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How to Frame Lee Harvey Oswald

Dean Hartwell
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Attention Cover-up Team:

We have an important job to do in Dallas. Other people will be firing the shots at President Kennedy and helping with the getaway.

It is our job to use the media to convince the public that only one person acted. Here is what you must remember:

Use your positions of authority to get in front of the TV and news reporters.

Keep bringing up the name Oswald to everyone. Don't betray any doubts.

Tell anyone who may have exculpatory information that they must repeat it to the public if they know what is best for them.

Say nothing of any impersonators in and around Dealey Plaza. Ditto to the planting of evidence.

NEVER change your mind about anything. Just stop saying the bad information you gave earlier.

Avoid calling those with other opinions liars. Just say they must have been mistaken. The "back-up" team will take care of those who don't follow the official line.

Question the patriotism of those who repeatedly question the official story.

Isolate Oswald's wife and threaten to deport her if she doesn't toe the line on Lee's guilt.

Don't let Oswald talk and don't let anything he says to the police be made public. And keep any attorneys away!!!

Construct any documents (like a rifle purchase order) necessaryto tie evidence to Oswald.

Keep saying "three shots from behind the President."

Convince people it was a lone nut. That's a lot easier for people to take than a you-know-what.

Remember that if you control the past you will control the future.

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Dean Hartwell's book, "Planes without Passengers: the Faked Hijackings of 9/11," reached the top of Amazon's charts for large print books on history. He has authored three others: "Facts Talk but the Guilty Walk:the 9/11 No Hijacker Theory and Its (more...)
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