ü Dr. Carl Johann Callemans books "Solving the Greatest Mystery of our Time: The Mayan Calendar" [1999] and "Transformation of Consciousness" [2004] are the sources of the integrated calendrical system shown above.
ü “The Prophet’s Manual” by Daniel Orr is the original source of the fractal math
ü The mayan calendar masters thesis with the orbital analysis and comparison here in PDF is the source of the astronomical tables (not shown):
Download a 65 page PDF file which shows exactly how all of the cycles and counts of days were all counting days as they tracked orbits of the earth, sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars, saturn, transits, and many other of the movements in motion in the solar system in the Milky Way Galaxy in the universe.
The World Tree
It is obvious that we are talking about something entirely different from a "calendar" in the common meaning of the word. It seems that the source of this divine creation is an all-encompasing Creative Principle, the Cosmic World Tree, or what the Maya would call Hunab-Ku, the Vikings Yggdrasil and the Jews the Tree of Life.
Through holographic resonance at the galactic, planetary and human levels this Creative Principle conditions the evolution of consciousness all over the universe, including on our own planet. It does so by creating alternating fields of energy "vibration" that is the schedule of evolution in all aspects of creation.
The Mayan calendar is a way to combine and contrast the similarities and differences of the various energies that change day by day through the light vibrations sent by the World Tree. Its glyphs and numbers symbolize these energies.
To many modern people the existence of a "World Tree" having a role shaping our lives may be too much to swallow...or too much to ignore? Yet, are we not the designers? As the designers of our self and as co-creators in consciousness of our own lives?
I think however that we should be reminded that the idea of a World Tree is one of the most widespread ”Universal Myths” in the ancient world. In the Biblical story of Adam and Eve, the World Tree provides the very stage of divine creation. In the Icelandic Sagas Yggdrasil plays a similar role and among the Maya, one of their best known long-term calendars, the so-called Long Count that started in 3114 BC, was activated by the First Father his raising of the World Tree.
Maybe then there is something here that is important for us to understand. If the World Tree set the stage with divine creation, in several different ancient cultures, widely separated in space and time, maybe we should understand what there is to know? After all, it is hard to fathom that it does not serve an important purpose. With so much interest in the topic, and myths of the World Tree in unrelated cultures and time periods, there must be information that is important for it to be so obscured.
If the Mayan calendar charts the vibrations of the World Tree and this World Tree is all-encompassing and universal in nature then this has a very significant consequence: This is that the cycles of the Mayan calendar are not subordinated to the astronomical cycles of our local planet.
Planetary Pulses
The pulses emitted from the World Tree influence not only our own planet, but also all planetary systems in our galaxy as well as in all other galaxies. If we are to resonate with the pulse energy emanating from the World Tree, there is little to base our notion of time on as the period of our own planet revolution about the Sun.
Calendar Unique?
Unlike all other calendrical systems, it is not based on or subordinated to astronomical cycles. Just like consciousness, it is primary to the movement of matter in motion in the universe, necessary for any system that we believe has prophetic energy. Since the evolution of consciousness is propelled by pulses emanating from the World Tree a prophetic calendar system must be based on these pulses rather than the relative mechanical movements of the Earth, Moon and Sun.
Evolution of Consciousness is Primary to the cycles of celestial bodies in the sky.
To return then to my original question, "Why the Mayan Calendar?" I would like to answer this:
Because human beings in increasing numbers feel the need to synchronize their spiritual evolution with the divine plan rather than with endlessly repeated mechanical movements.
In the present energy of time, , the day energies emitted by the Hunab-Ku have become so powerful that they can no longer be ignored. We are living in a period that propels the evolution of a certain level of consciousness, where strong cosmic energy shifts take place with such a high frequency that people everywhere experience evolution at a faster rate AS IF IT SEEMS a speed-up of our “time.” The rate of evolutionary change DOES increase - due to more and more people = less time for each affect to be manifest here down below.
Actually, as is often said, time is an illusion. This illusion is caused by alternating pulses of consciousness emitted by the World Tree.
The experience of a speed-up of time is:
ü Inconsistent with calendars, [i.e. Gregorian], that are based on mechanical movements.
ü Nor can it be explained by common astrology as the duration of the planetary cycles has not undergone any significant change.
We are thus present to an increasing conflict between two different ways of relating to time:
ü Time based on alternating spiritual fields developing our consciousness, or;
ü Time based on mechanical movements of celestial bodies [like the mechanical gears of a watch].
The the heart of the matter is TIME : TIME, the way we keep TIME, is what should determine our choice of calendar.
ü Do we want a calendar that supports our resonance with the energies of the divine process of creation?
ü Supports the mechanical movements of our solar system?
According to ancient Mayan beliefs the Cosmos was made up by Nine Underworlds. This fundamental idea was expressed very powerfully through their most important pyramids, the Pyramid of the Plumed Serpent in Chichen-Itza, the Pyramid of the Jaguar in Tikal and the Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque, which were all built with Nine different stories.
Now where are these Nine Underworlds? the modern person may ask. Being currently unable to observe this aspect of reality people have in recent centuries for the most part tended to dismiss such ancient myths of different worlds as mere myths or fantasies. If we seek to dismiss the idea of the Nine Underworlds as a mere myth it however becomes difficult to dismiss such ancient myths of different worlds as mere myths or fantasies.
If we seek to dismiss the idea of the Nine Underworlds as a mere myth it however becomes difficult to explain that the number Nine seems to have been regarded as a Holy number of fundamental importance in so many different cultures, cultures that certainly did not enjoy extensive contacts.
Thus, in the:
ü Far East Nine-storied pagodas are commonly occurring, among the
ü Jews there were Nine doors to the holiest part of the Temple and there are Nine arms of the Hanukkah candelabra. Among the
ü Muslims the Holy month of Ramadan is the Ninth month of the year and in
ü Viking mythology the Cosmos was described as being composed by Nine worlds.
Thus people in different parts of the world all symbolically expressed the holiness of the number Nine.
Maybe then there is some kind of universal truth underlying this number, some profound reason that it has independently in different cultures come to be considered as holy.
When the Christian missionaries heard about the Nine Underworlds of the Maya they interpreted these as Hells, but this seems to be way off the mark. If these were Hells, or some locations below the surface of the earth as some have inferred, why then would the Mayan kings have climbed to the top of these supposed Hells to perform sacred rituals on the pyramids.
Rather than a hierarchical structure of Hells the Mayan pyramids were viewed as World Mountains - symbols of the Cosmos.
Since we ourselves are living in the Cosmos it thus seems more reasonable that the Underworlds are located right here in the physical world "Below" - where we ourselves are living our lives.
Why then Nine Underworlds? Why not just one Underworld?
To answer this we need to look at the longer cycles of time described by the Maya and see how these conform to the facts and datings for key steps in Cosmic evolution provided by modern science. We should then first note that similarly to the pyramids raised by the Maya their calendrical system is also hierarchical in nature, and in the Table above there are Nine different time cycles linked to the 360-day year, the tun.
A sequence of Thirteen such time periods would then make up a creation cycle of Thirteen Heavens with the specified durations.
Thus, each of the Nine Underworlds was created through a sequence of Thirteen Heavens.
To exemplify, the longest of the tun-based time cycles was the hablatun of = 1.28 billion years.
Thirteen [13] hablatuns makes up a creation cycle of a total duration of 13 x 1.28 = 16.64 billion years that created the lowest, the first Underworld.
This is a curious finding since this time period, 16.64 billion years, is very close to the age of the universe, 15 billion years, the time when matter first emerged from light.
The beginning of the creation of the First Underworld thus coincides well with the current best estimate of the beginning of Creation. This is a fact with very far-reaching consequences, since it means that all we today know to exist - all that has come into existence in the universe since the beginning of time - is included in the time span of the most basic of the creation cycles, the cycle of thirteen [13] hablatuns, which creates the first of the Nine Underworlds.
Mayan calendrics and the Mayan cosmology of Nine Underworlds and Thirteen Heavens is thus a tool for the evolution of creation and the transformation of consciousness.
Upon this the most basic of the Nine Underworlds, are then built eight [8] other Underworlds each carrying and developing a special frame of consciousness for the life that it creates.
In this way a hierarchical nine [9] level structure is created where lower levels of consciousness provide the foundation for new and higher levels.
Each of these nine [9] creation cycles thus gives rise to a specific Underworld and each of these Underworlds is characterised by a certain frame, or dimension, of consciousness.
This frame of consciousness is then created in a series of thirteen steps, through the sequential influence of Thirteen [13] metaphorical Heavens.
The beginnings of these sequences of Thirteen [13] Heavens are marked by crucial events in cosmic evolution such as we know them from the datings of modern science.
At the present time we are beginning to enter the eighth level of consciousness of the cosmic pyramid, based on the foundation provided by the seven lower levels.
This 8th level may be referred to as the Galactic frame of consciousness as it will step by step lead humanity to identify primarily with the galaxy.
The highest level of consciousness, the Universal, will be attained through the workings of the Ninth Underworld in the year 2011 and will result in a timeless cosmic consciousness, and a citizenship in the universe, on the part of humanity.
At the extreme left are the exact durations that the respective Underworlds have been dominating and in the second column are stated the beginnings dates of these.
In the middle column are listed the phenomena that initiate the evolution of these different Underworlds and to the right of these the types, or levels, of consciousness that they serve to develop.
While the evolution of the Four lower levels of consciousness are all expressed as biological evolution the Five highest levels of consciousness carry the evolution of the cultural, technological and spiritual aspects of the human being.
At the present time human beings are also beginning to develop a meta-consciousness, an awareness of the evolution of consciousness, that allows her to look upon creation from a higher perspective than the "frog perspective" of everyday human life.
The Cosmic Consciousness of Universal Man as prophecised in many spiritual traditions is increasingly becoming a real possibility.
• A map of time and place throughout history.
• A road map is not a crystal ball, you don’t know just what will happen when you get to a destination.
• But knowing where you are going and seeing the landmarks along the way, is very reassuring.
• If you’ve been to a place before, you can prepare for the circumstances you will find there.
• If you were going to Paris for example, you’d need French francs and some French phrases.
• This Creation pattern has repeated 7 times before and so we have, or at least consciousness has, been through all of this before.
• The actual pattern of Creation described by the Mayan calendar looks like a pyramid with 9 levels. Immensely long periods of time with shorter and shorter periods stacked on top. Or even more accurately, as a set of nestled vessels, each of them 20 times smaller than the last.
• Due to population growth, each of 9 Creation cycles runs thru in time measured as 20 x less than previous cycle.
• Each of these cycles is further ÷ into 13 equal sections of time.
• Each = Aspect / Intention of Creation.
• There are 7 sections of day and 6 sections of night to each level. The Sumerian, and Mesopotamians wrote this same pattern in clay tablets as their understanding of Creation.
• The Ancient Vedic texts, that are the basis of Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism and Taoism have the same understanding of 9 levels with 13 Heavens [6 Days & 7 Nights a metaphorical 'week'] each.
• Our own Bible, states that there were 7 days to Creation in the book of Genesis [but did not mention 'nights' only 'days'];
9 Evolutionary Worlds - Under Which Each Level consciousness evolves matter and motion thru 13 Heavens = 6 Nights + 7 Days
In Dr. Carl J. Calleman’s book, “Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time, The Mayan Calendar,” click here he carefully lays out all of the scientifically accurate facts used to prove this thesis. The article here is not meant to fill everything in, just give an over all view. It is hoped that each person will investigate these facts for themselves and not take any of this on “Faith”. Belief in this thesis is actually counter-productive for two basic reasons; those without adequate knowledge can not effectively pass the information to others and a formula that I have developed which states;
“Peace of Mind” comes when a person is “Centered.” Centered-ness comes from Certainty. “Certainty comes from the recognition of patterns. So the stability of your “Peace of Mind” is directly related to your degree of certainty.
Blind faith, in my opinion, is not certainty but an obstruction of any facts that might undercut the faith. Thus creating a limit to one’s true Peace of Mind.
This in turn is the generator of all types of defensive measures including wars, to protect one’s personal faith in how things are or ought to be. We’ve gone down that road far enough don’t you think?
I would like to show the evolution of Religious thought as a further demonstration of this schedule. This is something that all religious scholars can agree on no matter what denomination or personal agenda.
Materialist and Spiritual Calendars
Not many people would believe that the calendar or the chronology they are using shape the way they look at the world. While we for instance take it for granted that a belief in God leads to a different world view than a lack of belief in God not many would think that their calendars condition and shape their views of the world in a similar way. But maybe our calendars shape our view of the world all the more so just because of the very fact we do not think that they matter. Since we are blind to their importance they may insidiously indoctrinate us to look at the world in a special way that we have no choice about especially if we are ignorant about the alternatives.
Today the Gregorian calendar clearly dominates the world, and then, above all, the world of business since all economic agreements are timed according to this calendar. That a calendar with such a function is linked to the astronomical, i.e. physical and material, year is hardly an accident since a materialist philosophy and attitude towards life have generated both the economic transactions and the astronomical calendar.
The Gregorian calendar is based on a fairly exact estimate, 365.2425 days, of the duration of the solar year. Thus it conditions human beings as exactly as possibly to follow the physical cycles and indoctrinates us to believe that the material reality is the primary.
The Classical Mayan people on the other hand celebrated their birthdays every 360 days, their tzolkin days every 260 days, and their chronology, the Long Count, which was not based on the physical solar year, but on galactic spirituality as represented in stages of evolution as more and various cycles with an entirely different meaning.
And even if the tzolkin count that was used in ancient Mesoamerica was unique in the world we do know that all of the ancient high cultures of the world used a holy 360-day "year" in parallel with the astronomic 365-day calendar that they used for agricultural purposes. To follow a 365-day calendar was obviously necessary for providing sustenance - but not sufficient for the prophecies, which required a 360-day period! Thus, in Sumeria a time period called a schar which lasted for 3600 days, i.e. 10 "years" of 360 days each was also used. The Egyptians followed a 360-day year to which was added 5 days "when the gods were born," something which clearly demonstrates that these peoples were aware of the religious character of the 360-day year in contrast to the astronomical year.
It is believed that prior to the introduction of the Julian calendar around 40 BC ancient Rome would use a 360-day calendar and the same is true for the Nordic countries judging from ceremonial centres. From the Book of Revelation [12:6 and 12:14] we may gather from some detective work that the Jews at the time said book was written considered 360 days as a "time." Also in ancient China a religious 360-day year was followed that was divided into six periods of sixty days each, and in the ancient Hindu culture 360 days was considered as a "night of Brahman" again linking this time period to a divine process of Creation. Among the Maya such a period of 360 days was called a tun, and it was at the beginning of each new tun or katun [20 tuns] that the priests would gather to make prophecies for the coming "age." Hence the Mayan concept of "ages" was based on the tun.
All of these ancient cultures, originating in such different parts of the world, were in possession of sufficiently advanced astronomical knowledge to have estimated the solar year to about 365 1/4 days. Yet, they choose to use a 360-day year in parallel with the astronomical year. Why? The fact that the Maya priests would gather every 360 days to make their prophecies hints at the answer. The evolution of the human consciousness and the divine plan for the evolution of this is based on the tun.
If we think about it, it is not very surprising that the evolution of human consciousness does not follow the 365-day year: If matter - but not consciousness - is an illusion, why then would the evolution of consciousness depend on the cyclical movements of matter - such as for instance the revolution of the earth around the sun in 365 days. Since today people in general have ceased to follow the 360-day year and have accepted the dominance of the Gregorian calendar we have also become blind to the fact that there exists a divine plan and that this divine plan proceeds independently of anything physical or material. When we start to follow a calendar based on the Holy 360-day year we will once again open our eyes to the spiritual and divine reality. Conversely, the spiritual seekers are already beginning to realize the value of following a tun-based calendar as a guide to the divine pulses of light.
What makes the Mayan Calendar our Currency of Consciousness?
A person with no previous exposure to the Mayan Calendar will sometimes initially be surprised by the fact that some people today take such an interest in an ancient calendar.
After all, human history has seen a high number of different calendars. Is not then the Mayan calendar just a very specialized subject of interest only to specialists or history buffs?
“Why would the world today need another calendar than the Gregorian or Muslim that are currently in use? Why should this be the Mayan calendar?” some may ask.
It does not have to be this or that way - we are evolved and that means we have the options from which to choose! Many people feel there are important realizations to be experienced and intuition to be known but most of that is impossible on a calendar that has the motto:
T.I.M.E. = M.O.N.Y.
Unfortunately, today people do not have an educated knowledge of the South American native cultures in general, and very few know of the importance of the Mayan civilization.
Many are surprised to learn that in the 5th to 9th centuries AD, the Mayan cities were among the largest in the world and developed the most advanced mathematics and astronomy of their day. There were areas of astronomy and mathematics in which they progressed well beyond the rest of the world population at the time. The population of South America at one point during the peak of their civilization was over 2.5 million people!
And so, even if the Native American civilizations hardly survived the later contact with the Europeans they were and are the carriers of a significant and irreplaceable part of the global human consciousness.
When we talk about the Mayan Calendar something profoundly different is meant than just a system to mark off the passage of time. The Mayan Calendar is above all a prophetic calendar that may help us understand the past and foresee the future. It is a mathematically precise system of the Ages that describes the progression of our evolution in stages of Days & Nights [or "Heavens"] and Nine Levels of "Underworlds" to frame the human consciousness for our thinking and acting within a given Age.
The Mayan Calendar provides an exact schedule for the Cosmic Plan and the unfolding of all things that come into existence. There is now ample empirical evidence for this, something that shines new light on the age old questions of mankind. Things do exist for a reason.
The reason is that they fit into the divine cosmic plan. For those that seriously engage in a study of the Mayan Calendar this soon becomes evident and the former materialist world view loses all relevance. The Mayan Calendar is a gateway to the worlds of consciousness which the majority of humanity has been completely lacking awareness due to the world-wide universal acceptance of material calendars [i.e. Gregorian, Julian].
Since everything that exists is an aspect of consciousness, and the Mayan Calendar describes the evolution of consciousness in all aspects of creation, it encompasses all of past and all of the future energies. How to align the energies with our activities as human beings to create consciousness in life is what the calendar is all about.
It is not to predict WHAT WILL HAPPEN - but to prepare for the ENERGY of each day knowing WHAT ASPECTS WILL BE for each day - according to what we focus our attention in alignment.
All science is included;
All religion is included;
All of life is now.
We are all here for a reason.
Time will not always be equal to dollar$.
Time for a new perspective - of intuition, with spirit and inspiration. Time is what we make of it!
The calendar as the source of consciousness within a society, country, culture - eventually the whole planet.
Consider how many different ways our society relies on the calendar to function - and communicate - to organize the communication, to communicate the organization.
A calendar is - between people, communities or countries - the only way functions between the two can be reliably organized or communicated.
Think about how ingrained it is to every day of our lives:
When was the last time someone asked you what day it was?
Or when did you last ask someone what day it was?
If you remember those days in college, then you must remember how valuable they were because of the way it made you feel. Even if it was temporary, and we knew it was temporary, we still got to enjoy what always carried with it the sense that the experience was temporary. Just like life itself.
Everything is temporary because nothing ever stops.
We may rest but we are never completely without motion - because that would mean without life!
If nothing ever stops then no wonder a structure becomes to seem so valuable that we take it for granted. Until we really stop and think about it...and if you are defensive, or anxious just thinking about it? Totally expected and normal reaction.
The calendar literally provides the foundation of our civilized, consumerized, corporatocracized, calamatized - consciousness.
Nevertheless, failure to identify the aspects in which we are aware of our conscious co-creation will not impress the evolutionary gate keepers, but all we can really do for anyone else? Is to help our self...It sounds counter-intuitive, I know, but that is part of the problem that is the Painful Realignment we all must go through one way or another.
We don't HAVE to do anything.
It is our will to choose.
We ARE free to do that, I believe...
Absolute Power Corrupts ABSOLUTELY.
Consciousness is primary to matter and motion:
• Without matter, no motion.
• Without motion, no matter.
• Without spirit, no matter or motion
• Without spirit, no conscious awareness.
Everything else flows from creation, in consciousness, whether or not we are aware of it.
It is as it is.
Role Models of society that we can no longer trust:
1. Roman Catholic Priests.
2. Bishops & Cardinals
3. Jesuits
4. L.A. Police
5. Baseball players.
6. Government officials at all levels.
7. Attorneys that you paid to represent your 'interest.'
8. Teachers • Public & Private
9. Patriotism meant doing right by doing good;
10. Semantics of certain words would not be used against us and our children to create even more fear and anxiety to further drive families apart.