The news media has actively begun undermining Obama's presidency in league with their allies in the GOP.Their idea of "bipartisanship" is one in which no number of concessions from Democrats is enoughand no lacking number from Republicans is too little.
The Stimulus Plan should have been analyzed by the news media fot its content, but every network portrayed the Stimulus Bill's differing partisan support as a "failure" of President Obama to win Republican votes but ZERO blame is attached to the GOP's lockstep obstructionist intransigence.
I would hardly call the mainstream media as having a 'liberal bias'. If anything they give 24/7 total airtime to GOP talking points and they then turn around and nitpick all the Democrats as somehow lacking in credibility.
In fact, the opposite is true. Which party put our country in the hole it is in during the last eight years? Yet now, incredibly, the GOP blusterers who are playing partisan hardball are billed as the 'experts on growing the economy" .
Give me a break. The public voted the GOP out precisely because of the GOP's failure and incompetence and malfeasance.
Yet now they are the sudden budget hawks and experts after having wasted 6 trillion dollars on their watch?
This is out of Alice in Wonderland for its very twisting of reality and turning the truth inside out. And the public is made to believe this is 'objective' news reporting?