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Vi Ransel
Message Vi Ransel


goods made
in China.

The U.S. Government,
so obsessed
with “homeland” security
cannot protect
you, your children,
not even your pets.

The administration has mortgaged us
to the “Communist” Chinese
in order to wage Imperial Wars
and to further fatten some of these

very same multinational corporations
who outsourced jobs to China originally
and continue to import tainted goods
from sub-contracted, sweatshop factories.

So the “Communist” Chinese are our Loan Sharks.
They hold our I.O.U.-dollars and Treasury Bonds.
And as long as we buy their cost-cutting, poisonous goods,
Imperial Wars and deadly Import Games will go on.
The Transnationals will suck us dry of our money
while the War of Terror assures rule by Neocons.

The Chinese didn’t make these loans because they like us,
or because propping up a Plutocrat-bloated,
crumbling Empire makes sense.

They did it so they could have us by the short hairs,
and in case BushCo belatedly decided to implement
protective tariffs and ask for economic sanctions,
they could call in our 900 billion dollar debt.

They can dump these Treasury Bonds and other dollar assets
any time they damn well please,
reduce us to Third World economic status
and, further, determine America’s Foreign Policy.

The Ownership Society and Homeland Security scams
have also made it possible for Transnationals to screw you,
poison your children, take your job, rights and Safety Net,
and since you can’t sue them think there’s nothing you can do.

The world’s been made secure for corporations
and their privileged few majority shareholders
who gorge on 90% of the Economic Pie
and laugh at the rest of us as they go floating over

in their gold-plated, untouchable dirigibles
to view the devastation they designed and we financed
with our purchases of their tainted Chinese products
and our support for economic plunder and genocide.

They’ll laugh it up on the French Riviera,
their Mediterranean villas and estancias in Paraguay,
while we kill each other over what’s left of the food and water.
Is this really the way you thought you’d see your children die?

We’ve got a Constitution. It’s time to read it.
Think about the implementation of Article V.
Work for the integrity of the vote via paper ballots.
What constitutes this government is what the governed decide.

And while we have the right to change our government,
an armed insurrection would only play into the hands
of those who passed repressive laws like the PATRIOT Act
so they could slap our ass in KBR concentration camps.

Repeat. Read the U.S. Constitution.
Think about implementing Article V.
Restore voting integrity. Run for office. Stop shopping.
Turn off the TV. Start getting your news online.

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Vi's works appear widely both in print and online. She conducts Poetry Workshops and gives readings in Central New York. Her latest chapbook is "Sine Qua Non Antiques (an Arcanum of History, Geography and Treachery).
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