This year's Bilderberg conference will take place from June 3-6 at the Luxury Hotel Dolce Sitges in the south of Barcelona, Spain.
View the list of participants here.
What is the Bilderberg conference?
The elect private club has pursued an agenda for political and economic centralization, to be culminated in a global government, ever since its clandestine creation in 1954. Much of it's influence over Western democratic governments and global bodies is an open conspiracy. But because of the high level of secrecy in which the meetings are held, little is factually known of the club's true purpose, ideas, and plan for the world, other than to establish an authoritarian global government. Media and news organizations don't even acknowledge the existence of the Bilderberg group, let alone investigate it's aims and political reach.
Investigative journalist and author Daniel Estulin is one of the few voices who covers the Bilderberg conference from year to year. His book "True Story of the Bilderberg Group" is an international bestseller, and has exposed the existence of the group to a global audience. You can hear his latest information about the Bilderberg's up-coming secret summit at the
Estulin will give a historic speech about the Bilderberg group to the European Parliament this Tuesday June 1st, 2010 in Brussels. Read more about it here.