Last night Keith Olberman did what no other cablenews anchor has, focused suspicion on the government fingering of Bruce Ivins as the lone boogyman in the 2001 Anthrax mailings, and the pecular testimony and background of social worker Jean C. Duley: the "therapist" so much of the claims against the scientist is wrapped around.
Olbermann explored with Gerald Posner much of the questions Larisa Alexandrovna raised in an article here:
As the rest of the MSM just reported without examination what the FBI gave them, Keith respected his profession and us enough to peek beneath a convoluted story that. quite simply, makes no sense.
And the explosive revelation of Ron Susskind that the Bush Administration tried to coerce the CIA to forge documentation of an Al Qiada/WMD/Iraq conspiracy is just addressed as denied by the White House. End of the debate that never was, buried with the Niger forgery that slipped through MSN shakey fingers many news cycles ago.
Dennis Kucinich should slam Susskind's book on the desks of Pelosi and Conyers and order them to begin impeachment hearings immediately, or else face ethics charges themselves.