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Dear Diary,
Yesterday, March 24, 2022, I received my first Covid-19 vax shot in-home. It was the Novovax vaccine.
I felt that I could have done without it. I don't ever go out. My family members are vaccinated. Delivery people come in ,masks and observe safe distance protocols. Where I live there is a lower incidence of contagion because of the natural isolation of the region easily controlled by cutting off air service to the city, which was done. But Omnicron seems to have made some inroads.
I was pressured into taking the vax, it must be said. My family feared that whereas I am in the high risk group I should do it as a precaution for them. Had I my druthers, I'd have not risked taking a vaccine that is under-studied and under-tested -- any of them. They are released under Emergency Authorization, which means Big Pharma gets to make Big Bucks while working out the kinks of the vaccine on the whole population instead of study groups that are isolated and monitored. Essentially, we are all guinea pigs. As the NYT reported in August 2020, no vaccine for Corona had EVER been developed, and the lowest amount of time ever for any vaccine to show up has been, until the miraculous glut of vaccines arrived, four years minimum.
The in-home vax was painless, a simple jab. But I was non-plussed by the fact that I'd not received from the health agency a request for my latest health results from a GP, nor had I been sent a pdf or pamphlet describing the vaccine in detail and list of side effects. When they arrived, the two matrons pleasantly answered soft questions, said I might experience a headache, muscle aches and/or flu-like symptoms. That's it. They didn't appear know anything about my preference for a solution -- monoclonal.
Last year, the NYT ran a piece, "How the Novavax Vaccine Works,." and, frankly, it reads like a manufacturer's news release, not journalism A look at the timeline, says they went from initial funding by the gov in May and were on Phase 3 trials by September. This seems crazy and is not explained. Nor does the process featured in the piece show how or why -- if it's that simple -- it takes so long usually. Nor, of course, does it explain the NYT's previous advice, during the Trump admin, how no vaccine takes less than four years is suddenly tada --
Now, I wait. Will I become a polyhedral hydra man? Taken by pseudo mafia parasites who attack my brain? I just don't know. It's enough to make me paranoid.