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Grover Norquist's Plan to Destroy the United States of America

Linda L Schreiber
When asked about the federal government Grover Norquist said, "If I were president for a day: (I would) Fire everybody in government and quit. Then lock the doors to the White House and Congress so no one could get back in." (Campaigns & Elections, 4/1995)

Norquist is author of these quotes, "I'm not in favor of abolishing the government. I just want to shrink it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub" and "Bi-partisanship is another word for date rape" Norquist says he wants to promote bitter partisanship in government of all levels. "We are trying to change the tones in the state capitals--and turn them toward bitter nastiness and partisanship." (Christian Science Monitor, 11/23/2005). When asked in an interview how evolution should be taught in public schools, Norquist replied, "The real problem here is that you shouldn't have government-run schools."

Grover Norquist insists that all Republican senators, representatives, governors, and state legislators sign his pledge to never raise taxes. The national Taxpayer Protection Pledge that Grover Norquist makes the lawmakers sign was started in 1986 as the first project of Americans for Tax Reform. The National Pledge reads:

- I ,____________, pledge to the taxpayers of the _____ district of the State of _________ and to the American People that I will:

- ONE, oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses; and

- TWO, oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates.

All but 13 of 288 GOP lawmakers in Congress have signed this pledge not to raise taxes with the result that no Republican has voted for a major federal tax increase since 1991. More than a dozen governors and hundreds of state legislators are now followers of this revolution against the United States of America.

Norquist says that allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire as promised is raising taxes, and he's willing to demolish any Republican who says otherwise. The "temporary" Bush tax cuts that were to expire in 2012 would produce, more or less; the $4 trillion that the US Government needs to balance its books. It is Grover Norquist's definition of raising taxes that is preventing the Republicans from honoring their word to let the Bush tax cuts expire when they were designed to.

Because of the recent recession, tax collections have fallen to their lowest level as a share of the economy in 60 years. If this keeps up, not only will the federal government fail, but the states in this union may go under as well. Norquist and his rich masters like the Koch brothers are deliberately destroying the Republic in order to rule without restrictions and regulations. The multinational corporations have no loyalty except to the bottom line. The government of the USA is only an impediment to their goals.

Even on the state level, this pledge is being applied to prohibit state lawmakers from asking voters to extend certain existing taxes. In Pennsylvania, the pledge is used to get rid of impact fees on environmentally questionable businesses of extracting gas from underground shale. The pledge is trotted out anywhere there is a possibility of getting the wealthy to pay their fair share.

When Norquist was asked in an interview how he felt about our taxes going to the government to pay for social services such as fire, police, military, that we all use, Norquist said, 'If I don't have to pay any taxes for it, I would forgo all those things! '

Norquist has many interesting ties in Washington. He is President of Americans for Tax Reform. He once worked with the Reagan administration. He was also a founding member of the Islamic Institute , a group which has ties to Saudi finance, and with whom Norquist sought and got Muslim support for President Bush's 2000 election campaign. T here is a significant portion of the conservative establishment that insists that Islam is a religion of peace which included most of the Bush administration and Fox News who has a wealthy Saudi among its financiers. And just a reminder, Osama Ben Laden once said, "Remember, there are no taxes [for Believers] in Islam."

Norquist is married to a Muslim. He married Samah Alrayyes, a Palestinian Muslim, on November 27, 2004. Islamic law limits a Muslim woman to marrying a man who is Muslim yet they were married in a Methodist church in Massachusetts. Alrayyes (now known as Samah Alrayyes Norquist) has Islamic credentials; she served as communications director at the Islamic Free Market Institute, the Islamist organization Norquist helped found. Now, she is employed as a public affairs officer at the U.S. Agency for International Development, USAID.

There is a significant portion of the conservative establishment that insists that Islam is a religion of peace that has been hijacked by a tiny minority of extremists -- including, George W. Bush, Condoleeza Rice, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, etc. And the media types among them will never discuss the jihad ideology or Islamic supremacism fully and honestly, for fear of "offending Muslims" or being portrayed as bigots. This is in good part due to the influence of Grover Norquist.

David Norquist, the older brother of Grover is partner at the privately held accounting firm, Kearney and Company. It runs DFAS, Defense Financial Accounting Services which is everywhere in the federal government. It pays the troops and is in every federal computer. President Bush nominated David L. Norquist, of Virginia, to be Chief Financial Officer at the Department of Homeland Security.

This is who Grover Norquist is and who he is related to. Grover has also been involved with ALEC, Abramoff, Iran Contra, Sharia and so much more. Here is a sample of what I picked up off the web:

The Norquist Cell: Operation GroverKhan, Gary H. Johnson, Jr.


"Scandal is nothing new to Norquist in his lobbying activities. The fact that the Chippewa of Michigan, who were caught up in the Abramoff-Norquist lobby loop, recently paid consulting fees to the MITA Group, where Norquist associate Khaled Saffuri is now employed should surprise no one. With perhaps over 100,000 corporate donors in his little black book, Grover Norquist has escaped the Iran Contra Scandal, the Abramoff/K Street sting, and is now in open battles with Frank Gaffney ( http://archive.frontpagemag.com/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=15084 ) over his relations with Islamists and Republican Senator Tom Coburn, whose spokesman recently labeled Norquist as the "chief cleric of sharia tax law."
First, Grover Norquist is an advocate for legitimating Sharia Compliant Finance as an ethical alternative to capitalism. And second, Norquist's chosen battle ground for this subversive effort has been and remains the chiefly influence- and lobby-based contracts drawn up through USAID."

I found this next blog at Jihadwatch.org. It is written passionately by a person who decidedly does not like Norquist based upon personal experience. You be the judge.

scanderbeg | July 26, 2008 5:20 PM

"I had the unfortunate opportunity to work with Grover Norquist when I was working on the Hill. Attended his weekly Wednesday morning meetings (Gaffney was still there at the time too).

Honestly, I don't think Grover got into this for ideological reasons. Grover is a greedy little b------d, and all the Islamists had to do was wave money at him and he was converted (so to speak). Grover is bought and paid for, regardless of who his clients are. If the money ever stopped flowing, he would change allegiances in a heartbeat. But he will go all-out for his clients as long as the financial pipeline isn't disturbed.

A co-worker and I once made the mistake of attending one of his infamous parties/orgies at his home. We weren't there long. That was the atmosphere in the Americans for Tax Reform crowd. For instance, Grover was outspoken about an office policy he established that he would pay for any female ATR staffer to get pierced. And I'm not talking earrings. And it was common knowledge that Grover played for both teams, his Muslim wife notwithstanding (she came on the scene after my time).

Grover not only uses money to buy influence with politicians, but with the policy wonks themselves. An excellent example is the money he made available to pay for state-based policy groups to attend events, like the annual American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) conferences. His house parties are an instrument of that as well, appealing to the basest instincts of those (usually) new to DC with just about anything you could imagine - and Grover's longtime cronies there to prey upon them. I could go on..."

I truly believe Grover Norquist is a threat to our country. His subversive activities are designed to erode and destroy our country, and he is being paid handsomely to do it. The multinational corporations of the world are globalized and interconnected. http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21228354.500-revealed--the-capitalist-network-that-runs-the-world.html

Their allegiances lie with the bottom line, not to any country and Grover is doing their bidding. Once our government is destroyed, the spoils belong to the multinationals and our great country will be no more. The United States of America began when the colonists rebelled from England and the corporations that were in league with the King, such as the East India Company. The states banded together and kicked the bums out. Will history repeat itself? Will America once again come under the control of the multinational companies or will we come to our senses in time?

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Author, song writer, singer, poet, grandma. BA Political Science, MS Teaching Credential, Distinguished Toastmaster, Doctor of Metaphysics, Concerned citizen, environmental activist and thespian. Northern California. Married with 7 grown children (more...)

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