last year that it would start putting its new fiber links to subscriber in France, so did Neuf Cegetal (NEUF.PA), another broadband company. Now France Telecom is doing the following suit. The negative unmarketers of telecom offered the snide and non-visionary but all too typical Conservative argument that if newcomers could piggyback on the networks of the existing infrastructure, why would they bother to build their own, ever? Rosenfeld, Iliad's CEO, says, "We have such a high density of subscribers in certain areas of the country that it makes sense to own the network and not to rely on local loop unbundling" "Tomorrow we want to be totally independent." With this approach, Telecoms, French consumers and innovators all get the glory and save or make money, while American consumers pay through the nose. I don't, we dropped our cable, long distance, got our own VoIP service, saving more than $100.00 a month on phone services and negotiated our internet from $46.00 a month down to $17.99 a month. And hey, since the Wall Street Journal joined the greed parade God has rained on them some more by serving the French. As American rail services fail in every possible, way, dirty, ill kempt, slow and bungling, a French high-speed train (TGV) has crushed the world record for a conventional rails train at 356 mph, beating the 1990 record of 320 mph. The record run was made on a track between Paris and Strasbourg. The new record for Europe and the USA, by France at 356 mph, falls only 5 mph short of the World record set by a Japanese magnetic levitation train the Maglev, at 361 mph in 2003. The train boasted two engines at 25,000 horsepower, at a cost of $40,000,000. President Jacques Chirac conveyed his congratulations on "this new proof of the excellence of the French rail industry. " Economically efficient and respectful of the environment, the TGV is a major asset in efforts to ensure sustainable development in transport!" Guillaume Pepy, director-general of SNCF, added, "What is important for us today is to prove that the TGV technology which was invented in France 30 years ago is a technology for the future," China, South Korea and Taiwan are the most interested as clients for high-speed trains. California is also considering the French system for a new high-speed service between Los Angeles and San Francisco, some have said. The electrical tension in the overhead cable was boosted from 25,000 volts to 31,000 for the record attempt. Take that Big-Mouth Wall Street Journal, tool of the robber barons!
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Professor Bagnolo has majored in: Cultural Anthropology, Architectural design, painting, creative writing. As a child prodigy, abed with polio for almost two years, he was offered an opportunity to skip three grades at age 8.
Later He was a (more...)
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