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L.O.S.T. Treaty – Have we "Lost" Our Minds?

Joe Eichler

The Democrats that we put into power to turn things around and bring justice and common sense to the halls of our most prized governing body have been busy as beavers chiseling away at the constitution that they swore to protect.  In this past week alone they have exercised their great wisdom on legislation and bills like the “Hate Crimes Bill”, and the L.O.S.T. Law Of Seas Treaty which if approved gives the UN over 70% control of the worlds waterways all under the cover of the media coverage of the tragic fires in California.


This treaty, if it is approved, could seriously impede our ability to operate our military as well as commercial shipping in international waters.  Would our military have to get approval to send our ships abroad?  What would it do to commercial shipping?  Is there anyone who understands the ramifications of this treaty and how it may affect us economically or militarily?  This is not the first time this proposal has been before our government.  Each time it was raised it was voted down.  It seems that our Democratic leadership, in their infinite wisdom, must know more than their predecessors and the average citizen. 


It seems that this Democratic leadership has adopted the tactics of our Republican friends by operating in a covert fashion.  Who are they representing?  Is there anyone who values the wishes of the people who put them into power?   By the way, I though the reason that the Democrats won the election of 2006 was to end this quagmire we call the “war on terror”.  It seems to me that the two parties are in competition to see who can sell out this country the quickest.

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Way left of right but not too left of center-a moderate progressive.

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