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Santa Claus = Accept Lies

Steven G. Erickson
Message Steven G. Erickson

What do we teach our children?

We teach them to believe in Santa Claus. It later becomes clear to them that it is purely a bunch of crap. Most parents want their children to believe in God. Why should they, if the first teachings are based purely on deceit? So, we bribe the children to be good with gifts, we lie to them with humor. The Nanny State is based on lies. Lie the best and the world is yours.

Maybe George Washington was the best propagandist in the land and then became the first US President. Not much has changed in over 200 years. Maybe lying is Government 101. Pagan holidays were morphed into Christian holidays. The ruling elite then wanted the mass of people to have nothing and be happy about it. The people expect to have theirs in the "hereafter , only if they observed the BS and life codes written by the best propagandists of the ancient world. Sheep in the form of people are still on their knees praying to the propagandists' ancient false god.

The razzamatazz about health care is so you don't feel the government hand getting deeper in your purse or wallet, the lack of any real news, the shaft in your hindquarters, and the reality of an awaiting prison cell, beating, or death for being a Big Mouth trying to tell others there really isn't a Santa Claus ...

People of the US, there is no Santa Claus, there is no honest government. If we the people have no tools to force government to be honest, it is not. The below video, an audio interview, is the plain truth about what is our only true check and balance, the courts, and what we have now, an excuse for a court system:

If the courts don't get fixed in any real way in the foreseeable future, I'll be "Free , and "American , at the same time, somewhere else.

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Steven G. Erickson is a freelance cameraman, blogger, photographer, documentary producer, screenwriter, sometimes journalist, and can and will travel anywhere if the terms are right. His objective is to reform America's courts, creating a "People's (more...)
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