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Election Eve Email

William Finnerty
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The text in the section below formed part of an "Election Eve Email" (May 22nd 2014) sent this afternoon to Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Enda Kenny TD and to several other senior politicians, lawyers, and medical doctors (using the same e-mail). A copy of the full e-mail sent this afternoon to PM Kenny can be viewed at the following www location:
http://humanrightsireland.com/ PrimeMinisterEndaKennyTD /22May2014/Email.htm


ADDITION #8 (May 22nd 2014)


"Mostly for the purpose of trying to prevent further cover-ups of the criminally fraudulent 'nobody told us' kind, in connection with the extremely serious government crime I have been trying to expose to the general public since mid-1998 -- which I have voluntarily worked at as a full-time occupation, without pay, since retiring in mid 1998 -- and which in more recent times has included efforts ... I will place a copy of this e-mail at the www address just below later today:
http:// www .humanrightsireland.com/ DrJohnKilraineGP / 29October2012 /Email.htm

"From the viewpoint of my mental and physical health, 'THE RIGHT TO REPARATION/GUARANTEES OF NON-RECURRENCE' are the two issues which are by far the most important to me just now. All of my very lengthy research into the matter has left me completely convinced that recovery from the C-PTSD injuries I now suffer from is impossible: unless these two essential healing components of recovery from C-PTSD injuries are put in place as a matter of top priority, in connection with my particular set of psychological injuries."

The above excerpts are from an e-mail sent to Dr John Kilraine GP on October 29th 2012. As can be seen at the " 29Oct2012" www address two paragraphs up, the e-mail in question was copied to Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Enda Kenny TD, to Deputy Prime Minister Eamon Gilmore TD, and to several other senior Republic of Ireland lawyers, politicians and medical doctors (using the same e-mail).

From William Finnerty's viewpoint, in terms of ever receiving any useful help connected with "THE RIGHT TO REPARATION/GUARANTEES OF NON-RECURRENCE" issues, it appears that all concerned must have decided to completely ignore the entire contents of the above mentioned e-mail (dated October 29th 2012 to Dr John Kilraine GP): which they all continue to do, with full impunity.

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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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