Mayan Fractal Connections:
• 360 is obviously close to the number of days of the year;
• 360 can be divided evenly by all of the digits other than 7;
• 100 can only be divided evenly by 4 of the digits [instead of 8 digits for 360].
• 360 = [6 x 60]
• 12 = # astronomical signs of the zodiac
• [2 x 360 = 720] = 6! = [6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1]
• [3 x 360] = 1080 = radius of the Moon in miles
• 1080 = # of degrees in regular octagon
• [3 x 720] = 2160= Moon diameter
• 2160 = [25,920 / 12] = 1/12th Precession of the Equinoxes = [25,920 /12]
• [720 + 1080 + 2160] = 3960 = Earth radius in miles.
• 7! = [7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1] = 5040 = Earth + Moon radii in miles
• [12!/8!] = 11,880 = Earth radius + diameter in miles.
• These # all reduce to 9 & 360.
• [13! / 9!] - [12! / 8!] = 5,280 = # feet in a mile
• [360 x 2] = 720 = 6! [i.e. 6x5x4x3x2x1].
• [360 x 3] = 1,080 = # degrees in a regular octagon; also = Moon radius in miles.
• [720 • 3] = 2,160 = Moon diameter in miles; also = 1/12th Precession of the Equinoxes = [25,920 / 12].
• [13!/9!] - [12!/8!] = 5,280, the number of feet in a mile.
Fractal Focus:
Earth Diameter = 7,920
Moon Diameter = 2,160
Circle Diameter = 360º
Earth's Diameter [ED]:
ED = 7,920 miles = [11 x 720] or 10-fold recursion of initial 720-fold sequence
[where 11 is inversion of 90º curvature or double repetition of one inertial 360º here and now].
Moon's orbital [MO]:
= [3 x 720] = 2,160 miles : 11/3 fractality or difference of [11 - 3] = 8
7,920 - 2,160 = 5,760 / 100 = 57.6º = curvature of orbital precession/perihelion advance;
57.6º = [8 x 7.2] where [7.2 x 10] = 72º = curvature of rotational precession of equinoxes.
Earth/moon spatial duality [size ratio] determines the motion DURATION of precessional periods:
7,920 - [2 x 720] = 6,480º = ¼ Rotational Duration of Precession of Equinoxes; and
7,920 - [3 x 720] = 5,760º = ½ way between perihelion and precession cycles
10 x 72 = 720º is sum of corner-angles on the surface of a tetrahedron
one [1] out of 10 in 360º curvature or 1 whole sequence of double helix,
which is therefore
10 x 10 x 72 = 7,200
Number 10 or 10-fold recursion [repetition] in itself stands for
3²+1 – dual 3D and/or triple duality, which is
9-fold recursion [fractal repetition] in context of inertial
1. i.e. 10-fold repetition is 9-fold fractal repetition
[i.e. expansion or fractal growth] of inertial singularity, 10 space/time harmonics
= [2 x 3 = 6 space] x [2 x 2 = 4 time] harmonics
10 harmonics are 5 space/time and 5 time/space harmonics or duality of a pentagram
10 harmonics are 6/4 or 3/2 ratio
inertia [1] in its time curvature [5],
therefore 6 different spatial permutations,
where last spatial permutation [end] is also first time permutation [beginning]
whole cycle is [6 x 4 = 24] and/or
[3/2 x 24 = 36] or [1/10 of a curvature = 360]
6 spatial spheres in context of 4 time spheres is 24 different space/time spheres
or 24 fractals of one whole and
24 + its boundary [flattened limits or horizon, i.e. change + its inertia]
is 24+12 = 36 = 6².
And 10 x 36 = 360º
or 360 different fractal sequences of one whole [quanta].
That brings us back to 720º of a tetrahedron,
which is duality [space/time] of inertial 360º curvature.
• 360º is therefore not an arbitrary measure but perfect definition of fractality
in which 360 cycles of a smaller spin [rotation] is one cycle of a larger spin [orbital].
It’s a definition of time within time.
But so is 24-hr cycle [day] or 25,920 year cycle [precession].
It’s one time in relatively different fractal curvatures or different densities of one time.
360º [2?] is spatial curvature of time and/or time curvature of space.
Both are 720º [4?], where ? is ratio between linear direction [infinity] and curvature [singularity],
therefore space/time or light speed difference.
129600 = [25 x 5184]
where 25 is [24-fold cycle + its inertia] or
[¼ of 100-fold repetition]
[[81²] - 81] [inertia] = 6480 years.
[0.9 x 6480] = 5760
or [100 x 57.6] [rate of orbital precession/perihelion advance].
90º in space is 360º in time [and/or 1440º in gravity].
Space and time are 3D/4D reality –
it’s [3^4] = 81-fold recursion or non-inertial
[9²-9] [inertia] = 72 fold curvature [rate of rotational precession].
[0.9 x 2 x 360]
or [7200-720 = 6480] years [720/1.11…].
[360 = 5 x 72] or [10 x 36] sequences [singularity vs. duality],
while [720 = 10 x 72] or [20 x 36]
or [8 x 9 x 10]
72 years per 1º of precession and/or 60 years per 1º of orbital [perihelion] precession
more accurately [57.6 = 4x14.4]
or [8x7.2] years excluding inertia of 2.4, i.e. excluding proportion of a particle from a perfect non-inertial wave].
Not to get involved in too technical details that are at length discussed in the book,
it will suffice to say that a quantum of curvature
is ¼ or 90º [i.e. 1/11 = 0.90909…] .
Just as 1/9 = 0.111… - 90º is boundary or limit of space in time and/or time in space
[point of inversion between singularity/infinity or space and time].
It’s a point where infinite is reduced to finite and/or vice versa.
Same 90º boundary here and now [earth] is
72º in solar and
60º in galactic context.
Such 90º boundary is also inertion inclusive or particle/wave duality.
Pure wave is inertionless – i.e. it’s
[90 - 3.6 = 86.4º]
hence 86,400 sec of a day
[6 x 4 = 24] and/or [3/2 x 24 = 36]
or [1/10 x 360 = 36] of a curvature
90º in space is 360º in time [and/or 1,440º in gravity].
Space and time are 3D/4D reality –
it’s [3^4 = 81] fold recursion
or non-inertial [9² = 81] - [9 [inertia] = 72] fold curvature
rate of rotational precession.
Boundary of time in space and/or space in time is thus:
[[81²] - 81] [inertia] = 6,480 years.
[0.9 x 6,480] = 5,760
or [100 x 57.6] [rate of orbital precession/perihelion advance].
As noted above, curvature is 360º,
while exponential curvature within curvature is
[360² = 6^4x10² = 1296,00]
which is boundary in time of constant gravity, just as
6,480 [5,184] years is boundary of linear time
[6² x 10 = 360] is boundary of rotation within orbital
while [6^4 x 10² = 129,600] is boundary of orbital within precession].
Every 5,184 years, time ends/begin =
25,920/5 = 5,184
5,184 x 5/4 = 6,480
Every 129,600 years gravity ends/begin [change of frequencies or spectral lines, density].
129,600 x 4 = 518,400
= ¼ of total [360º] gravitational curvature
518,400/6 x 5 = 432,000
= 432,000 years – or non-inertial period of
[5/6 x 518400] since it’s 5/6 fractality
as opposed to 4/5 fractality between space and time.
Where 432,000 is [10 x 1/2 x 86,400 sec of a day]
432,000/5 = 86,400
Where 86,400 = [720 x 100 + 2 x 720 x 10 [inertia]]
or [72 + 14.4 x 10³],
which is [6 x 14.4] or [12 x 7.2] or [24 x 3.6]
86400/360/5 = 48
48/36 = 4/3
Singular sequence of double helix is [360 / 5] = 72º ;
larger sequence is [72 x 10] = 720º ;
yet larger sequence is 7,200-fold repetition of initial inertia.
7,200 x 4 = 28800
28,800/25,920 = 10/9
[4 x 7,200 = 28,800] where square [4 linear directions] in time
is curvature in space [fractal or 1.111… difference].
7,200 x 4 = 28,800
20,736 x 10,000 = 207,360,000
28800-year period is inertial period [curvature] of non-inertial
[28,800 / 1.111] or
[28,800 - 2,880 = 25,920]
year period [precession]
[28,800 - 2,880 = 25,920]
[28,800 / 25,920 = 10/9]
which is [4x6480] year periods of linear times that are 90º angular difference in between.
25920-year period is again inertial period of
[25,920 - [2 x 2,592] = 20,736-year]
non-inertial period of orbital precession [perihelion]
[4 x 5,184 = 20,736] ;
[25,920 / 20,736 = 5/4]
and 20,736-years
[1/10,000 of galactic orbital, just as earth’s orbital is 1/10,000 light speed]
is again 4 x 5,184-year periods
[4/5 fractality between orbital and rotational precession –
regression of one and advance of another,
which repeats in quanta of 20-fold repetitions also central to Maya cosmology]
Inertia of 25,920-year cycle is
[72 x 72 = 5184] years
while inertia between
[6,480 and 5,184] is [6^4 = 1296] years.
That inertia is relativity of time.
Time is comparable [constant] only in its linear context – i.e. only if less than quantum of space [4D].
Gravitational overlap is overlap within overlap
or inertia of 1,296 –year period,
which is [6 x 10 = 60] years,
hence [5,184 years - 60 years = 5,124-year] period
that is inclusive of its inertial here and now.
[5,124 + 5/4 [inertia]] = 5,125.25 years of one solar cycle of Maya.
5/4 inertia is inertia of rotating/orbiting massive earth or discrepancy
of 5 ¼ days above perfect non-inertial 360-days orbital period.
It’s a massive or size component of wave/particle duality,
where 360 is a perfect wave or motion without inertia of its particle.
It’s [6,480 - 1,296 - 60 + 5/4 = 5,125.25] year period
as a singular quantum of time or one time cycle in which time is linear constant
[1,296 years] is similarly
[5/4] ratio between [6,480/5,184].
[90 x 90 = 8,100]
or non-inertial [8,100 - 900 = 7,200º]
time in space is 5,184 [or 5,125 ¼] years,
horizon of space in time is yet another 90º [72º] curvature
or 373,248 [466,560] year period
C/[1/C] = C²
Earth’s diameter of 7920 miles is
[11 x 720 = 10-fold] recursion of initial 720-fold sequence
Moon’s orbital is
[3 x 720 = 2,160 miles]
11/3 fractality
or [11D - 3D = 8D] fractal difference.
[7,920 - 2,160 = 5,760]
which is [100 x 57.6]
curvature of orbital precession/perihelion advance,
which is
[8 x 7.2] and [7.2 = 1/10] curvature of rotational precession of equinoxes.
Earth/moon spatial duality [sizes] determines time periods
of orbital and rotational precessional time periods [motions].
[7,920 - [2 x 720] = 6,480]
or ¼ precession of equinoxes
[7,920 - [3 x 720] = 5,760] moon's orbital
½-way [symmetry] between perihelion and precession cycles
[6,480 - 720 = 5,760]
7,920-2,160 = 5,760
just as [5760 - 576 = 5184],
5760-576 = 5184
where [720 = 5 x 144]
144 x 5 = 720
and [576 = 4 x 144]
576/144 = 4 ;
i.e. [4/5] fractality.
720/5 = 144 ;
6,480/1 x 4 = 25,920 ;
5,760 x 4 = 23,040
25,920-23,040 = 2,880 ;
2,880/4 = 720
6,480-720 = 5760 ;
5,760/100/8 x 10 = 72
And there is more –
7920 / 2160 = 3.666
or 1/100 of orbital cycle of 360 + 6 = 366 days
[excluding ¾ inertia] or
simply 360 when reduced to 2D sequence.
7,920/2,160 = 11/3 ;
11/3 x 360 = 1,320 ;
1,320/120 = 11 ;
1,320/120^-1 = 158,400 ;
55 x 54^1 = 2970
1/3.666… = 0.2777, where both
[3 + 6] and/or [2 + 7]
are total of 9 [closure of a curvature/cycle]
and where 36 = 6²
just as 27 is 3³
i.e. reduction of one is increase of its opposite but inertial whole remains the same.
At the same time moon’s diameter of 2160 miles
correspond to inversion of earth’s rotational velocity
[1 / 0.463 = 2.16 [sec/m]]
in both instances 216 = 6³ or famous triple 6 – definition of fractality.
To spice it a bit more, lets break
720 into [3/2 x 480]
5280/2-480 = 2160 ;
480/720 = 2/3
2 x 360 = 720,
Please see Mayan Math