Top Ten Reasons Our Government is Controlled by Nazis:
1. Our country is suddenly referred to as the "Homeland." Do any Americans ever remember using this term AT ALL before 2001?
2. American citizens are sacrificed in a false flag attack for political and economic gain. I don't need to go much further into this, as those reading this site understand that the government propogated myth of 9/11 is full of holes big enough to fly a 747 through.
3. Our president launched full-scale, unprovoked invasions of sovereign nations, his father did the same and called for a New World Order, and his grandfather was a Nazi profiteer who tried to overthrow our government in the business plot.
4. The media propaganda machine tells us that our problems are caused by terrorists and radicals that question the government. The mouthpiece advocates tasing and illegally detaining anyone who does not pledge allegiance to the criminals (video).
5. Our government took high-level Nazis, excused them of their war crimes, and put them to work for us. The U.S. space program would have suffered greatly without the aid of Werner Von Braun, whose V-2 rocket pummeled London. Wikipedia article and Youtube video about Operation Paperclip and the mind control experiments done by the Nazis on American citizens.
6. There is fluoride being put into our drinking water. This practice was started by none other than the Nazis trying to keep their prison and ghetto populations docile. Link and Youtube video.
7. Our country has an extensive eugenics program (see the "Eugenics in the United States" section). In the early parts of the 20th century, the United States actually had forced sterilization programs. This video is the second part of a three part series by an interesting psychologist discussing the subject. Now, masked as "pro-choice," groups like Planned Parenthood are just one small part of a program to exterminate those deemed not worthy of living. I'm ready to hear people whining about their "right" to kill their children if they want to, but it is besides the point as there are bigger fish to fry.
8. This country's leaders meet in occult rituals. Bohemian Grove (video) is just a more public, cleaned up facade for what is really going on with these Luciferians, Satanists, Illuminati, Masons, Nazis or whatever you would like to call them. If you do not understand that this is just scratching the surface, do your homework. I suggest Jordan Maxwell.
9. We are, and have always been, ruled by Aryans. All but five of our presidents have had blue eyes (the rest were brown). At the turn of the 20th century, about half of all Americans were born with the recessive trait of blue eyes. Now, it is something like 1 in 6 Americans, but that ratio is declining rapidly due to immigration from non-European countries. It should be noted that although Barack Obama does not have blue eyes, his mother was white AND he is related to Dick Cheney. But that is to be expected, as the Aryan-fascist, inbred, pseudo-royalty are ALL related. See the video of the Bush family tree. (If you have read any of my posts before, you might have picked up that my pale, blue-eyed self is a leaf flapping in the breeze on this mangled tree.)
10. This country's Gestapo is even less secretive than the secret police of the Nazis. You are being overtly wire-tapped, spied upon, and your every action is subject to documentation and storage in the many databases of the CIA, NSA, and FBI. You no longer have the rights guaranteed to you by the Bill of Rights, nor do you have Habeas Corpus. Planning to peacefully protest the crime syndicate means that you are subject to raids, brutality, and theft. Glenn Greenwald's provides an enlightening article on the recent non-controversy that happened in St. Paul.
-Von Braun's initial rocket launches into space revealed that there was unaccounted for propulsion, somehow causing the satellites to be orbitting around 1/3 higher than calculated. This was repeated time and again, and this effect was exhibited at varying degrees, indicating some additional energy or anti-gravity source. After "solving the problem" and being able to predictably account for the extra energy, the Apollo series of missions were able to proceed, but a new Black Ops space program was begun with this new technology as the basis and NASA and its operations as an expensive front and public face for what is really going on. If you are interested in this, check out Richard C. Hoagland's interview on Coast to Coast AM.
-Space, astro-theology, and Mars in particular have always been of great fascination for the Nazis. Many Nazis actually believed that their ancestors, the Aryan race, originated from Mars (hence the ruins and Mars as the god of brutal war) and came to Earth, conquering from the North. Many Nazis, such as Von Braun, always dreamed of "going home." There are many reports that there are currently bases of humans on Mars and that vegetation is growing there. There is also much controversy as to what was actually found on the moon (relics, space ships, etc.) The faked moon mission theory seems to have actually been started by NASA themselves. They really did use our money to go to the moon..
-Many people believe that the US government reverse-engineered UFO technology that they were able to shoot down from the sky. This is a possibility, but most evidence seems to indicate that the work that was being done was actually the continuation of Nazi programs. This does not mean that aliens are not playing a part in what is ocurring today, but rather that the most destructive aliens might be the Nazis who have taken over our government.
-It seems that there will be some kind of false flag operation involving UFOs. There will be disclosure of some sort, but it will only present a very small percentage of the truth. Ronald Reagan talks about the threat of invading aliens in this video. He then says the same thing to the UN in this video. I will not take this opportunity to try to convince the reader of the validity of UFOs or try to prove their extistence as anyone with a little intelligence would realize that SOMETHING is going on. I suggest that perhaps much of the activity being reported is not from ETs, but rather Nazi/black-ops craft. Do not be fooled when the revelations about aliens hit. The Nazis control the media.
-The Nazis, with their chains of command still intact, were able to use the compartmentalization, secrecy, and ambitions of our government against us to infiltrate all ranks of government and assume power. Their military might have been eventually defeated, but their ideology and their top brass were not. There were a lot of American businessmen who had sunk a good deal of money into the Nazis that they did not want to see go to waste. Also, the Catholic church did not want to see their good little friends killed and helped many escape.
-You might say, but don't the Jews control the banking system and were not the Nazis all about exterminating the Jews? Well, you have to realize that the Jews that the Nazis killed were not ethnically Jewish. The Nazis did not care about what religion your father or grand-father adopted, but rather what blood and DNA you had in your body. The real ethnic Jews are white and the real white people are pretty much Jewish, hence all the circumcisions and worship of a Jew who lived thousands of years ago. This is a conspiracy of the highest magnitude and religious beliefs and country affiliations have nothing to do with it.
-WAKE UP! Do not cower from controversy. Call these men by their rightful names. They are criminals, liars, murderers, and NAZIS! Don't let yourself become one by falling in line. Resist brainwashing, resist hatred, resist the mainstream, but most importantly just resist.
-We are the Resistance. We must be the change that we wish to see.