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Lights Out: William Cooper's Warning of The 9/11 Massacre

Saman Mohammadi
Message Saman Mohammadi

Originally written on March 22, 2010.

On September 11, 2001, shortly after the terror attacks, author, radio show host, and our generation's truth-telling trailblazer, William Cooper, began his broadcast by saying:

Ladies and gentlemen, this is William Cooper, and Alan Wiener has asked me to take the, uh, take the microphone on this, . . this probably worst day in the history of the entire world. For what we're witnessing now today is most probably the herald of the, at least, the redefinition of freedom, and most probably it's death.
Cooper, obviously shaken by the sheer act of terror, had more reason to be trembling with fear than the average American because he had predicted that such an event would happen almost three months prior. Specifically, he warned that the controllers of the United States government would stage a false flag attack on American citizens and then blame it on Osama Bin Laden. "I'm telling you," said Cooper on his June 28 broadcast, "be prepared for a major attack. But it won't be Osama Bin Laden. It will be those behind the New World Order." He went on to say, "I wonder what Osama Bin Laden's targets are supposed to be? And if this doesn't materialize in the next two or three weeks, it will eventually materialize, because they haven't succeeded in getting the guns out of the hands of the American people, nor have they succeeded in taking our freedoms away. And so I can tell you with a certainty they must do something terrible."

Cooper was America's vigilant guardian before and on the day of 9/11, when a NORAD training exercise that went by the same name as "Vigilant Guardian," caused enough confusion to disable America's defenses. Even before he made his declaration of an impeding government-orchestrated attack within the United States, Cooper was considered the "most dangerous radio host in America" by then President Bill Clinton, a label just as true as when Henry Kissinger called Daniel Ellsberg the "most dangerous man in America," after he leaked the Pentagon papers. But Cooper didn't just blew the whistle once, he sounded the horn every day on his radio show "Hour of the Time," which was in his stewardship from May, 1992 until November 5th of 2001, the day of his death.

Cooper's life, both on and off the radio, is littered with meaning, and serves as a reminder that not all of us were fooled on 9/11. Some men exposed the machinations of the criminals in charge long before the attacks actually took place, and fervently tried to alert their countrymen. Cooper's warning will go down in history as undoubtedly heroic, legendary, mythical, and his voice will be remembered as immortal for as long as men live.


The 9/11 tragedy caused the deaths of nearly 3,000 Americans, and out of those, less than 300 bodies were found intact. The most visceral memories of that day are images of rising smoke and ash from the collapse of the two towers, but what is often forgotten is that real human beings were lost, some who were recently married, and some who left behind a young family. All of them were brutally murdered in cold blood. A number of them spoke with their loved ones in their last moments, and their recordings have been recently made available to the public in a documentary called "9/11: Phone Calls from the Towers." A listen to anyone of the calls made on that day will make you reflect on the painful urgency in their voices in a way that no film, or song will ever be able to capture. Death visited them on a beautiful, unsuspecting morning, and their families lives, and ours, have changed immeasurably forever. Listening to their last words made me realize even more how important it is for us to re-investigate the attacks, and bring the real perpetrators to justice. If we do otherwise, we will fail the victims, and humanity, and in our failure, we will leave open this painful chapter in history until a darker ending is written, an ending too terrifying to imagine.

"Nothing is at last sacred," wrote Emerson in his essay Self-Reliance, "but the integrity of your own mind." Former Canadian diplomat and Professor Peter Dale Scott must have accepted Emerson's truism early in his life, for he remains a critical voice in academia, and his work has been integral to the public understanding of what really happened on 9/11, and why it happened. His thoughts on the subject of 9/11 and other disconcerting events in recent memory are very illuminating. He ties the 9/11 cover-up to previous acts of cover-ups by the US government, and argues that America is currently under a permanent state of emergency, in which the members of Congress are disallowed from finding out, among other things, COG plans, which were first established during Reagan's era. In a talk he delivered on January 30, 2010 at an anti-war conference in MIT called "9/11, Deep Events, and the Curtailment of US Freedoms," Professor Scott said:

I do not know the truth of what happened on 9/11. I do know for a certainty that there has been a cover-up of 9/11; and also, what the 9/11 Commission itself admits, that there has been high-level governmental lying about what happened, and what didn't happen, on that day. It became clear to me early on that 9/11 was another in a string of what I have called "deep events" -- which I define in my forthcoming book as

events which are systematically ignored, suppressed, or falsified in public (and even internal) government, military and intelligence documents, as well as in the mainstream media and public consciousness. Underlying them is frequently the involvement of deep forces linked to either the drug traffic or to agencies of surveillance (or to both together), whose activities are extremely difficult to discern or document . [6]
Such "deep events" define our eye-opening era. Men are not more paranoid than before, they're just more knowledgeable and outspoken about government crimes and cover-ups, thanks to the Internet, and mavericks on the radio like William Cooper.

In the immediate wake of the 9/11 Massacre, a crime of biblical proportions that is still unsolved to this day, Cooper, while on the air, told the nation in a moment of truth:

"We are truly now at this moment a nation of sheep. And ladies and gentlemen, I assure you that sheep are always led to the slaughter. But it does not have to be that way. There is tremendous power in knowledge. There is also tremendous power in secrecy. Take away that secrecy, you make sure that you're informed, and you can change things. And stop fighting with each other."
The accuracy and potency of his statements are unparalleled by anything that was said on that day, or since. The state of things suggest that the day will come when William Cooper will no longer be considered as America's lost treasure, but recognized as its indescribable hero, who refused to abandon America in her most crucial hour.

William Cooper's Prediction of 9/11 on June 28, 2001.

William Cooper's Live Broadcast on September 11, 2001. He stayed on the air for nine hours. His broadcast will go down in history as one of the greatest acts of truth and courage in modern times.

"Like it or not, everything is changing. The result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active or abdicate. The future is in your hands." - William Cooper, October 24, 1989
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Saman Mohammadi is a soldier of the infowar, and a full-time university student in Toronto, Canada. His blog is The Excavator - http://disquietreservations.blogspot.com.
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