Naomi Klein's
"Shock Doctrine" +
"Orwellian Tactics" =
U.S. empire
"Shock Doctrine" +
"Orwellian Tactics" =
U.S. empire
Greenspan versus Naomi Klein
we are change versus Greenspan
Andrew Meyer
I have a full five pages of research on that alone as psyops!!
Henry Paulson,
Plunge Protection
Goldman Sachs are the problem :-(
Linda McQuaig
counterintel pro
Gore Vidal - war is peace
CREATIVITY and our right to
wholistic healing
my story at least part of it.
Someone on OpEd News got THAT Right!!
I just wrote for an hour and one half responding to Norma's confusing email about Millenium's style.I don't feel like totally reconstructing it.
I do want to carry on the 'argument' a bit further though as this is the MOST critical issue of our time.
We are all victims of SHOCK. I think it got truly embedded for 'our' generation's psyche during the Cuban Missile crisis.
Whether Naomi Klein believes that or sees that, I don't rightly know, as I don't didn't have the money to buy the book when it came out and have not put in for a reviewer copy. And I am busy reviewing
Holding the Bully's Coat.
Linda McQuaig is the TRUE populist of the two. Naomi is in the limelight; I sure hope Linda gets her day. Naomi's book was not expected to get much reach in the American market, but I think the video will do its job. But the book is a hard slog for the-man-in-the-street, so I just slog along posting endless items to make my point on my blog, hoping I can turn it into an engaging ebook and a subsequent video or maybe a TV series. ( I sure am trying in my limited way. )
I do know where she got some of her ideas from, though. Following my phyrric victory up here in 1997, after gaining refugee status, I paid for a copy of Judith Lewis Herman's book, Trauma and Recovery and gave it to Naomi's mother-in-law, Michele Landsberg. Michele is a former columnist and the wife of an ex-UN Ambassador. Michele's son, Avi Lewis, is married to Naomi. During a lunch at Michele's, at which she was following up an interview I did with her I saw, but was not introduced to Avi and she took the book. I gave it to her with an unpublished monograph on society and dissociation from pain. That paper was written by a psychologist who worked with ritual abuse victims.
Michele had been assigned to write an OUTRAGED piece about how my family had been denied landing after winning our case .. only that didn't happen! She wrote a piece about her woooooooooooonderful husband and the wooooooooooonderful United Nations. The Star was not amused; neither was I. And it did my family no damned good. How do I know? a little bird at The Star told me.
I am a person who worked in IT and banking law too long. When I awoke from that trance, I discovered that I had suffered trauma all my life and began to work on it. To my surprise, I discovered I had more latent healer abilities and psi than I supposed (or wanted). Over time I studied wholistic healing and saw just what global implications that it has. Thus, I began writing a book and took many real writing classes, psychology classes, healer seminars and set up a "clinic". I am really interesting in WHAT WORKS to heal people and how you help them, I mean really help them by getting them to see themselves as true global citizens.
As I type this second email I realize I am getting very DRY. Sorry. Bear with me (or don't)
What I discovered that as we are all unique individuals, we all have our own way of healing, but first we must work on our addictions right across the board. So I began to catalogue as many as I could.
For 20 years, I've been looking at them and certain distinguishing fetishes in Western society (the car being but one of them).
Last year, my landlord threw away my book, all of my cards, notes, paperwork, my computer TRASHED. My blog is an attempt to put it into an ebook form and has at 1395 items stashed on it. Some have links; some do not. I was a newbie blogger without an education at first. But there IS a search engine at the top of the blog ...
The point I am making, Norma and MT, is that we are ALL RIGHT. There's no use in arguing form or function on any of this. We've ALL been had. We are awakening from the trance and the trauma and we've all got to hang in their and recover together. Some "discoveries" are more painful than others. But the truth is the "group" can onlly survive if THERE ARE NO SCAPEGOATS otherwise, all the rest sit around feeling "it is my turn next" and shut the hell up. At that point the group becomes no damned good. However, those who draw "first blood" must be asked to leave if they don't mend their ways after warning(s), depending on what the group can bear. Other than that, ALL EXPRESSION must be encouraged, if not exactly appreciated. The mirroring and button pushing gets very intense'; but it's part of the healing.
I've put the links on the top, because I see certain FLAWS in Naomi's approach. I have archived material on Milton S. Friedman; he was a huge huge abuser of the planet. NO doubt about it. Frankly, a very evil man.
But he is NOT the problem TODAY; Henry Paulson, and the Plunge Protection Team as well as the government infiltrators (highest campaign contributors ever) at Goldman Sachs are the problem(s) TODAY. Leyman Brothers is not so hot either. There are eight great banking houses plus the central clearing banks to uncover and EXPOSE.
So I am sorry my book is not out. As I so dearly would love to put that right in people's faces. MT's discoveries and my blog are now being discussed by the conspiracy theory sites as well as by the yuppies who are distainful of what he and I are seeing, I assure.
And to expose that whole rotten banking system, the major players who know are sitting at the helm of the HUGEST empire ever known must be shown for all their addictiveness. We must intervene THEM. We are not to become their cattle for tagging with RFID chips, genetically altered feed our lot, and the "useless eaters' amongst us culled. We don't live in an Armed Madhouse; that was in Ginsberg's day. We are all just being given interventionist's tools as this has turned into an addictions centre where the counsellors are dealing DRUGS on an hourly basis via the SNOOZE, which fascinates, tittllelates but ultimately deadens us DOWN. We must regain our collective CREATIVITY and our right to ART.
So, although I myself get right FED UP, realizing underneath I am a survivor and a THRIVER, I keep putting out all this information and particularly on how mining POISONS hurts us all. Once that stops, there go there nukes and we can then figure out how to dispose of all the TOXIC WASTE. We CAN deploy our ENERGY to the tasks at hand, rather than wasting our existences as tools to keep their nazimobiles running around DC and the other world capitals and the five star hotels. WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME SIDE and all expressions of the same should have equal weight. Hard damned work, but that's the deal. Real education IS activism these days.
Remember we are not the front line; the indigenous peoples are and we have alot to learn here on this crazy N. American landmass from these LEADERS .. from our NDN brothers and sisters at Lake Ardoch/Sharbot Lake, at Caledonia, in Nevada where the fight Divine Strake to Evo Morales in Bolivia to Leonard STILL in jail. The list is very very long.
So thank you to everyone here who puts up with my rants (that is my recovery feature) and SCREAMS. It's a process not an event as I like to say. But we are all in this together; me, my 1395 blog items, your rants, your views and style and _expressions ... and all the rest, too.
All my best,
(ps. the women of today are from Toronto!! WE love living with diversity. And I prray we are sustainable!!)