The Dem Convention was like a multi-family gathering for Thanksgiving dinner. It ended only with warm goodbyes and hesitant Hope that Christmas will be better.
The Repub Convention was like the gathering of the very rich, selfish and petty, estranged from the live-life-to-prep-for-death-and-meet-God poorer kin, forced to mingle at the wake of old cheapskate great-granddad. It ended with cold, clammy handshakes and stiff hugs, the richer wishing thoughts the poorer “useless eaters” perish soon and the poorer in private prayer the richer be made to pay dearly for sins of flesh, gluttony and false idols of gold.
Diebold vans are as numerous as the cable vans in every city, now, ready to cast our votes for us. The patsies that would have taken the fall for the assassination of Barack Obama will not be charged with the conspiracy least the larger conspiracy be exposed. Still operational, the benefit remains that the forshadowing of political and corporate murder to be has been subliminally planted in the mass mind; so no real surprise when it actually happens. Civil unrest, riots even, is inevitable, but the 600 civilian detention centers spread from coast to coast are ready for occupancy.
Martial law, every lawmaker and Supreme Court Justice__even McCain__under arrest. We mourn Junior Bush, gone to his maker due to a needle-induced heartattack, and bow to Herr Chaney and his corporate Blackwater stormtroopers.
We have learned so much about what has made the United States of America is so easily taken for granted. We as a people rarely appreciate something until it is gone, and only when gone with no hope of return.
We, the nation and it’s people, have squandered our birthright. We are Germany before Crystal Night. The Hope offered by “the One” never had a chance against our own hopelessness and lack of will to fight for ourselves in our own streets while ignoring what carnage curses the streets of Bagdad.
We traded our freedoms for an empty pot of security. We will soon find ourselves with neither.
God Bless Americka.