Pssst, hey, Adolf Putin: Got a minute? Looks like you could use a little help. You know, a word of advice? Well, here ya go. The next time you want to invade a foreign country, overthrow its leadership, and install a puppet government ready to kiss your butt, you may want to pick a country that isn't so tied to democratic values and friendships.
When you make your entire living on lies, your credibility never gets above zero. And your false flags are so obvious, even your own people, who are deliberately kept apart from truth to the best of your ability, can see through the lies.
You know that letter Z that you keep putting on all your trucks and tanks that are invading Ukraine? Well, that letter Z is the LAST one in our alphabet, and you don't even HAVE it in YOUR alphabet. Last place. Everything else is ahead of you.
Your dwindling morale is a serious issue, both in your invading troops, and in your upper echelon leadership back home, some of whom are now resigning. Big bad Russia is getting its ass kicked by little old Ukraine. Oops!
What's the matter? Can't find any Nazis? Well, here's an idea. Maybe you need to look for that important letter in their name. You know, that letter Z?