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Repocrats and Dempublicans

Jeffrey Rock
Message Jeffrey Rock

If the voting records of the Blue Dogs are not evidence enough, and if the election victory of the Democrats in 2006 with subsequent lack of action is not enough, then surely the current display of Democratic hypocrisy should do the trick. We are constantly told, every single election, that we must support the Democrats because if we don't the Republicans will win and that would be AWFUL!! However, we have a Democrat in the White House and both houses of Congress are controlled by Democrats yet we still see no movement on core issues. We have an expanding war in the Middle East. Gates is the Secretary of Defense. Illegal wiretapping and renditions are alive and well. Seigelman is still facing a crooked Justice Department, unemployment is skyrocketing while oligopolist bankers are draining our money supply. Obama has resisted prosecution of the Bush junta crimes and in every other way but name is a complete Republican... or so we have come to identify these policies. But now we see that the oligoplists have taken over both parties sufficiently to control all legislation and government policy. The oligopoists have been two steps ahead of the liberals and left wing on every single occasion. Paying politicians in both parties and instructing politicians to switch parties in order to keep the shills in Congress in place are but two of their many effective and devious means of controlling our nation. We must stop falling for the illusion that voting for Democrats means we are voting for a progressive agenda. Voting for either of the two major parties is, in effect, voting for the exact same policies. People still find all sorts of excuses to rationalize voting for Democrats. This is going to kill us. A vote for Democrats is a vote against our own best interests. So even if we lost an election or two, if we create a new party of progressives and vote for them, regardless if this causes Republicans to win another election or two, is our only chance. We have to finally accept that voting for Repocrats or Dempublicans always results in more control by the oligarchs. Our democracy has been all but dismantled. Our economy is in tatters. Our privacy laws, our international agreements, our civil rights have been all but entirely lost. Is it worth it to keep voting for Democrats? The saying goes that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Let's get the proctologist to find our heads and stop being made into fools by the oligarchs. Or is it too late already?

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An economist for 34 years I have remained committed to social justice and economic equality for as long. As long as we keep voting in Tweedly-Demos and Tweedly-Repugs nothing will change. The only way we can affect the political structure is to (more...)
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