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Message to the Media: GET THE NEWS OUT NOW!

steve windisch
Message steve windisch
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The below linked video is important for many reasons; please take the
time to watch it despite how disturbing it is... We all need to be a
Witness to what is happening at "ground zero" of the BP Gulf Disaster.


The distressed creatures we saw there are surely long dead now. As are
millions of the wild inhabitants of the gulf of every species. This is
a horror; a nightmare, a hideous waking dream of utter destruction and

But what this video does a very good and important job of doing, is
providing a rare permanent and graphic record... EVIDENCE of the
burning at sea of the oil / dispersant mix, which is spewing huge
amounts of highly toxic gasses into the atmosphere daily. I recommend
downloading the video to disk; since these are one of the very few
images we have of this particular illegal and horribly dangerous

What we are actually seeing in those multiple black clouds of rising smoke...

Is potential mass murder from inexcusable negligence.

Criminal negligence on top of already inexcusable negligence.

So the question should be, are humans on land next to die? Children and
old people would be the first. Possible crop failures, huge die-offs of
LAND animals, toxic rain covering everything in its path like some
Biblical horror... These are the harbingers of death that cannot be
ignored... Nor "spun" plausibly by any talking head.


There have been a handful of short local news reports that mention the
danger, that i am aware of. Adding these together, is less than the air
time allotted for local sports. Perhaps more importantly, these thin
and terse reports do not "connect the dots" for the viewers and are
just left hanging sandwiched in between traffic accidents and other
news... The appear to be little more than "C.Y.A." for the local
officials; not real warnings. None have apparently been picked up by
the parent national networks. The word "benzene" appears to have been
"verboten" there from the first day of this horrorible man-made

This is an immediate Public Health Issue of vast national, and
international importance. Refusing to report on it is not only a Crime
Against Humanity, but it cannot be hidden or denied by very definition;
and it is frankly stupid to expect it not to come out anyway. The
desperation and PANIC that now exists to maintain the tight and illegal
corporate control of the energy sector, to maintain the current
monopoly paradigm despite the signs that it could be soon ending; is
what appears to be behind this very unwise and DESPERATE suppression.

They have miscalculated, and won't get away with it this time.

But that is not the true issue... The real issue is, that lives are at
risk and these people who are now at risk, are not being properly told.

Please consider this folks:

If the mainstream media goes on ignoring this, thousands could die, and
millions become ill. There will be NO SPINNING IT. It could easily
eventually be the U.S. mainstream media's graveyard, too.

Let's be VERY CLEAR HERE: These are not "NWO theories" like the many
deliberately absurd dis-info psy-op games we see coming out every day
about this, being circulated to muddy and obscure the truth... These
very serious dangers are scientifically measurable and EASILY PROVED.
They cannot be hidden; rain cannot be "stopped"; anyone can grab a
sample of it. And it IS raining deadly poison now; the proof from local
residents is clear and will soon be irrefutable by scientific evidence
from analysis... The scientific evidence at local Universities already
exists; and has been reported on television news in Lousiana. This is
Legal Evidence that cannot be denied.

Many good people are working to bring this news out now. And it will come out: The question is, how many must die first.

Is protecting a criminal corporation worth sacrificing the life of even one child?

PRAY for the people of the gulf area, folks. As long as this burning
continues, winds and rain from the South are highly dangerous for the
people of LA, MS, AL... Winds from the East are dangerous to those of
the Texas coast... Winds from the North are a danger to the people of
Mexico... From the West, to those living in Florida and Cuba, and


If you do not now act you are a co-conspirator in the deaths that will very likely soon come out into the open anyway.

There is no middle ground, no "fence" to sit on. This cannot be
forgotten, nor forgiven. No "Dan Rather sheep-dip shenanigans" can
obscure it; no more pretending here. This is NOT a political football
filled with compressed B-S to kick around; where the result is
meaningless anyway.

It will be naked and ugly proof that sociopaths cannot be allowed to
have access to our air waves (... nor their clients allowed access to
implements of mass destruction).

Even the sleepiest couch potato, will be motivated when their family's
lives are put at risk... it is "instinctual", it is inevitable, and it
will prove to be a highly volatile situation for those at the other end
of that anger... As all of a sudden, we will see the government forced
to act by events, simply to cover themselves.

Oops.. Suddenly, no more "cover". Feel that poison breeze on your exposed backside?

Consider this: If a Federal or State Prosecutor is at risk of
corruption charges for refusing to prosecute despite huge public outcry
and undisputable evidence... do you feel good about YOUR chances of
staying out of prison?

Every day the media refuses to report on this public health danger, can
be another decade in prison term for the members of it who remained
silent. How can these people justify this to themselves, anyway? Is a
"career" worth helping to KILL innocents for?

Those left holding the bag won't be "protected" any more; when the
roused anger of the population requires a sacrifice. The "Nuremberg
Defense" is worthless and has been completely debunked. You read the
news wires... You see the independent internet news, you see foreign
news reports: You are guilty as well.

And no job, or criminal corporation, is worth the life of a child. If
someone thinks otherwise.. They will soon find how wrong they are about


Or never be forgiven. The names of those who suppress highly important
and pressing public health information, vital to the continued health
of MILLIONS, will be recorded in History. And history doesn't care if a
co-conspirator in crime, trying not to "rock the boat" and keep their
career, was hoping for a new Mercedes with reclining rear seats this
year... nor how famous a talking head WAS before all this happened. It
only records actions and events... and it can be a very harsh judge,

As can a father who's beloved children, parents, and wife have been put at severe risk of death and disease needlessly.

"Why"..? So some scumbag corporation can save a few millions in burning
this poison soup instead of hauling it to shore and processing it

Think about that.

Look into your "closet"; those journalistic ethics are probably around
in there somewhere; discarded years ago... Dig them out now. Grow a set
and protect your OWN interests; and help save some lives before it it
too late.

Or go down the drain to help protect sociopaths... who would give you up to cover themselves in milliseconds... There will be no new Mercedes at the end of that road, either.
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Is a writer and activist in the field of alternative energy. A partial list of his articles can be seen here (or by Searching OpEd News): http://en.wordpress.com/tag/windisch-steve/ He is also the Admin of The Free Energy Facebook Group, all (more...)
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