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Susan Lee Schwartz
At: /susanleeschwartz

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I began teaching in 1963,; Ba and BS in Education -Brooklyn College. I have the equivalent of 2 additional Master's, mainly in Literacy Studies and Graphic Design. I was the only seventh grade teacher of English from 1990 -1999 at East Side Middle School, which opened in 1990. My students placed amongst the highest reading and (eventually, when the ELA tests were instituted) writing scores in NYC. This attracted Harvard, looking for teachers who could be matched to "The Eight Principles of Learning", the thesis by Harvard's Lauren Resnick, that powered the Standards project, funded by Pew.

In 1998, based on the assessment of my teacher-practice by the Learning & Research Development Center, at the University of Pittsburgh, which studied my teacher-practice after I was chosen to participate in THE Standards project , I was awarded the NYSEC (New York State English Council)) "Educator of Excellence of Award," a much coveted and PRESTIGIOUS award. I have been included five times, in "Who's Who Among American Educators". Now that I am "googleable" as former students tell me, I get scores of letters from former students describing the enormous impact that I had on their life.

Currently I am a freelance travel writer and photographer, but I also write widely, about real education reform in order to change the national conversation to where it needs to be -- ABOUT LEARNING, and what makes genuine learning possible, or impossible, rather on the bogus subject of poor teachers and teacher standards. Learning how to learn--critical thinking--not rote memorization-- is the object of the PRACTICE OF PEDAGORY for which teacher who wish to PRACTICE THIS PROFESSION get a degree and a license.
I write because people with loud voices and personal agendas have destroyed the practice of pedagogy, and silenced the voice of the only ones who can set the record straight, the grunt on the line -- the teacher-practitioner--a genuine professional trained to know exactly what is needed to facilitate learning in each particular classroom.
I speak as a teacher and write because:

* those who have the national stage, are pushing tests, and pointing to bad teaching, as the reasons schools fail, but that is pointing in the wrong direction and thus a genuine solution and real reform eludes the people of this country..

* the national conversation has been usurped by businessmen and pundits with no understanding of the emergent learner, or the actual classroom practices that enable creative and critical thought. (Everyone who went to school believes they know what is needed "to teach".)

* What is REALLY NECESSARY for children to LEARN in school, is pre-school literacy, parent involvement in shaping attitudes and monitoring home activities, and classrooms where the teacher-practitioner sets the agenda based on curriculum objectives and the knowledge of pedagogy, rather than AN AGENDA SET BY some administrator who never taught, and who promotes the scripts and tests that enrich privateers who thrive on failing schools.

I speak as a teacher and write because:
* corrupt administrators, use a process that targets senior teacher-practitioners, despite exceptional dedication and huge success in their career, for harassment and egregious, criminal deprivation of due process.

* there is a hidden and scandalous deprivation of due process -- allowed and empowered by unions which do not fulfill their obligation and contract for immediate investigation and fair, promt, grievance procedures, thus permitting a "waiting game" which prevents due process.

* the national assumption expressed in the media is that the unions protect teachers BUT the truth is the unions have looked away from the breaking of tenure, and THUS, as they are the legal arm that protects teachers, teachers have lost their civil rights, and have no genuine access to the courts.
I speak as a teacher and write because:


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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Mitt Romney's Full Speech On Voting To Convict And Remove Donald Trump . Mitt Romney is the first Republican to break from his party and announce that he will be voting for removal.This is a short and powerful speech by Senator Mitt Romney explaining why he decided to vote to convict Trump. He knew that he was breaking ranks. He knew he would anger many in his party. He voted his conscience. "Conscience over party. Remarkable." This is worth hearing. It only takes 4 minutes.
Series: Access: the POWER of MONEY (7 Articles, 664439 views), DON'T MISS THIS! (13 Articles, 542729 views), Ending democracy: end the institution of public schools (2 Articles, 160226 views) (View All Series)
Just Words, From FlickrPhotos
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Words Matter: Trust is at stake, and so is our survival. As a teacher of literacy & language for 5 decades, I have something to say about why WORDS MATTER in this age of disinformation and outright lies, which are disseminated like never before in that space where anarchy reigns" cyberspace. I am a truth teller! Alternative facts do not exist. I am fed up and disgusted at political language and labels, none of which actually do more than confuse people.
Series: Crisis in America (3 Articles, 248384 views), Charlatans & Liars (9 Articles, 558408 views), Dangerous (2 Articles, 338935 views) (View All Series)
Snake River Sunrise, From Uploaded
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, October 10, 2019
A letter and invitation from Susan Lee Schwartz Many of you do not know that I am an artist/photographer! If you live in the NYC Metro area, near Rockland County, you will have an opportunity to see my most beautiful images-- printed on metal -- and curated by a professional. Thus, I want to tell you a little story about the Pomona Cultural Gallery, because it is so very special.In this day when community and neighborhoods are disappearing, this venue is unique!
Series: Interesting! (1 Articles, 45679 views)
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, September 9, 2018
Letter to The Atlantic Magazine, re: David' Frum's option on the NY Times "I Am Part of the Resistance Inside" This is the letter that I sent to The Atlantic Magazine after reading the piece by David Frum; A New York Times Op-Ed Sparks a Crisis - The Atlantic concerning this anonymous Op-Ed by a senior Trump official published in The New York Times.
Series: Dangerous (2 Articles, 338935 views), Crisis in America (3 Articles, 248384 views), Charlatans & Liars (9 Articles, 558408 views) (View All Series)
President Donald Trump, From FlickrPhotos
(13 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, June 2, 2018
Utter Contempt I am writing a piece called "Utter Contempt;" Thus, I have collected a number of links that demonstrates that the behavior we are witnessing defines 'utter contempt.' Here, I share with you, but a few examples of utter contempt . Read the last one because it defines 'utter contempt' as the result of the "dramatic change of direction" and the loss of humanity promoted by our President, our Congress and our Supreme Court
Series: social issue of this century (2 Articles, 116565 views), our society changes for the worse (2 Articles, 234376 views), Insanity AFOOT! (3 Articles, 316599 views) (View All Series)
Free vector graphic: Laugh, Laughing, Tear - Free Image on Pixabay ...844 Ã-- 720 - 61k - png, From GoogleImages
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, June 23, 2017
(4) RUSSIA TIES: A Randy Rainbow Song Parody (from GREASE!)🎶 - YouTube If you have never seen Randy Rainbow's satiric, music, videos where he nails this moment in history, do not miss this one. His enormous talent is on view and the music is fabulous. Randy Rainbow is a comedian, actor, singer, writer and Internet celebrity based in New York, NY, United States. Rainbow - his real name - is most notable for writing, editing, and starring in a series of humorous YouTube viral videos. Rainbow sprang
Series: Charlatans & Liars (9 Articles, 558408 views), DON'T MISS THIS! (13 Articles, 542729 views), Humor (3 Articles, 28653 views) (View All Series)
7 Things Betsy DeVos Needs To Do Right After Becoming Ed Secretary, From GoogleImages
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, February 1, 2017
"Sweet Betsy De Vos" a little, ditty and enjoyable musical satire by Wally Glickman You will love how Wally Glickman has nailed the education tragedy in this clever, simple music video. Our new Education Secretary and her family have devoted millions of dollars to destroying public schools and turning the clock back by more than a century. Diane Ravitch adds "In Michigan, no one says no to the DeVos family. They have bought the legislature. They defeat legislators who dare to say no. They own the state."
Series: Charlatans & Liars (9 Articles, 558408 views), DON'T MISS THIS! (13 Articles, 542729 views), Humor (3 Articles, 28653 views) (View All Series)
High Crimes and Misdemeanors. - a.k.a. .Liar, Liar ... Pants on ..., From GoogleImages
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Protect Public Education - Stop Betsy DeVos! " don't miss this New film A truly wonderful video which has 1.5 million views already, has the facts and the truth offered by former Under Secretary of Education. Diane Ravtich, and by teachers, and parentsm who explain how DeVos destroyed education in Michigan giving examples of the devastation.
Series: Access: the POWER of MONEY (7 Articles, 664439 views), Charlatans & Liars (9 Articles, 558408 views), CHARTER Schools --the school CHOICE fraud and chaos (2 Articles, 176848 views) (View All Series)
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 9, 2016
How Could This Happen: The five crucial factors by Susan Lee Schwartz Here, from an ordinary citizen who does read evidence based reality, here is what really happened.
Series: 2016 GOP campaign of clowns (1 Articles, 76309 views), Access: the POWER of MONEY (7 Articles, 664439 views), Charlatans & Liars (9 Articles, 558408 views) (View All Series)
The Children Are Listening Video and Song Donated to Operation Respect, From GoogleImages
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, November 5, 2016
The Trump Effect video - REMEMBER: CHILDREN ARE LISTENING " WATCH/Hear what our students and educators are experiencing in the classroom. Donald Trump's rhetoric is negatively impacting schools in a way we've never seen before, using the currency of hate, fear and marginalization. It has made combating bullying an even more urgent issue. Teachers members are reporting a troubling increase in bullying behavior, much of it echoing the toxic rhetoric of the Trump campaign. shar
Series: Charlatans & Liars (9 Articles, 558408 views), lies & propaganda:: the rant (5 Articles, 487983 views), Media; its role in the 21st century (2 Articles, 100532 views) (View All Series)
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, April 11, 2016
Letter to Bernie Sanders: The TRUTH About Why The Schools Failed This is an Open letter to Bernie Sanders, so that he can know what happened in the past 2 decades to teachers, and thus to the process of learning, as the bogus 'reform movement silenced the real educators and sold magic elixirs as the schools failed!
Series: Access: the POWER of MONEY (7 Articles, 664439 views), bernie (1 Articles, 12649 views), social issue of this century (2 Articles, 116565 views) (View All Series)
Donald Trump - Caricature, From FlickrPhotos
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, March 2, 2016
"Trumped" Starring Matthew Broderick & Nathan Lane - YouTube From the producers who brought you "The Producers," is new on YOUTUBE -- starring Matthew Broderick, Nathan Lane, Cloris Leachman and the unlikely candidate himself, Donald Trump. Don't miss this as comedy nails truth, even as the GOP cannot bring itself to deal with the ugly American they have managed to promote.
Series: DON'T MISS THIS! (13 Articles, 542729 views), Charlatans & Liars (9 Articles, 558408 views), Humor (3 Articles, 28653 views) (View All Series)
School, From ImagesAttr
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, August 28, 2015
LEARN WHAT IS A CURRICULUM, even AS NY Times Opinion Piece Lauds Common Core The word CURRICULUM confuses most people. MY 40 year experience with using and writing CURRICULA offers readers here an authentic look at what a curricula should do, and what it did for me! Here, I explain what it means to have or to follow a curriculum. But, I begin with Diane' Ravitch's blog today, which was provoked by an opinion article today, in The NY Times, in which a D.C. based writer commends the Common Core.
Series: DON'T MISS THIS! (13 Articles, 542729 views), Common Core 'Crap': The TRUTH (2 Articles, 36643 views), lies & propaganda:: the rant (5 Articles, 487983 views) (View All Series)
(13 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Magic Elixir: No Evidence required! Privatized America, for the wealthy and by the wealthy: " magical elixirs" and charter schools, sold to the public as genuine solutions by businesses who have appointed and anointed themselves the 'experts!. for the education of children who will not be children for long. No classroom experience or evidence required to purchase the curricula and materials that ENABLE learning, and the voice of the professional silenced.
Series: Common Core 'Crap': The TRUTH (2 Articles, 36643 views)
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Of Flies and Philosophers: Wittgenstein and Philosophy by Michael Lynch posted by The idea that philosophy is purely descriptive, and should "leave the world as it is" falls short. It can play a more radical role. When we get curious about philosophical problems we are drawn into puzzles by the promise of sweet enlightenment, only to find ourselves caught in frustration (and banging our heads against the same wall over and over again). What we need, Wittgenstein thinks, is liberation..
Series: DON'T MISS THIS! (13 Articles, 542729 views)
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, February 17, 2013
Social Security? call it what it is: Our Earned Retirement Income. This came in email, so I cannot attribute, this spot-on analysis.The government now refers to our Social Security checks as a Federal Benefit Payment. BUT This isn't a benefit, its earned income! Not only did we all contribute to Social Security but our employers did too. It totaled 15% of our income before taxes. If you averaged $30K per year over your working life, that's close to $180,000 invested. Read the fact
Series: DON'T MISS THIS! (13 Articles, 542729 views), Economics and the propaganda/lies (1 Articles, 110032 views)
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, October 6, 2011
Educating all special learners including the most gifted An unseen inequality of education that is depriving this nation of something that made us great... the education in our public schools of our gifted learners. The media is the tool, directing the conversation to proficiency of the general population, and missing completely the need for the efficiency of teaching the best minds, the gifted learners who have always emerged from a great public education toblead our nation.
Series: Learning& WITT what it takes to teach (1 Articles, 15623 views)
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Learning not Teacher evaluation should be the emphasis of media Once again a major newspaper in their top editorial is advocating a 'reform' that is the antithesis of what is really needed "This is the environment we are living in, and it's fundamentally undermining democracy which is based on knowing some good and solid information, so one can make an informed choice." David Brock, Media Matters, in the video "Outfoxed"
Series: War on teachers and the profession (4 Articles, 169400 views), The truth about Testing: inventing failure so as to "fix" what wash never broken. (2 Articles, 35031 views), TEACHER PROFESSIONALS: All about LEARNING (1 Articles, 38117 views) (View All Series)
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, May 25, 2011
"BAMBOOZLE THEM" where teacher evaluation is the key to reform Bogus education reformers are intent on framing the national conversation by constantly conjuring ways to remove teachers. More tests = reform, is their latest mantra. This FALLACY -- that the quantitative data from student tests can accurately evaluate teacher performance -- is a terrible hoax, which is being perpetrated on a public which wants real reform, but is in the dark about what needs to be done.
Series: 15,880 Districts in 50 States: already divided for conquering. (2 Articles, 255577 views), Access: the POWER of MONEY (7 Articles, 664439 views), DON'T MISS THIS! (13 Articles, 542729 views) (View All Series)
Susan Lee Schwartz, From ImagesAttr
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A Personal Letter which I wrote to The NY Times RE the editorial "Pay Teachers More" A letter to the editors of The NY Times expressing my astonishment and outrage that an oped article which is titled PAY Teachers MORE, actually refers to 'reformers' whose ideas to reform teachers pay would be a disaster for teachers. It was the same old rant: ' To evaluate teachers through the performance of their students on standardized tests
Series: lies & propaganda:: the rant (5 Articles, 487983 views), The Media: what it does and doesn't do (2 Articles, 38037 views)

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