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The Right Questions to Ask about 9/11

Dean Hartwell
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The official version of events talks a lot about planes, passengers and hijackers but offers little evidence to support it.  By asking questions about these issues, we can rule out some of the ideas offered about what, if anything, hit the towers.  The questions are simple:

Were there any planes used?

What happened to the flights reportedly hijacked?

Were there any hijackings?

What happened to the passengers?

Who were the passengers?

What were the original plans of those who plotted 9/11?


These are some of the most important questions about the events of 9/11.   Here is where to go to find thoughtful, fact-based answers!

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Dean Hartwell's book, "Planes without Passengers: the Faked Hijackings of 9/11," reached the top of Amazon's charts for large print books on history. He has authored three others: "Facts Talk but the Guilty Walk:the 9/11 No Hijacker Theory and Its (more...)
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