At the time of yet another mass slaughter of Arab Palestinians, it seems appropriate to remind ourselves of the multitude of Jewish scientists, philosophers, writers, artists, rabbis who were against the violent partition forced upon the Palestinians by the Zionist movement and the colonial powers.
Albert Einstein, Martin Buber, Erich Fromm stand out in our memory for their warnings, but they are just three among the many thousands of Jewish intellectuals from all over the world who spoke out, and the Neturei Karta Orthodox Rabbis, have been the most steadfast and articulate in their opposition to the existence of the present state of Israel,
Within Israel, which they refer to as occupied Palestine territory, and internationally, these well-spoken Neturei Karta rabbis are gentle, warm, kind, patient and gracious in appearance and demeanor, eloquent in describing their faith in the Torah, firm in their condemnation of Zionist crimes against humanity, but fiery in their repudiation of Zionist claims to represent Judaism.
On the Neturei Karta web site one can read of their representations, protests and loving support for all the peoples of Palestine in public statements, publications and see photos of the Rabbis at demonstrations, meetings and convocations, in Jerusalem, New York, London, Washington D.C., Montreal, Toronto, Tehran, various cities in Europe and elsewhere.
Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism
"Neturei Karta is an international organization of Orthodox Jews dedicated to the propagation and clarification of Torah Judaism."