After writing a series of articles those that do take the time to read them will email me their thoughts. At times, it will lead me down the path of most resistance. That is because it gives me the courage to opine my personal feelings of a certain event. It may even create a back lash by those who believe the opposite. It may even result in vile emails written by those who will scream at the top of their lungs who have agreed with me in the past. It is par for the course when one chooses to put ones words out there for all to read.
In my piece which I challenged both Joe Scarborough and Steve Adubato to back up their assertions concerning President Chavez, I briefly mentioned Rosie O’Donnell in it. September 11th, 2001 brings up many different emotions for all of us. It brings up fear in some as one reader wrote to me that at the age of 74 she is living a nomadic life. She wants to find her little nook in this country to feel safe and who can blame her. Some have even chosen to leave this country and live as ex-patriots. Who can blame them with the passage of both Patriot Acts and our invasion into Iraq as well as the Military Commissions Act of 2006? I have heard from them as well. Many have told me that they no longer see this as being the land of freedom and liberty, but of aggression and lies.
At this point I am going to let it rip and I just know that this will enrage some who will be hopping mad concerning my opinion of that fateful day. Do I believe that President George W. Bush was behind that event? No, I do not. Just look at the derogatory terms used to describe him in these past six going on seven. Terms such as idiot, to a drunk and it would take a smart man to pull all of that off. Yes, I can hear some saying well Vice President Cheney was behind it. Your guess is as good as mine, but we all have the rights to our personal beliefs. If that many people were in on it; how do you keep something a secret when many were and still are involved?
As I looked at President Bush’s face on 9/11 as he was informed in front of those school children while reading that book, what I saw was a man who was shocked. It was as if he were thinking, my God what do I do now? I did not see a leader, but a man equally terrified as the rest of us, but with one important distinction, he had to rise to the challenge and lead us. On that day, he let America down.
Sometimes the answer lies in the most simplest of explanations. President Bush was not keeping an eye on the ball when it came to terrorist threats and ignored such men as Richard Clarke who is perhaps one of the best experts in counter-terrorism. He served under several administrations and was ignored when Bush took office. In an interview with CBS’s Sixty Minute correspondent, Leslie Stahl, Clarke stated, “White House officials were tepid in their response when he urged them months before Sept. 11 to meet to discuss what he saw as a severe threat from al Qaeda.”
He also relayed in that interview which I wrote of in a prior piece, “Clarke was outraged as President Bush ran for re-election in 2004 based on his record in fighting terrorism stated, “He ignored it. He ignored terrorism for months, when maybe we could have done something to stop 9/11. Maybe. We'll never know."
Sometimes it is ignoring the direst threats to our nation which are simple in itself that is the most believable. Perhaps huge conspiracies are put out there to misdirect us, confuse us and at the end place even more fear in us. Perhaps the best course of action is to hold an administration accountable to all of us and say, if you receive threats to this nation’s security, you had better well pay attention to them. I think the latter empowers us more instead of looking into every nook and cranny. By doing that, it lends one to take their eye off the ball to the most obvious which I will get to later on in this piece.
While I do not know how Rosie O’Donnell came to her beliefs most likely it was through watching the endless films, feeds, lectures given by others too numerous to list here and she drew her own conclusion based upon all of them. I too have watched endless hours staying up half the night and in doing so, I came away more confused than I was in the beginning. Some will use graphics to draw your attention to this part of the Twin Towers, the Pentagon or that field in Pennsylvania and again not to make light, it reminds me of the song Alice’s Restaurant. They remind me of this one stanza “Obie came in with the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one”
I just know that this comparison will have many who have come to believe as O’Donnell send me tons of links saying, “Read this” or “Watch this” hoping to change my opinion.
Before Rosie became as Steve Adubato said “a social commentator” in which he said she “must hold herself accountable” she was a stand up comic, so it begs the question; is she learned enough based upon what she has seen through various presentations to give an informed opinion? Are any of us who do not have a degree in engineering, fire dispersal, how to bring down a building and the list goes on. Yes, we can watch these presentations and say yeah that is possible, but possibility is a long stretch from absolutely.
Think of it like this, if several doctors came up to you giving you a multitude of medical journals, slides, autopsy results and then ask you to make a presentation at a morbidity and mortality conference; would you be able to do it? Would you be able to say with absolute certainty and state what killed a patient?
It was stated on that Scarborough Country segment that since Rosie O’Donnell joined The View, it has received 600,000 more viewers. I suppose most tuned in to see her entertain and not for her political opinions. Yes, she is entitled to her beliefs and to air them which is called free speech. I suppose more have heard her take on that day than those who choose to tune into Public TV or C-Span.
Now this is where I do have a problem with Rosie O’Donnell as one reads this Newsday article and where one does not have to be an expert in understanding. As you will read that article, as a result of the Columbine shootings that took place in the 90s, she has been very upset lately and is on pain medications. I took time to write Newsday a letter to the editor and said in part, “The only word that best describes her in her reaction to this tragic event is that she is a narcissist. In this piece it reads as if this horrific event was all about her and not the dozen or so teenager’s who lost their lives on that day. Instead of focusing on her suffering if one can call it that, she should be focusing on their true pain and suffering.”
Being on these pain medications may explain her performance on The View. While I am not an expert in matters of psychology, it angers me that what she said may have caused pain to the victims of 9/11. I am more concerned of their pain and how they are dealing with life and I do think that may be the reason for the backlash on Scarborough Country.
In response to an email sent to me by Steve Adubato, he did thank me and said I brought up many interesting points. In an email that I received from a man who once had his own main stream radio program, he stated, “Wanna bet next time you see Steve on TV he does it all over again? He knows what he's there to do. That's why they asked him to be there.” And low and behold while watching MSNBC today; Steve Adubato sounded much the same as he did prior to my email to him after watching him take on Rosie. So, was Steve hired to go on air to dismiss Rosie before the world? That is for him to answer.
If you want to really speak of how your government and the Bush administration are conspiring against you, it is within the pieces of legislation passed by congress and signed into law. One such bill was the bankruptcy bill. Think of the devastation that created for many Americans as this government sided with big business. Look to the cuts in Medicare, Medicaid and the food stamps that go with that program to see how many American that also affected. How many have died as a result of no health care due to lack of insurance. I do suspect if you were to add up each and every person who has died as a result, it will surpass those that died on 9/11.
If you truly want to see how your government conspired against you, one only has to look at the provable lies that led to our illegal invasion of Iraq. To date it has killed close to 3,200 soldiers, maimed tens of thousands of soldiers and has killed according to some estimates coming from The Lancet over 600,000 innocent Iraqis.
In closing, I suspect that this one particular piece will have many send me links to various theories that are out there concerning 9/11, but I choose to address the more credible acts that are coming from Washington, D.C. which affect our way of life. If further legislation is passed which sends more jobs overseas or raises our taxes, those are more tangible to the lives of all Americans. Those are the issues we should be screaming about in order to help our fellow Americans. Just imagine if the bread winner in your home came home saying he/she just lost their job. Imagine if you had to move from your home because you could no longer afford to live their due to your property taxes. A wonderful man who was an editor to a local news paper which has published several guest columns of mine recently had to resign and move off of Long Island. It seems that he could no longer afford to raise his family here.
Author’s note: Please feel free to email me at