William T. Hathaway: Is Fascism on the Rise in Germany? (11)
Marcia G. Yerman: "From Ground Zero: Stories from Gaza"
Thomas Knapp: Why Trump Shouldn't Negotiate With Putin On Ukraine
Dr. Lenore Daniels: Warning: Look Out for the "Rats"!
Dave Lefcourt: Trump and Putin on the phone Wednesday its significance can't be understated
Thomas Knapp: Sleeping or Not, DOGEs Lie
John Rachel: Brainwashing Is Not a Form of Personal Hygiene
Meryl Ann Butler: REVOLT from Trump's OWN allies in shocking update
Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: Allowing Truth to Prevail through Two Simple Maxims
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh: Songs and Hope in the midst of genocide
John Rachel: US Economic Reports Are Sounding Like Mother Goose
Domp Filanowski: GOAL Induction
Domp Filanowski: Eulogy of Edmund Francis Armstrong, March 11 1950 - May 10 2023
Thomas Knapp: The Political Show Must, Apparently, Go On ... But Don't Forget It's Just a Show
Marta Steele: What Has Evolved? (9/11/2001)
Kamala Sarup: Embracing Cape May's Scene
Marta Steele: Stupidity and Brutality Run Amok
John Hawkins: Hospital Discharge
John Hawkins: I'm Up by the 8 Count, But Staggering (again)
John Hawkins: I'm Ill
Al Hirschfield: Daily Live Blessings By Mother Meera (3)
Scott Baker: Senator Krueger's Virtual Town Hall Series New York City Reopens, Part 3: Vaccine Confiden
Greta Zarro: Virtual Chapter Open House
Al Hirschfield: Blessings By Mother Meera
Greta Zarro: Divest Philly Campaign Meeting
Greta Zarro: #nowar2019: Pathways To Peace
Greta Zarro: Free Webinar: Chapters 101
Greta Zarro: Campaign Meeting: Divest Philly From Nukes
Greta Zarro: Talk: David Swanson On "growing The Movement For A World Beyond War"
Greta Zarro: Talk: David Swanson On "growing The Movement For A World Beyond War"
AlterNet: 'Cowardice': GOP faces backlash after report suggests death threat may have swayed vote
Crooks and Liars: Dem Sen Rips 'Disgusting' Trump For 'Pathetic And Weak' Surrender To Russia
Daily Kos: You might have to wait for your tax refund this year, thanks to Trump
HuffPost: Trump Labor Nominee Walks Back Support For Pro-Union Law
PoliticusUSA: Trump's Approval Rating Is Collapsing As Voter Disapproval Grows On Key Issues
Tom Engelhardt: Tomgram: William Astore, Making Old-Style Imperialism Great Again
The incredible cost of Bitcoin
Werner Lange: Nazis Driven Out of Cincinnati Community
Martha Rosenberg: 8 Reasons to Fear the Revival of Bone Drugs: Fool Us Twice?
'Highway robbery': Trump Seizes FEMA funds Directly Out of NYC Bank Account
Tom Engelhardt: Tomgram: Robert Lipsyte, Beating the Bully
Pope Francis rebukes Trump and Vance
Tom Engelhardt: Tomgram: William D. Hartung, Make Art, Not War
Steven Sahiounie: Saudi Arabia pledges support for Syria and will push for lifting US-EU sanctions.
Tom Engelhardt: Tomgram: Michael Klare, Droning Washington
Rob Kall: Thom Hartmann The Hidden History of American Healthcare
Rob Kall: Joel Segal, Creating a National Progressive Coalition at the National Justice Roundtable
Rob Kall: Chuck Collins; , The Wealth Hoarders; How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Billions
Rob Kall: Charles Eisenstein: Sacred Economics: The World Needs A New Story
Rob Kall: Vincent James music evangelist and National Holiday Creator
Rob Kall: Learning from the Indigenous Wisdom of Sitting Bull, with Four Arrows
Rob Kall: Reinventing Masculinity from Confined to Liberated
Rob Kall: Carol S. Pearson; Understand the Stories you Live Your Life Through part 2
Rob Kall: What Stories Are You Living; Discover your Archetypes—Transform Your Mind (part 1 of 2) Carol Pearson
Rob Kall: Cindy Watson; The art of Feminine, Bottom up Negotiation and Navigation of the Healthcare system
Jose Manuel Silva: Green buildings in cities -- Sustainable Architecture
Bob Passi: Winter Solstice - 2024
Joshua Soo: Nuclear Energy, Friend or Foe? (2)
David Son: Cycles of Time (3)
Which areas of the world will be most affected by sea-level rise over the next century, and after that?
Karl Grossman: ADVANCE Act Pushing Nuclear Power Passes U.S. Congress by Lopsided Margins (6)
Bob Passi: The End is Near! : Human Development
Bob Passi: The Human Race
Katie Singer: Exploring humanness during radioactive times: a review of "SOS: The San Onofre Syndrome: Nuclear Power's Legacy"
Blair Gelbond: Toward a Mature Global Civilization
No One Knows How This Will End (But I Do Not Think It Will End Well for Them)- Rebecca Solnit
How the "Subversive Genius" of Kendrick Lamar Sent Trump Home a Loser
As an Ex-President, Jimmy Carter Fought for Peace
Luigi Mangione Is America Whether We Like It or Not
Elie Mystal: OF COURSE Joe Biden Was Right to Pardon His Son
Consequences of The Heritage Foundation Project 1981 and Project 2025's Guide to Subverting Democracy
What I Learned When I Read 887 Pages of Project 2025
Poll: Two-Thirds of Americans Think Trump Won't Accept 2024 Election Outcome
Election Interference Can Mean So Many Different Actions
The Heritage Foundation Wants to Finish the Job, Stealing The American Dream, with Project 2025!
Barbara And Bruce MacLean-Lerro: Take Your Clothes Off and Keep Your Mouth Shut: My Twelve Years in a Union as a Fine Arts Model
Lawrence Wittner: The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Provides a Way to Avert Nuclear Catastrophe (4)
Barbara And Bruce MacLean-Lerro: What is a Working Class Hero?
Citizen News Service - CNS: Frontline healthcare workers dispelling darkness below the lamp
Christian J Botella: Kirill Ilinski's Gauge Theory in Finance: Bridging Physics and Economics
Rick Staggenborg, MD: A reason to hope that suffering is not meaningless
Citizen News Service - CNS: India shifting gears to get on the right track to #endTB
Barbara And Bruce MacLean-Lerro: Towards a Neopagan Process Thealogy: How it Can Enrich Communism
Bob Passi: The New Year 2025
Bob Passi: Christmas 2024
Lance Ciepiela: Empower Grand Jury to Hear 9/11 Evidence of Federal Crimes (5)
John Hawkins: (Concluded) End the 1917 Espionage Act
Kathy Swift: (Concluded) Free Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange! (3)
Kathy Swift: (Concluded) Free Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange (4)
Domp Filanowski: (Concluded) Philadelphia Free Library: Subscribe to OED Online
Justin Samuels: (Concluded) Legalize Recreational Cannabis in New York
Yolanda Bell: (Concluded) Stop Hospitals From Utilizing Guardianships to Override Patient Rights
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: (Concluded) Tell the Electoral College to cast their votes for Hillary Clinton. (1)
Paul Tuten: (Concluded) Wholly employee owned non-profit corporations.
Paul Tuten: (Concluded) Track and prosecute corporate crime. (1)
Censored Quilts: Is female anatomy too "controversial" for the American Quilter's Society? (1) |
Gary Lindorff: Chaos theory followed by notes |
Marcia G. Yerman: " Hi Blair, Thanks for your comment.This was a r" on ""From Ground Zero: Stories from Gaza""
Michael Morrissey: " I seem to be blocked from posting comments, so I'" on "Is Fascism on the Rise in Germany?"
Michael Morrissey: " I have a comment to make here but OEN for some re" on "Is Fascism on the Rise in Germany?"
Michael Morrissey: " I agree. However, the AfD is not a real peace par" on "Is Fascism on the Rise in Germany?"
Michael Morrissey: " I agree. The AfD is not a peace party, since they" on "Is Fascism on the Rise in Germany?"
Michael Morrissey: " Some glitch is preventing me from posting comment" on "Is Fascism on the Rise in Germany?"
Michael Morrissey: " I am trying to post a comment. Not succeeding. " on "Is Fascism on the Rise in Germany?"
Michael Morrissey: " I am trying to post a comment, without success. " on "Is Fascism on the Rise in Germany?"
Michael Morrissey: " I agree, but there are some fascist elements that" on "Is Fascism on the Rise in Germany?"
John Henry Egan: " They make it a wasteland and call it peace. Tacit" on "On America as a Christian Nation"
Louis Pasteur: Let me tell you a secret...
Tom Paine: Goal of American Dream...
Plutarch: What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality...
Ralph Waldo Emerson: Emerson's View of Man and God...
Buckminster Fuller: Build a new model....
Emiliano Zapata: It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees....
Bernie Sanders: “Not me, Us...
Stian Skjelbred: Words to live by...
Mark Twain (?): Denial...
Thomas Jefferson, A Slave Owner: Afterthought 1...
Rob Kall: Who Leaked Alito's Roe v Wade Draft Opinion?
Don Smith: Should (international) air travel be greatly restricted? (2)
Lance Ciepiela: 20th Anniversary of 9/11 - The President and Congress Should Review The Evidence of Federal Crimes?
John Hawkins: What, Are They Sh*tting Us?
Lance Ciepiela: Is Biden's Stimulus Bill The Right Rescue Plan?
Rob Kall: Did You Vote For or Against
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Which country will Trump go into exile to? (7)
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Is Pompeo really the worst Secretary of State the USA has ever had? (2)
Mohammad Ala: Which country will be bombed first? (1)
Rob Kall: Your Prayers for Donald Trump?