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The Debate Over Kucinich and the Presidential Election

Kevin Gosztola
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Over on Debate.com, I just completed a debate where I argued that
Dennis Kucinich is the only Democratic presidential candidate who can beat a Republican in 2008.

I still believe this to be true. And I am interested in any points that would disprove my belief because I do not want another Republican to be elected. It's not my dream to see Giuliani or Huckabee be hailed as our nation's chief.

The debate over Dennis turned out to be more about Barack Obama than Dennis in some cases but I brought it back to the premise of my argument as much as possible.

The debate is in the voting stages right now. Anyone who reads it can tell me if I won or lost by registering a vote in favor of or against the PRO.

We seriously need to have an open discussion like this and I take Dennis's candidacy as a starting point for having an honest discussion. In the general election, I will use the Green Party's presidential candidate to wage the same debate.

If you haven't heard of Debate.com, go to it and start a debate with members. It is great and easy. You can make your debate last for three to four days or three to four hours. It is whatever you can handle.

Sites that allow Americans to engage in broad discussion are to be appreciated. Don't waste this resource or tool which can be used to help shift our way of thinking in America that prevents us from taking back America and making radical change.

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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com
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