322 Reasons John Kerry ought to be Tasered until he pisses his pants.
Three hundred and twenty two? Not really. But now that I have the attention of the “*right people”, let’s get on with it.
Mr. Kerry hides something from the American people. He hides “a secret”, an unrevealed oath of allegiance, while sitting in the Senate presumably sworn to uphold The Constitution and The Will of the People. But Mr. Kerry can’t possibly fulfill either one of those requirements; he’s already in violation of his oath of office by his allegiance to something prior; something of more import to him. Nor can he possibly effect the will of those who elected him, for “informed consent” is not present. Mr. Kerry is not really a Senator. His election and his oath of office are invalid. Neither was he EVER a real Presidential candidate. The oaths are invalid because his highest loyalty is demonstrably to Skull and Bones and it’s agenda of international piracy, fiscal fraud, and endless war for profit. It has to be –worthless and invalid- because like all members of this white-collar crime ring, Mr. Kerry is being blackmailed, and has been from the beginning. Senator Kerry is in fact, utterly powerless. It’s why he conceded his actual victories before the votes are even counted. It’s why this pathetic wretch can’t even put together a cohesive position. Senator John Kerry isn't just a liar, like George Bush, he himself is a lie.
Mr. Kerry is a maggot, and a traitor. He’s a maggot because he feeds on the dead. Our troops, and ultimately, We The People and our nation. He’s a traitor because his presence as a representative, is not one bit different than were he working for the KGB, or the Mafia. He does work for a Mafia, it’s just called something else. He’s a criminal, his entire tenure as a Senator a long running conspiracy to perpetrate fraud upon the people. John Kerry is held in permanent check by controllers who can destroy him instantly any time he fails to cooperate with them. All of them are. Maybe they have photos of him with another man. Maybe they have photos of him with a child. Whatever they have, these people have made absolutely certain they have it, and it’s something so hideous as to render Mr. Kerry utterly subject to their will. No matter how much of an a**hole his cooperation makes him look like. Standing there while your goons muzzle and apply electrical shocks to a citizen asking thw wrong question makes you look like a pretty big a**hole John.
These people are mostly nameless and faceless to the public, but they run this government. John Kerry once spoke of the expediency of assassinating certain U.S. Senators during Vietnam. No high profile activist gets away saying something like this unless they’ve got serious protection; or the right people know it’s all an act. Personally, as a matter of nothing more than my personal opinion, with neither material support nor any offers of incentive, I would applaud Mr. Kerry’s assassination were the American people fortunate enough to have in their midst someone skilled enough, motivated enough and foolish and/or selfless enough, to rid them of one of many maggots which have infested the Republic are which are bringing it to it’s knees militarily and economically. Such a man would certainly disappear immediately were he to succeed. But I digress with my own inflammatory –but constitutionally fully protected- rhetoric-. I have an opinion.
John Kerry was asked a question he’s been asked countless times before. When he claimed he’d be willing to answer it, he was lying through his teeth. He still could have and he didn’t. He could answer it today and he won’t. Like George W. Bush, John Kerry works for a criminal enterprise, and is under orders to -literally- leave the room the moment it’s name is even mentioned.
John Kerry is directly responsible for the false arrest and electrical torture of Andrew Meyer by reason of his refusal to answer a question for decades, and the circumstance he created by his on-going fraud. Kerry is as responsible as if he’d wielded the Taser himself. Had Mr. Kerry ever answered the question posed by Mr. Meyer, the question posed so many times before over the years, and never answered, Mr. Meyer would not have needed to expose John Kerry as the conspiring, lying piece of garbage he so clearly is.
The people in Kerry’s audience were doubtless screened before hand with the intent of preventing such an exposure. That they would applaud such an assault on a genuine patriot asking what Kerry is hiding, exposes them as well; mindless, bleating sheep of the so-called “mainstream” or “middle of the road”. There is no “middle of the road”, only the truth, and God damned lies. The audience attending Kerry’s dog and pony show are guilty; Not one stood up and fought with the uniformed assailants. Instead, they sat and watched as a man was assaulted for asking for the truth. Some of them clapped.
The media too are shilling for Johnny boy: “ Tasered because he asked about impeachment?” I don’t think so. Funny how few of the reports mention his pointed question regarding Skull and Bones. Even funnier how so many videos of the incident have actually had the Skull and Bones question removed.
That Andrew Meyer almost certainly KNEW he would be assaulted for daring to mention Mr. Kerry’s participation in a criminal secret society hardly excuses it. It’s no different than were someone beaten by goons for asking John Gotti how many people he’s murdered. Andrew Meyer would never have needed to be there, would never have needed to confront John Kerry, were Kerry not the treasonous rat-bastard his membership in Skull and Bones and record of deceit demonstrates that he is. John Kerry ought to be shot with a Taser until he pisses his pants in my opinion. All 800 of the Skull and Bones roster should be shot with a Taser until confessions are forth coming. Johnny, you went to far; all you had to do was leave the room when Mr. Meyer mentioned the unmentionable. Rest in peace free speech. Long live free speech. f*ck you John Kerry, I truly hope someone wastes your sorry ass someday. You co*k sucking piece of sh*t.
*322 was the number by which the mere mention of, caused Mr. Kerry’s “people” to retroactively censor my open letter to him by causing it’s actual selective removal from a “government” web site; congress.org. 322 was also the number which resulted in my being banned from John Kerry’s “open to the public” blog during the election, at first mention. 322 is the chosen symbol of The Order of the Skull and Bones.
OpEdNews "THINK TWICE" Time-Out
One or more inappropriate words are in this main body of the Diary:
Foul Language - 'f*ck'is a word that shocks, but really doesn't add to your message. Please consider not using it, unless you want to drop your writing down a level, to a less civil one. This will surely offend some readers who might otherwise appreciate what you have to say. ESBE: Is it 50,000 volts?
-You've used a word that we consider "foul language." We suggest and request that you consider using other language. There are times when foul language is the best way to express an idea. But we've found that over-used, it lowers the discourse and professionalism of the conversation, the community and the website. Very often, writers regret the use of the foul language later. Also, there are some readers who do NOT ever use foul language and they find its use offensive. Many in this category will just stop reading your article. If your goal is to communicate, then for them, you have failed, even though they might otherwise find your message valuable. This is just a suggestion. The final decision is yours. ESBE: I have decided that "f*ck" is less foul than what what we are all witnessing in this nation. Thank you Mommy, but I'm gonna go with it.
Foul Language - 'co*k'
is a word that shocks, but really doesn't add to your message. Please consider not using it, unless you want to drop your writing down a level, to a less civil one. This will surely offend some readers who might otherwise appreciate what you have to say. It's up to you. Here's what George Carlin has to say about the words you can't use in public, which the supreme court decided definitely come under the category of free speech. You can use them, but unless you're a comedian, on cable TV, you run the risk of lowering the level of the discussion. If that's what you want, or to shock, go ahead. We encourage free speech here. ESBE: I've reconsidered it. I've concluded that using "co*k" does in fact add to my message. It adds "co*k" to describe a co*k. I find it useful.
The original seven words Carlin used were, sh*t, piss, f*ck, c-word, co*ksucker, motherf*cker, and t*ts. EBSE: Now who's throwing dirty words around?
-You've used a word that we consider "foul language." We suggest and request that you consider using other language. There are times when foul language is the best way to express an idea. But we've found that over-used, it lowers the discourse and professionalism of the conversation, the community and the website. Very often, writers regret the use of the foul language later. Also, there are some readers who do NOT ever use foul language and they find its use offensive. Many in this category will just stop reading your article. If your goal is to communicate, then for them, you have failed, even though they might otherwise find your message valuable. This is just a suggestion. The final decision is yours. ESBE: Yes, a co*k is also a foul. Foul Language - 'bastard'
is a word that shocks, but really doesn't add to your message. Please consider not using it, unless you want to drop your writing down a level, to a less civil one. This will surely offend some readers who might otherwise appreciate what you have to say. It's up to you. Here's what George Carlin has to say about the words you can't use in public, which the supreme court decided definitely come under the category of free speech. You can use them, but unless you're a comedian, on cable TV, you run the risk of lowering the level of the discussion. If that's what you want, or to shock, go ahead. We encourage free speech here. ESBE: I am sick of the veneer of "civility" and anyone who finds it important right now, is an ass.
The original seven words Carlin used were, sh*t, piss, f*ck, c-word, co*ksucker, motherf*cker, and t*ts.
-You've used a word that we consider "foul language." We suggest and request that you consider using other language. There are times when foul language is the best way to express an idea. But we've found that over-used, it lowers the discourse and professionalism of the conversation, the community and the website. Very often, writers regret the use of the foul language later. Also, there are some readers who do NOT ever use foul language and they find its use offensive. Many in this category will just stop reading your article. If your goal is to communicate, then for them, you have failed, even though they might otherwise find your message valuable. This is just a suggestion. The final decision is yours. ESBE: Jesus this is just a sad, sad situation.