Madison, Connecticut, is not some dirt water town, it is a bedroom community, a suburb.
Millions of tax dollars are spent on its police force. The 3rd shift was too busy sleeping with prostitutes and hanging out with drug dealers and criminals to answer citizen calls. [story] Scroll down for Durgin news video.
(New Haven-WTNH) _ At least five people, including two New Haven police officers, were arrested Tuesday. The charges include conspiracy and theft of government funds, and bribery.
The officers are identified as Lt. Billy White, Sr., the head of the department's Narcotics Division, and Det. Justin Kasperzyk.
"I'm disguested, I'm upset, frustrated," New Haven Police Chief Francisco Ortiz said.
White is accused of theft of government funds and conspiracy. In an afternoon court appearance, the FBI said they have video and audio evidence of White that was taken during a sting operation.
The officers are accused in part of taking money from drug scenes. In one piece of evidence, prosecutors showed a picture of someone they say is White holding a bag that contained $27,000 in cash. [scroll down for Billy White picture in this post for more]
Police Officers like the ones mentioned above can use tax dollars to pay police informants. Police Officers can spy on citizens at will to cover up their crimes. Typical use of police informants detailed in [this post]. Scroll down for names and stories.
How do citizens fix this gross police misconduct problem?
Well, how about virtually doing away with judges?
If Grand Juries are bolstered, we the people, could take evidence in any form to the Grand Jury. The Grand Jury could then take a vote on whether to fund a private investigation, to indict, prosecute etc. Grand Juries should be completely independent and readily accessible in any court. Member terms should be limited as corruption occurs when there are lifetime positions with no oversight.
Grand Jury System explained, [video].
If you make a police misconduct complaint in America, you might get beaten up, arrested, jailed, and/or killed. Police have a policy to deal with complainers, it is called, “Arrest and Discredit”. [concept explained]
There needs to be Civilian Oversight of Police linked to an independent Grand Jury System.