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AIPAC/ Israel Too Much Power in the US

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A couple of recent news stories highlight how much power AIPAC/ Israel has in the United States. One such piece of news was the story of the Chinese Navy harassing an unarmed US spy ship. This piece is remarkable, because another such unarmed US spy ship was destroyed by Israel, the USS Liberty. The US entered no complaint against Israel. I guess they have the privilege of destroying US property. The Chinese do not have that privilege even though they practically own the US.

The next recent piece of news is the smearing and condemning Obama's appointment to the CIA position. What on Earth was this man's problem? He thought that maybe we need to take a look at our relationship with Israel. What audacity! The man was viciously smeared and chased out of the appointment.

Freeman story

Another piece of news that came out this week was the amount of spying that Israel does on the US. NSA spies on regular Americans and apparently so does Israel. I don't know about you, but I find this disturbing. This country is supposed to have a special place with America, but they do an awful lot of spying.

Spying story

AIPAC has viciously smeared and viciously attacked other such open-minded folks. The first was Cynthia McKinney and another representative from Alabama. McKinney thought there was something "funny" about 911, and she wanted it investigated before we went and bombed other countries that had nothing to do with it. AIPAC thought she was too pro-Arab and smeared her and ran her out of office. Pro-Arab? Wanting an investigation is Pro-Arab? How could that be? Maybe Arabs didn't do 911. We still need to find out.

Another such person chased completely out of the country and forced to step down from the institution that he founded was of all people, Arun Gandhi. Mr. Gandhi had the complete arrogance to suggest that Israel use peaceful means to accomplish its goals. He stated that they too often used bombs when other means would be more productive. This man was viciously smeared, chased out of the US, and forced to step down from the Peace Institute that he established.

Gandhi Story

Arun Gandhi was hurt and upset that regular Americans allowed a vicious narrow-minded minority run him completely out of the country. Some of the vicious few have dual passports Israel/USA, and may not have their loyalties with this country anyway. Well, Mr. Gandhi, I found this hurtful as well, and I never forgot it. I did not know much about the Israel-US relationship until that happened. Now I too want to know why AIPAC/Israel has so much power in the US.

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I enjoy writing about political/ economic events, and I am especially concerned about the US as a warlike nation. I would like to see this nation turn itself around from a conquering nation in both commerce and war to a nation of peace. I hope that (more...)
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