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Predictions for the winter Solstice, 2012 and beyond

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Today is December 21st 2009, and we shall talk about the changes with effect from today, which is the winter solstice. Now as per the Hindu Vedic Astrology almanac, there have been 3 major changes recently. The planet Saturn moved from Leo into Virgo on September 10th, the planet Rahu moved from Capricorn into Sagittarius on November 17th, and yesterday, the planet Jupiter moved from Capricorn into Aquarius.

Now before we go further, I would like to draw attention to the readers and hundreds of those who receive my newsletters, about my predictions in the newsletter dated September 11th 2009, in which I stated "Mid September to end of October, there may be some big storms that may cause great havoc. There could be some terrorist attacks in India" This period may create some destruction by way of natural calamities like earthquakes, unusual floods, and the oceans and seas may become very rough and there could be abnormal tides."

You must have heard about the huge flood in south India, where millions of people were left homeless, and many hundreds died. The Army, Navy and the Air force were called out for rescue. Over 60,000 houses were washed away in that huge flood which hit the country on October 2nd 2009.

In America, there was a great flood in Georgia on September 22nd, in which some died and many were left homeless. The governor had declared emergency in 17 nearby counties. Earlier on September 9th this year, a flood hit Turkey in which 31 people died and thousands were left homeless. On September 26th, a huge storm hit Philippines where over 50 people died and more than 41000 were seeking refuge. Then in northern England, there was a huge flood on November 11th, due to the heaviest rainfall ever recorded in the British history, in which emergency workers and the Royal Air force were called out for rescue. They said that this kind of rainfall could come in a thousand years and that the rain amounted to Biblical proportions.

In the Far East, an earthquake of magnitude 8 hit the island of Soama on September 29th this year, and soon another earthquake hit the islands of Sumatra on September 30th. This triggered off a Tsunami which killed thousands of people. A second earthquake struck the island on October 2nd in which more disasters happened. Thousands were buried under the rubble, and tens of thousands were left helpless and stranded. This was a very high scale disaster.

There are two things to observe here. First of all the predictions were about huge floods and natural disasters, which was on the dot. Secondly, the dates when these would occur also were quite precise.

The other predictions about some terrorist attack on India also came true as the Indian government arrested many terrorists, who later disclosed that they were planning a similar or larger attack on India along the lines of 26/11 in the city of Mumbai, Bangalore and Delhi. This is just to prove that a deep study of the planets and stars can give us so much insight and information, and that we could prepare ourselves to deal with these situations. Like I had written that this time was a bad time to travel, and people should avoid any overseas travels. I am sure that at the places where these huge floods and destructions took place, there might have been many tourists there also, and who became victims of those unfortunate circumstances.

In one of my earlier newsletters, I had written that the USA would extend its hand of friendship and join hands with India and a couple of other countries. Well, recently on Thanksgiving, the Indian prime minister was invited to the white house as a special guest of honor. Pure vegetarian dishes were specially prepared for him. The Indian prime minister was the first overseas guest of honor since Obama became the president. President Obama also declared that India was indispensable to the U.S. and was an important ally. These foresights help us know the trends of the world situation and open up new doors for prosperity, peace and co-operation.

Now let's move further and look at the present times and the future. For America, this is going to be a new beginning towards learning, discipline, and some realizations about spiritualism by overcoming materialism. Ironically, the planet Saturn is at the same place where it was at the time of its independence. Its quite symbolic that today, the Moon also is in Aquarius, as it was on July 4th 1776. The other planets like Sun, Venus and Mercury are in the rising sign now.

This certainly indicates good times for America. The country will prosper, do good financially, and get support from other countries as well. However the situation regarding war, terrorism, danger to the country and its leaders still exist. Until May 2010, there may be dangers from terrorists and secret conspiracies within the country. A so called ally, a supposed friend and partner country, will betray America in a secret deceptive conspiring manner. This is a militant country, and a non-Christian country.

I see further changes in the government policies from May/ June 2010 onwards. Overall, by the end of 2011, America will overcome all it stresses and tensions, debts, and everything will settle down.

Between now and May/June 2010, some senior popular leader of the country will pass away. Some famous celebrities will also pass away or have some major mishap in their lives. From May 2010 onwards, both Obama and Hillary Clinton will achieve some great success and get some sort of award or recognition. Hillary Clinton will travel to eastern countries and fix some sort of liaison /partnership with at least 3 countries, one of them being India. There will be sharing of technologies and policies for the economic growth of America.

Many of you must have seen the movie 2012. But let me assure you that no such calamity is going to happen. However there are going to be some unusual climatic changes. Mysterious things will start happening, like the timing of the seasons, birds migrating much earlier than normally, summer fruits will start sprouting their flowers in winters, and a very slow reversal of the climatic conditions all over the world. As per the Hindu almanac, the Age of Aquarius is about to end and the Piscean age is soon about to begin. There will be greater and higher forms of communication on earth. New kinds of electromagnetic energies are about to be discovered and the world will realize that there is another dimension of creation, unknown so far. There are in fact higher forms of life in forms of energy, which are not visible to the human eye or cameras. But some new invention and discovery will reveal these energy forms now.

By July 2014, the whole world will know of a great divine perception, that of God's presence on earth, and thereafter there will be a huge wave of transformation of mankind. People all over will be overwhelmed with the great divine grace and energy, which will uplift everyone's soul. From November of 2014, there is going to be a worldwide spiritual wave, and people all over the world will strive for peace, brotherhood and harmony. People of all races and religion, will start to recognize the divinity of that ONE GOD, and there will be a universal acceptance of Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love for God, His creation, harmony amongst fellow human beings, and Non - violence. Within the next 12 years thereafter, there will be a continuous transformation of humanity, and the world will soon see the Golden age. Human beings will be at their true consciousness and live as per the divine Will. This is going to be the new age, the age of Truth and righteousness.

Now for the immediate times, those who have the Moon sign of Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces and Gemini will be facing some challenges due to Saturn. However the Libra and Gemini signs will be getting some good news soon, and will get a streak of good luck from now until May 2010. They may get something going positively in their careers and may have to travel or move. Gemini, Virgo Sagittarius and Pisces people may experience some depressive situations at home and in their personal lives. This may last for the next 5 months.

But really speaking, each one's individual's birth chart will specify how that person will be affected and in which areas. These effects are just general, that too taking their Moon signs into account. In the ancient Hindu scriptures, there are many remedies mentioned to dilute or by-pass the difficult situations in life, be it health, finance, career, family relationships, children etc etc. But let me tell you one most certain fact. And this is as sure as you know that the Sun will rise tomorrow. That is - sincere prayer to God. A sincere one minute prayer to God from the deepest of your heart will reach Him through His Hotline! We all have challenges and difficulties in life. But THAT one lifeline which keeps us going is God. Love God, pray to Him, talk to Him, complain to Him, do all this, but with faith and sincerity. He, the heavenly father will surely respond. Whatever we suffer today, is because of some wrong choices which we have made, on basis of our mind and sense perceptions. Sometimes, these choices are not in harmony with our destiny, and that's why they end up in troubles. An Astrological birth chart will reveal the true destiny of the person, the right directions, the right times and can be a complete guideline to one's course of life and destiny.

May God give us all the wisdom to understand our Karma, and our duty towards humanity and mankind. May He give us Love, so that peace and prosperity may prevail in the world. May He give us faith, so that we live in harmony. May He give us freedom from materialistic delusions, so that we may live in truth, righteousness, peace and love.

May God bless the world.

Dr. Rakesh Kumar

Vedic Astrologer

Founder & Chairman


Website ishwarcenter.org

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Dr. Rakesh Kumar (PHD) is a doctor of Vedic Sciences. He is the founder and chairman of a non-profit spiritual organization called "ISHWAR". Dr. Kumar is a renowned Vedic Astrologer, with more than 30 years experience. Apart from his very (more...)

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