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Bill Richardson and Corruption

Michael Cavlan
Message Michael Cavlan


Surprise, surprise… Bill Richardson has withdrawn his name for consideration as Obama’s Commerce Secretary.


I am kind of proud I was the first one to break the news weeks ago that Bill Richardson was one corrupt S.O.B. tied in with the mobsters in the Indian Gaming Industry… actually, before that… check out my blog postings about that great “Prez on the Rez” debate that only Bill Richardson and Dennis Kucinich turned out for after I sent John Sweeney one of my lovely little letters… ya, that “Prez on the Rez” debate out in California which took place at a casino that Tom Hayden of “Progressives for Obama” fame took campaign contributions from… ya, that same casino whose management sent out a bunch of thugs armed with hickory baseball bats to teach a lesson to workers trying to organize a union.


The corruption charges swirling around Richardson are in large part related to an investment group with major holdings in the Indian Gaming Industry. John Edwards sat on the board of another “investment group” primarily built around the teacher union pension funds whose main investments are in building casinos in the Indian Gaming Industry.


One of the reasons this “investment group” Richardson is associated with is being so closely scrutinized in the first place is because of its association over the years with a man who is little known but very powerful in this country. His name is Alvin Ira Malnik.


Alvin Ira Malnik is a very interesting fellow who I assume is responsible for Obama dumping Richardson; Obama didn’t want the appearance of being connected too closely with Alvin Ira Malnik even though Mr. Malnik has been one of the big major donors to the Democratic Party for many years.


Alvin Ira Malnik “inherited” a very interesting “business.” He is the heir to the Meyer Lansky “syndicate.”


Alvin Ira Malnik was the guy chosen by Meyer Lansky to make his business “legitimate” and guide the “business” through the losses suffered as a result of the Cuban revolution.


It is quite interesting how all of these fellows are “connected.”


One has to kind of wonder if Obama and his handlers haven’t perhaps intentionally created a link to leftists and communists (Frank Marshall Davis) as a means to kind of lead people away from what might really be the case that Obama is well connected to organized crime… as are some thought to be progressives and leftists.


Add in one of Alvin Ira Malnik’s closest of personal friends, Bernie Madoff--- another major donor to the Democratic Party (both big supporters of AIPAC), and one begins to wonder if Bernie Madoff wasn’t actually “laundering” the Lansky “family” money.


Mr. Malnik provided the “consultancy” to get two huge casino empires off the ground in Minnesota… Mystic Lake and the Grand Casinos as well as the huge casino operation in Mt. PleasantMichigan… but his pet project was working the deal that saw the Seminoles in Florida taking over the huge Hard Rock casino/resort empire. Mr. Malnik is associated in one way or another with over 300 of the 450 or so casinos in the Indian Gaming Industry.


Two other people well connected to Alvin Ira Malnik are Chuck Schumer and Obama’s Chief of Staff… of course, the only thing Chuck Schumer and Rahm Emanuel have in common with Alvin Ira Malnik is their love for Israel… I am sure they know nothing about Alvin Ira Malnik’s “business” interests… ya, sure; you betcha.


It certainly would be interesting to be able to read the entire Grand Jury proceedings concerning Bill Richardson’s “friends.” I guess Barack Obama thought the reading might be a little too interesting also.


You know, I have been wondering for quite some time why the People’s Weekly World (Sue Webb was the writer) gave such glowing coverage to Irene Folstrom, the Native American woman put forward by the Leech Lake Band to run for the Minnesota State Senate. Folstrom is closely associated with the Indian Gaming Commission; and Mr. Malnik, according to registration records maintained by the Minnesota Commissioner of Public Safety, just happens to “own” about four hundred slot machines in the three Leech Lake Casinos from which he gets about 60% of everything put into the machines.


Again, I find it very interesting that the PWW would select Irene Folstrom to highlight on the pages of the PWW when there are dozens of Native Americans running for state and federal office in this country.


Put this together with the fact that the PWW has been unwilling, and outright refuses, to publish any story about the “Compacts” creating the Indian Gaming Industry leaving over two-million workers to be employed in smoke-filled casinos managed by the likes of Alvin Ira Malnik and Frank Fertitta, Jr. and never once has the PWW mentioned the thoroughly reactionary role of Brownstein/Hyatt/Farber/Schreck in the Democratic Party… if not to mention Brownstein/Hyatt/Farber/Schreck in relation to Indian Gaming and their link to organized crime… one would think that Norman Brownstein’s leading role in AIPAC would have been noted on the pages of the PWW… but this has never been mentioned… nor has Frank Schreck’s role as the official “deal maker” at the National Democratic Party Convention ever been mentioned even though Frank Schreck held over three-hundred and fifty meeting with various groups and businesses--- including the leaders of Progressive Democrats of America.


Tom Hayden was present during discussion with Frank Schreck… yet now he denies ever hearing of Brownstein/Hyatt/Farber/Schreck even though AIPAC paid his way into the California State Legislature by his own admission!


Now, consider this… Meyer Lansky once boasted that he worked with a “group of Communists” in New York City to break up a fascist pro-Hitler rally during World War II.


I am wondering if Mr. Malnik doesn’t hold some interest in those new glass offices, too. After all, Sam Webb acts more like a mobster than a Communist as he tries to stifle any dialogue, discussion and debate as he sits up in his glass office afraid to meet with working people in the midst of this economic crisis.


I would not be surprised if we find that Mr. Malnik is in some way related to the corruption swirling around the Illinois Governor, too… after all, it was Meyer Lansky who helped the feds put Al Capone behind bars so he could weasel in on his lucrative prostitution and gambling businesses. More interesting might be the connection with the Balanoff’s to all of this. One day old man Balanoff was a most despised Communist who nobody would talk to… the next day he becomes the director of the USW and the entire family is getting jobs in unions left and right with the present Balanoff representing workers in the hospitality industry through SEIU linked to governor “B”… Balanoff never worked at any job represented by SEIU--- yet he is a big-shot in the union trying to broker deals with a corrupt governor.


And then I start to think… how did Obama ever get to be considered as a “progressive” even though he himself acknowledges that he has never been one… someone had to start this rumor… after all, it is kind of hard to run for president boasting about ties to Bernie Madoff, Alvin Ira Malnik and Brownstein/Hyatt/Farber/Schreck… all of whom one would think would be grist for the mill in a Communist Party newspaper.


Then I turn to this fellow claiming to be Frank Marshall Davis’ son out to “defend the family honor” by trying to claim that Frank Marshall Davis was not a member of the CPUSA… a retired military intelligence officer to boot--- who just happens to be living in Las Vegas.


Even more interesting is the fact that the Chief Financial Officer for Red Lake Gaming Enterprises worked for Price Waterhouse… his specialty was “building good strong businesses down” to make them suitable for a cheap takeover. Even of greater interest is the fact that one such company that he worked this “economic miracle” on was a trucking company that one of Mr. Malnik’s businesses ended up buying for peanuts. That trucking company now serves the casino industry… Indian and non-Indian. And now here we have Red Lake Nation Chairman Floyd “Buck” Jourdain being linked to one of Mr. Malnik’s favorite entrepreneurial endeavors… the drug trade. And then I wonder how it is that while all of this drug dealing is going on right from the Red Lake Nation Tribal offices ALL the MN DFL candidates for United States Senate end up making the trek to seek the endorsement--- and of course financial contributions from--- Chairman Jourdain.


Oh, and I forgot something… throw in those “union” workers building these casinos in the Indian Gaming Industry for which the Building and Construction Trades can’t produce any signed, written contracts yet they collect dues from those working and a United States Department of Justice that all of a sudden seems to have forgotten about RICO statutes which they used to take Ron Carey out of the Teamster’s Union to be replaced with Jimmy Hoffa, Jr., who, like Balanoff, never worked at a job in the industry a day in his life… oh, ya… the Teamsters, like the Building Trades unions, don’t have any signed contracts with the casino managements either for the workers they send out on the casino construction sites. It is easy to prove me liar… all these unions have to do is pull out a signed contract with these tribal gaming establishments… Perhaps Minnesota State Representative Tom Anzelc would have access to such a signed contract? Got one signed by Ms. Melanie Benjamin or Mr. Stanley Crooks? Maybe Mr. Rudden and United States Senator Carl Levin’s staff over there in Escanaba, Michigan can ask the Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council to produce a signed contract with the management of the Island Casino or would Mr. Rudden have to give up all that lucrative advertising the casino does with his newspaper?  


If there isn’t a scenario here worthy of further study, someone should at least consider putting it all together for a novel made for a television mini-series.


Where is there another Howard Fast when we need him?


A rotten, corrupt capitalist system sure does make for an interesting small little big, not-so-under, world.


Let’s just pretend that none of this sleaze and corruption exists in the great United States of America as we keep boasting to the rest of the planet that this is the world’s greatest bastion of democracy.





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Michael Cavlan , RN, was an Official Green Party Observer for the 2004 Ohio Re-Count. He was the Green Party Candidate for US Senate 2006. A long time dissident peace, justice and media activist, he is committed to creating a truly open and (more...)
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