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 The Destruction of Constitutional Democratic Government ...

William Finnerty
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To coincide with today's visit, an e-mail was sent this morning to Guardian UK Newspaper Editor Alan Rusbridge which contained the excerpts in the section just below ...

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"Immediately following some lengthy private discussion (involving legal advice) which I had with an experienced judge who works in mainland Europe, I sent a CD ROM containing irrefutable evidence of State corruption to the London address of Amnesty International UK on October 14 2002."

"Twelve days later (i.e. October 26 2002), after Amnesty told me they NOT received the CD ROM evidence I sent to them, I then wrote to the London Metropolitan Police Service to request their help. My letter to the Police (which was insured for consequential loss of 10,000) included two further copies of the CD ROM evidence I had earlier sent to Amnesty International."

To date, William Finnerty continues to be left "completely in the dark" regarding   the mysterious disappearance of the two above-mentioned registered letters dated October 14th 2002 (to Amnesty International UK), and October 26th 2002 (to the London Metropolitan Police Service). In addition, The Royal Mail Service has completely refused to pay any of the 10,000 which the October 26th 2002 registered letter to the London Metropolitan Police Service was insured for. It is also the case that William Finnerty never received any reply from Cherie Booth QC to the registered letter he sent to her on December 21st 2002.

Related Internet Search Engine List #1:
"The dark forces which we do not understand, Queen Elizabeth II, Paul Burrell ..."
http:// tinyurl.com /q2zudel

Related Internet Search Engine List #2:
"Missing registered letter dated October 26 2002 sent to London Metropolitan Police Service , insured for 10,000, Royal Mail, William Finnerty ...
http:// tinyurl.com /phtkuob

 The Destruction of Constitutional Democratic Government  

Related Internet Search Engine List:
"The destruction of democratic constitutional government, through government corruption, crime, cover-ups, bullying, and impunity ..."
http:// tinyurl.com /nr9xa8f

Related list of e-mails sent in recent days:
http://www.humanrightsireland.com/ PresidentMichaelDHiggins /7April2014/Email.htm #RelatedEmailList

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The full text of the e-mail sent to Alan Rusbridge this morning, which was copied to several other people using the same e-mail, can be viewed at:

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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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